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Remote work from home and coronavirus


The ability to telework from home during the coronavirus is one of the most common benefits employers are offering. But not everyone can appreciate the benefits of a home office and it is better for them to work in the office.

One skiing in Italy and two weeks at home in quarantine. As it spreads around the world, Covid-19 can infect those who love their place at the office desk more than their home computer. Of course, not every job can be done from home, but why not take sick leave.

How to effectively resist procrastination and work from home much more effectively?

get dressed

It's tempting to sit in front of your computer in your pajamas, or even bring your laptop to bed. But when you put on your pajamas, it's much harder to fire up your brain because it feels like it's still night or morning rest. So get up, take a shower, have breakfast and change. So you give the brain a signal that it will work.

Remote work from home and coronavirus


Reserve a workplace

While it's tempting, don't forget to lie on the couch, chair, or bed. If you don't have a work desk, you should take a coffee table or reserve a piece of the dining table. The main thing is to clearly define the part of the house where you will work. Clean up your (temporary) workspace and remove any obstructions from its surroundings. Try to explain to the rest of the family that they shouldn't bother you here. Although if you have small children it will probably be difficult.

Go for a walk

This advice certainly does not apply to those who have been quarantined due to the coronavirus. But if you're working from home for another reason, it's good to get out of the house for an hour and come in and get some fresh air.

Forget TV

You probably don't have a TV in your typical office either. Also, with the TV on, even in the background, you will never be as strong as in relative silence. It will be distracting, not to mention if the program catches your eye for a while.

Remote work from home and coronavirus



At work, you have a lunch break, a kitchenette at the other end of the floor. Working from home is insidious because you have a refrigerator behind your back. Continuous eating, or at least pecking, does not benefit your lifestyle. So prepare your food ahead of time.

"Disconnect" from home

Keep track of your working hours and try not to pay attention to the fact that you are at home. Having to fill up the washing machine in a matter of moments can turn into a protracted shoveling or dusting the house.

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