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How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services


Motivation is the main companion of productivity. Many of us miss it. Therefore, there is a decrease in performance. There is a feeling that you are chronically tired of life. And yet " How to increase productivity "? Let's try to understand our today's article.

In 1915, Albert Einstein created his grand theory of relativity. He worked on it for about 3 years. Day and night, the scientist painstakingly improved his work, without being distracted by anything else. That's what high productivity means. The focus effect is really very important for the implementation of a serious project.

Meditation. Breath control. Mood programming. All this became possible thanks to new services and online applications.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

Increasing Productivity with Headspace

Headspace is an interactive form of meditation learning. Its author is Andy Puddicombe. A well-known popularizer of spiritual practices in the West.

Imagine you work in the morning. Time 16.00. Of course, the brain is already tired, the strength is running out. How to get a "second" wind? – you ask. Everything is simple. Download the Headspace app on your smartphone and you're done. You will quickly increase your productivity factor.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

The principle of all exercises is voice meditation. If we represent the algorithm according to the scheme, then it looks like this:

Note that all meditations are only slightly different from each other. It is noteworthy that one action, as it were, psychologically prepares you for the next level.

Headspace is a collection of video and audio tutorials that will quickly help you learn what is the best position to take during meditation. Here you will learn how to get rid of burdensome thoughts, how to set yourself up in a healthy way. And, in general, find harmony with yourself.

Never before has meditation been so advanced. Headspace is installed in a browser or on an Android/iOS smartphone. Naturally, the system provides for tracking your personal progress and results.        

Note that users receive the first 10 lessons absolutely free of charge, which is a great advantage of this program.

Zenify as a way of non-standard meditation

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

How to increase productivity with Zenify? First, install the application on your smartphone. Next, select the language – for comfortable use of the program. This is, respectively, the current and English version.

Zenify consists of separate levels. Each of them has a list of activities associated with your specific achievements. The uniqueness of this service is that it takes care of the user's progress. Therefore, it is designed to remind you in time when it is time to throw away everything superfluous. And finally, take care of calming your mind.

The productivity score includes approximately 70 levels. The first 3 levels are absolutely free. And this, of course, is a bonus from the developers.

How will your daily routine be built with the Zenify app? It turns out that it all depends on your personal settings. Namely, the frequency you have chosen – for completing tasks. The so-called "Awareness Reminders" will allow you to concentrate on the work that you are doing in a given period of time. It is noteworthy that experts advise paying maximum attention to tasks for relaxation. On average, this is 5 minutes every hour or half an hour.

Defonic – beneficial sound therapy for the brain

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

We have another service in our arsenal that will ensure the development of your abilities. It presents a library of sounds from which you can create a pleasant sound for yourself. What's more, the audio journey with Defonic is available for free.

So feel free to choose what you would like for yourself. Walk along the seashore. Relaxation in the forest thicket. All this will help you to tune in to a good mood and increase your productivity while staying in the workplace.

Productivity will jump with Now Relax

Quite simply today, if you are at work, you can lower the degree of stress. To do this, just install the Now Relax.me service. And you switch your attention for one or two.

What is Now Relax? A program that has absorbed a whole series of landscapes collected from all over the world.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

For each landscape, pleasant sounds are selected that will allow you to relax and enjoy a pleasant pastime. Start using the program to evaluate your productivity.

The source code of the program is in the public domain. Therefore, if desired, users can contribute something of their own here. Unique and individual.

How to Increase Productivity: Shortcuts with Workflow

The Workflow service works on the basis of shortcuts. Using the program, you can easily create GIFs, convert documents to PDF format, and much more.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

A huge benefit of Workflow is its support for extensions through Safari. Also, the database of the service provides a huge list of templates created by other users. These templates are available for download. And if necessary, upload something of your own to the database. Accordingly, for other users.

An interesting function of the service is also the generation of GIFs, based on the given pictures. Therefore, Workflow is an excellent program if development and growth has become your life strategy.

Productivity assessment with Escape

With the free Escape app, you can easily control your productivity. And at the end of the day, see what you were distracted by. And how long did it take you in total?

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

The program is good because it does not distract you during the workflow. However, it does take into account every minute that you spent in third-party applications. Ultimately, you get your personal productivity index.

In the form of a graph, the Escape program exposes the total amount of idle time spent.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

Note that the system is designed to track many sites, including social networks.

Now let's figure out how Escape issues a report to users? So, when you turn on the program, you are welcomed. And after that it provides the results for yesterday.

If you get disappointing results, let that serve as an extra boost to your motivation and productivity.

How to be more productive with the Forest app

The Forest application is designed so that a person can focus on work without being distracted by other things. The application works perfectly on Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

When you need to focus on something, just set a timer in the app (30-120 minutes) and start growing your tree. The bottom line is that when you start the program, you will see a small sprout on the screen. Later it will turn into a large full-fledged tree.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

Let us stipulate that the productivity factor is measured here in a rather unusual way. If you suddenly exit the application, the tree dies. And the program, in turn, asks the user whether he really intends to “kill" what has grown.

With due perseverance, you can grow a huge forest. But the trees will remain all, both healthy and "killed". Therefore, it makes sense not to touch the phone for as long as possible. In this way, you virtually conserve nature. Namely, your own forest.

In addition, each tree grown has its own currency. Subsequently, it is permissible to exchange it for new types of trees. You can also share the application with your friends on social networks.

Day productivity: what other factors can it depend on?

No matter how trite it may sound, but the productivity indicator often depends on how well you planned your day. In order not to be distracted by any extraneous things, you can make yourself a list of tasks – on the way to your goal. And we also note that planning should occur gradually. If at the beginning it is, say, a plan for a week. Ultimately, it should develop into a plan for a month, a year, and so on.

How to Increase Productivity: 7 Super Services

The productivity factor also depends on the mode of the day. To achieve maximum results in your activities, simply take control of your day. What does it mean? Let's say you wake up at 7 am. 15-20 minutes must be devoted to breakfast. 15 minutes – for hygiene procedures. And about the same amount – to change clothes, change shoes, do hair, make-up. Thus, in the morning you should wake up about an hour before going to work. And in the evening, go to bed on time so that by morning the body has time to rest and recover.

Do not forget, plus everything, that productivity assessment is also correctly prioritized. This means that when you have a blockage at work, you should not take on many tasks at once. Do this – go from least important to most important.

To achieve a high productivity factor, try to take breaks. In order for the brain to reboot, periodically move away from the monitor. And free yourself from any information whatsoever.

And lastly, remember that only in a healthy body is a healthy mind. Try to keep a balanced diet. Visit a fitness club or swimming pool so as not to “fall apart” and always feel in good shape. Only in this way will you soon achieve your personal growth. And answer yourself the question " How to increase productivity ?"

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