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Professional burnout – how to get rid of it


Even the most sought-after specialists can lose interest in their work. The specialist begins to get annoyed for no reason, does not perform his duties well enough. And as a result, he becomes indifferent to the sphere of his labor interests. Professional burnout affects not only the results of work.

It also applies to team relationships. Everything in the complex leads to personal problems. Because work entails constant psychological discomfort.

Prolonged stress leads to emotional exhaustion. And it, in turn, becomes a provocateur of physical problems. Consider the main nuances of such a crisis, warning signs and ways to prevent such problems.

How to define professional burnout

The main causes of burnout syndrome include the following:

  • features of age perception of situations;
  • unfavorable working environment;
  • inaction at the initial manifestations of the syndrome.

The problem can be provoked by age-related features. After receiving a specialty, people actively develop. They find a suitable job, strive for financial stability. But by the age of 30-40, financial aspects have been settled, there is own living space, a car, a summer house, etc. And for some reason, the acquired material goods do not make their owner happy and satisfied.

It is during this period that the worldview changes. Some priorities are replaced by others. And the old values ​​are no longer relevant. The pursuit of a good income ends. And there is sadness from the understanding that work does not bring pleasure, moral satisfaction. Moreover, there will certainly not be any growth up the career ladder.

More about the reasons

Crises within companies are another provoking factor. Financial savings lead to job cuts. And on the shoulders of the remaining employees, a much larger amount of work is shouldered. And of course, in these cases, wages remain the same. Therefore, the impetus for professional burnout is disagreement with the exfoliating situation. And a protest against the new responsibilities.

The employee begins to analyze the situation and wonder if he chose the right specialty initially. And isn't it time to change the type of activity and break out of the endless cycle of duties.

Further more. Because a person does nothing to change the situation. But the reason for inaction is not always justified fears. For example, fear of not finding a better job, fear of change, lack of stability. But timely diagnosis of the problem is an opportunity to eradicate permanent professional burnout.

Warning signs

For a stable emotional state, two factors are important – harmony in personal life and self-realization in the profession. And as soon as the ground for professional burnout syndrome appears, thoughts arise about the meaninglessness of life.

Another "bell" – the performance of work duties becomes just a formality. And the beginning of the working day instantly turns into the expectation of its end.

Chronic dissatisfaction with work can also lead to medical, psychosomatic diseases. A number of such diseases is a signal of professional burnout. And here anxiety, a negative mood and again sad thoughts about the meaning of being are added.

Therefore, an ardent protest begins to unconsciously turn into quarrels with management and colleagues. And the formal performance of duties leads to dismissal. All this further aggravates the emotional state, self-esteem decreases. Because a person cannot determine what kind of work to look for.

Important steps to overcome the crisis

The syndrome of professional burnout affects any employee at some point. Therefore, it is important to understand what exactly is happening. And understand your own thoughts, analyze and accept what is happening. It is worth considering whether it is really necessary to change jobs. And if change is inevitable, it is important to make the right decision. Or find an occupation that promotes moral satisfaction and self-realization.

Therefore, it is good to remember your childhood fantasies and dreams. Perhaps it is worth returning to the desires of past years and changing qualifications. And think about what kind of activity will be to your liking, which gives real pleasure. And does not cause negative emotions. You can consider your talents. Because the most striking of them have not been implemented in the profession.

Considered decision

Since constant professional burnout has already led to the search for something new, think about what exactly is important to you in work processes.

Do you enjoy the team? Can you work with people? Or forced communication leads to irritation? If it is easier to work independently, then you should think about professions that do not require constant communication. Because nowadays there is a huge choice of remote work.

So, you need to analyze the following points:

  • identify your unrealized talents;
  • understand what duties you will like;
  • decide whether to stay in the same place or change the type of activity.

Professional burnout – change for the better

Having made a decision in the direction of change, one should not rush to further actions. Because it's better to start with a step-by-step plan. And determine what exactly is needed to achieve the goal.

You may need to take refresher courses. Or attend trainings and seminars. In extreme cases, get a second education. Expert advice will not be superfluous. And meetings with employees of the chosen specialty. But it is important to study the level of wages in the target area. And soberly assess whether such income will be sufficient.

Burnout is not a reason to fall into depression, despair and inaction. The right decision to change activities is the path to professional growth and harmony in the personal sphere.

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