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Increased motivation: how to become more successful at work


The success of any company is based on the cohesive work of the team. Be it a dozen or several hundred people. Therefore, each employee must clearly understand the ultimate goal. And realize that it plays an important role in the process of achieving results. This creates increased motivation. And it allows you to achieve high speed and quality of project implementation. And what could be better for a leader than an efficient team?

Sometimes a well-coordinated mechanism tends to falter: the working mood decreases, enthusiasm disappears. And the desire to work, of course. In a word, motivation is gone. But without it productive activity is impossible.

This article will help you understand what motivation is. And also what role does it play in the workflow. And what are the ways to increase the motivation of employees.

Increased motivation: how to become more successful at work

Motivation and its types – increased motivation

Motivation is the driving force. A kind of impulse that helps not to deviate from the planned plan and bring the matter to the end. When a person lacks motivation, it is difficult for him to force himself to overcome difficulties. And this is even if the final goal is very important to him. But no motivation, no action.

Motivation is usually divided into extrinsic and intrinsic.

External motivation

External motivation occurs when a person seeks to perform a task under the influence of specific factors. For example, an increased scholarship motivates a student to study well and pass exams successfully. But the retake threatens with a complete deprivation of scholarships.

For workers, extrinsic motivation is expressed in the form of bonuses. And in salary increases, coupled with the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is a more complex concept. Because a person does something not for the sake of awards and praise. And for the sake of satisfying the desires of your inner "I". And getting pleasure from the process of activity.

Building intrinsic motivation is not easy. But it is she who is the best way to encourage action. Therefore, you must appreciate every moment when something inside you pushes you to action. After all, it may not be very long. But here it is necessary to have time on the contrary – a great many.

When should a manager start motivating employees?

Motivation of employees is the guarantor of high-quality performance of duties. And, of course, a responsible attitude to work. This is what attracts the best people to the company. And makes a true professional out of a beginner in his field. The task of the manager is to identify and eliminate the decline in motivation in time and maintain the working spirit.

But sooner or later, incentives will have to be reconsidered. And here are the signs that that moment is near:

  • frequent tardiness for work;
  • unwillingness to implement changes in work activities;
  • failure to meet deadlines;
  • failure to attend meetings and planning meetings without a good reason;
  • passive attitude to the existing problems and difficulties of the company;
  • state of nervous tension and irritability;
  • a large number of errors and shortcomings in working projects;
  • an increase in the number of complaints and disputes related to the level of complexity of the work performed.

If the head of the organization noticed at least part of the above mentioned points, the problem must be solved. For example, by developing a new motivation system. Or improve an existing one. Increased work motivation will prevent the departure of productive employees. And even better to reveal their abilities. There will be a healthy spirit of competition, a desire to bring maximum benefit to the company.

material motivation

The most effective and universal method of increasing productivity is material motivation. It helps to increase the personal interest of employees. And it helps to increase respect and trust in the leader. Because the maximum use of personnel potential will lead to an increase in company profits.

And at the same time, material motivation exists in monetary and non-monetary forms.

The monetary form of motivation includes additional payments for quality work in the form of bonuses. As well as an increase in salary and percentage of transactions. But many companies provide travel to work at the expense of the enterprise. In addition, cash payments are common in honor of a birthday, anniversary, wedding or in case of emergencies. And retired workers are provided with pension supplements.

The non-monetary form of material motivation is presented in the form of partially paid or free vouchers to sanatoriums and recreation centers. But even in the form of invitations to interesting cultural events, no one will refuse them. When executing the work plan, managers often set reduced working days. And even offer the best employees a flexible work schedule.

Increased Motivation—Intangible Motivation

There are many different types of non-material motivation. The main ones include:

  • Praise from the leadership of the organization. This simple way to increase motivation is a great success. A talented leader should notice not only mistakes. But also the achievements of subordinates. Praise makes you want to work even better and not disappoint your bosses. In many organizations, to this day, photos of the best employees are posted on the honor roll.
  • Opportunity to improve skills at the expense of the company. Additional training enhances professional skills and promotes the career growth of workers.
  • Organization of collective recreation. Teamwork involves not only joint work, but also rest. Spending time in nature, sports competitions, joint visits to exhibitions and museums help to unite the team. In this case, the increased motivation of a person is based on the principle "who works well, he rests well."
  • Feedback from subordinates. When a person knows that the management listens to his opinion, uses his ideas to improve the work of the company, there is even more zeal and desire to create new developments and business solutions.

Increased Motivation – Conclusion

The way to increase motivation depends on the skills and experience of the leader. The right approach to the establishment of the company's working regime helps to accelerate the implementation of plans, reorganize the principles of work in the best possible way and increase monthly income by several times.

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