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How to love your job and find balance with your personal life


A new day is another opportunity to change your life for the better. Or make plans and gradually achieve them. But not when you once again need to get up by 8 in the morning for an unloved job. So you will not understand how to love your job.

Does the mere sight of an eternally dissatisfied boss and sleepy colleagues jar on you? Then it's time to think about changing jobs. But you can try to at least temporarily direct the situation in a different direction.

So let's figure out how to love your job. And do not let her negatively affect life and health.

Why do people hate their jobs

The results of research by the Gallup Institute of Public Opinion are shocking. It turns out that the vast majority of people โ€“ 85% โ€“ hate what they have to earn a living.

And as the main reasons for dissatisfaction with work activity are called unfair salary and lack of interest in the profession. So let's do a little calculation. And we conclude that only 15% of respondents are happy to go to work.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you are part of the majority of the dissatisfied. But why is this happening? Here are a few factors that cause hatred for their work:

  • low level of payment;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • harm to health and potential risk to life;
  • lack of career growth;
  • tough company policy;
  • bad team;
  • problem boss.

How a job you hate can affect your life

Getting up every morning to the annoying sounds of an alarm clock for a job you hate, you have no idea how you are poisoning your own life. Because from the very beginning of the day you are in a bad mood. And you attract negative energy to yourself, which forms the basis for aggravating the situation.

Every day you need to spend your own health and nerves to earn money for a fulfilling life. But in the end, instead of remuneration for the work done, you have to spend money on restoring health. And here we get a kind of vicious circle.

Unloved work activity can have serious consequences for health and life:

  • increased stress levels;
  • promotion of bad habits;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • lack of free time for a full life;
  • missed opportunities and wasted time to learn new skills.

But you can find a way to love your work. And let even temporarily. So here are some tips to help you reach your goal.

Think like a person who loves their job

To gain confidence, many psychologists advise to behave like successful people. Those who create an atmosphere of happiness around themselves become truly happy over time. And in this case, we can draw an analogy with labor activity. Try to enjoy your work. Love her if need be. And then she will thank you the same.

Every morning, think about what you will bring to the people around you today. Think about why you get through traffic jams to the other end of the city every day. Perhaps you have a good salary, a convenient schedule, or a promising position. Make a plan for current affairs, dream of moving up the career ladder. And try to go towards these goals. You will not even notice how after a while what you sincerely hated with all your heart will begin to bring you real pleasure.

Combine work with leisure

Try to find the best balance between work and leisure. If you do even what you love around the clock, after a while it will get boring. Man is designed in such a way that he needs rest. And in the time that can be given without a twinge of conscience to family, loved ones or hobbies. But otherwise, there is a risk of burnout. And the occurrence of depression, apathy and health problems. Therefore, do not linger in the evenings at the office unnecessarily. When you get home, turn off your work phone and email. Enjoy your evenings.

Remember the golden rule: if you want to work in pleasure โ€“ be sure to rest. Free time can also be devoted to appearance. Because a person feels much nicer when he looks good.

Build relationships with the team

Don't be an outcast at work. To enjoy working in the office, you need to be part of a team. Even if the employees of the company are not the most friendly people, it is important to be able to present yourself favorably. Earn credibility, and, if necessary, put impudent colleagues in their place. It is unlikely that work will be enjoyable if you do not communicate with any of the employees. And in case of difficult questions, there is simply no one to ask for advice.

A smart boss will only support the desire of the team to become more united. Because working in a team of like-minded people ensures high work efficiency. Of course, you should not impose yourself and strive to make friends with absolutely everyone. But it never hurts to find a couple of friends. Maybe it will help you love working at your current job.

how to love your job, improving your skills

In any incomprehensible situation, learn and develop. Learning doesn't stop the moment you graduate from college and receive a high school diploma. To remain competitive in the modern world, you have to constantly improve skills and improve qualifications. In this case, there are much more chances to get a salary increase or a promotion up the career ladder, and from such successes, even an unloved type of activity will gradually begin to please.

Even if you don't have the strength to stay in your current place, you no longer have to think about how to find your favorite job. Specialists who work on themselves and do not sit idly by are needed in any company. All you need to do is occasionally attend refresher courses and read up-to-date specialized literature in your free time.

We hope that the above recommendations will help you fall in love with your current job and eliminate the need to look at job sites in search of a new place to continue your career.

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