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Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy


Ten Essential Habits You Need to Build Over the Year to Be Successful.

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

Set aside 2 months for each habit (many people suggest 40 days for the habit to stick). It takes self-discipline.

Remember that it will be difficult only at the beginning, when forming a new habit, but then life will be much easier.

Good habits are hard to form, but then they make our lives easier. Bad habits are easy to form in the beginning, but then make our lives very difficult. Here is such a paradox!

1 Wake up at 6 am.

Get up earlier than you usually do. But go to bed no later than 10 pm. Shine the morning time on yourself (exercises for 30-40 minutes, reading developmental literature, meditation). This will prepare you for an active day where you are ready to act in a new way.

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

2 Morning 10 goals.

Daily setting of your own life goals.

Brian Tracy advises making this habit permanent. He has been doing this all his adult life, when he decided to confidently move towards success.

Get a notebook on a spring.

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

Every morning, write down 10 goals for your life.

They should be formed in the present tense and concern only you, you should not write something like this: My husband loves only me. Write it so that it comes from you. I live in love and harmony with my husband. We spend time together. I am happy next to him and give him happiness and joy.

If the goal has a time frame, indicate when it happened. For example: I bought a new Ford Focus in December 2021.

So 10 goals!

Important! You don't watch what you wrote yesterday or last month. You start on a new sheet every day and don't look back at your previous entries.

Why? Your subconscious mind starts working on these goals, and they can change, change places. Dates can change, even the goals themselves, you don't have to worry about that. Here you turn on the trust in the world and just act as it turns out during the day. This should be done for at least one month. But a year is better. At the end of the year, you can open your old records and compare them with the new ones. What changed? What have you already achieved? What goal are close to?

3 Evening records.

In the evening before going to bed, write down your tasks for tomorrow. Summarize the day. Write what did you get? What were you happy about that day? What are you grateful for? What made your day extraordinary, what did you learn? What would you like to do tomorrow?

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

It is very important to do this in the evening. First, you free your mind from the need to remember things and give it the opportunity to relax and rest at night. Secondly, you still remember all the events of today and it is easier for you to sum up and notice what helps you develop, change every day. Thirdly, gratitude is a great practice for attracting success and we use it every day.

4 Physical exercises.

It is very important to dedicate at least 40 minutes a day to the movement of the body (yoga, walking, running, swimming, etc.). Break it down into morning and evening hours. This habit will allow you to keep your body in good physical shape.

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

5 Food and drink.

Get in the habit of eating good, quality foods. Drink more water than sugary drinks. You don't have to be a vegetarian or a raw foodist โ€“ that's everyone's business. But for sure, you should think about what you eat and drink if you plan to live long and enjoy your success until the last day of your life. Therefore, you will definitely have to give up alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, sweets and white flour. If you know the worst habits, drop them too.

Introduce new habits into your life gradually. Sometimes there will be failures, no big deal. Accept it without criticism and negativity in your direction and return to new habits again.

6 Rest and relaxation.

It's a great habit to let yourself relax. To do this, make sure that you sleep at least 8 hours a day, remain calm. Use meditations, affirmations for relaxation.

Do the most important things when your body is rested and your brain is fresh and ready to work.

7 Continuous learning.

The poor and the stupid think they know everything. They do not try to learn more than what they already know and can do. This is the biggest mistake. Those who strive for success always develop their skills, learn new things. Therefore, introduce new learning habits into your life:

Read books that develop you

ยท Take online courses on the topics you need to improve your skills and earn money.

Use the time while you are riding in transport, sitting in line, waiting for someone to listen to useful audio books, video lessons. Learn!

Go to live trainings that will help you change your internal attitudes, remove judgments and blocks that interfere with you. Develop!

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

8 Take action.

The most important thing is the habit of action. Make it a rule to do at least a small action every day that leads to your goal, your dreams and desires. At least one step, but in the right direction.

9 Be persistent.

The habit of perseverance and dedication to the path you have chosen for your success is very important. Millions of people are only a step or two short of achieving their dreams. Often a person gives up and turns off his path before his success comes to him.

Remember that life will not immediately give you what you ask for, it will first test you for the strength of your desire.

Provided that you know exactly what you want, are confident in it, act and have a positive attitude, your success will be achieved.

Habits that will lead you to success. We analyze according to the method of Brian Tracy

Therefore 10 habit:

10 Positive thinking!

Learn to see the good around you today, now, when you are just planning to get on the road to your success. After all, our life is not a prize that awaits you at the end of the path, our life is this path. Enjoy! So many good things surround you, but if you don't see it, donโ€™t know how to appreciate it, then your success, which you reach, will not bring you joy.

Joy is living now!

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