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Selling Email Marketing: Why Nobody Reads Your Emails


Everyone loves to look for useful tricks on the Internet, but few people analyze their mistakes, due to which selling email marketing turns into just another email in your customers' spam folder. There are at least nine reasons for this.

Why did your email go to spam again?

You wrote a long, very long letter. And they probably forgot to optimize it for mobile gadgets. If you are tired of losing customers, value their time. Shorten your text. You don't cut limbs off a living being when you throw out sentences that don't have a word of useful information in them.

The standard letter should be no more than 60 characters. But if you want your customers to read not only from a PC, shorten the text to 25-30 characters. Mobile devices don't like "many letters".

Selling Email Marketing Doesn't Sell

Maybe you save the most important for dessert?

Did you know that it is harmful to eat sweets immediately after a full meal? Desserts that contain sweetness kindle the fire of digestion, according to the Ayurvedic canons of nutrition and dietitians. Why start a fire when you've already eaten your main course? There is zero benefit to this.

As well as in an effort to surprise the client by placing the main information of your message at the end of the letter. Firstly, few people read texts and letters to the end today. Therefore, collect all the important words and formulate a heading and a subheading from them so that your client understands what is being said right away. Give him a chance to be interested in your offer. If you offer something for free, write about it right away. As well as about bonuses, discounts and gifts.

Selling Email Marketing Works When You Emphasize Benefits

A little higher, we wrote that the most important thing should be as high as possible in the letter. So that the client immediately read your message. But what will it be? Whatever you offer, it should be useful and valuable to your audience.

If you use shampoo + balm + shower gel in one bottle, this does not mean that you need to apply the same principle in email marketing.

Write simply valuable and useful, but do not keep all your eggs in one basket. Do not be too lazy to create for each action, your individual letter. If you decide to include several njhujds[ offers in one e-mail, even if these are bonuses or gifts, it is not certain that the recipient of the letter will accept this stream of gifts.

Do you have a lot of useful and interesting things? Create a separate letter for each offer. This way you don't have to put all the benefits in one headline and you won't confuse the client.

Selling email marketing 

 This is a call

If you are not going to encourage the client to use your offer or service, why are you writing these letters at all? It is not enough to simply describe your unique product in a short and concise text. You need an interactive one – this is a CTR button, or at least one sentence at the end of the letter in which you invite the recipient to click on a link, or write answers to several questions to receive a gift. A call to action is a subtle reminder that you want to interact with a potential customer, whether they buy something from you or not. This offer to get to know you and your company better is a friendly message.

Selling email marketing does not work without urgency and time frame

If your offer is valid indefinitely, the client can use it at any time. This means that he will never use it. After all, he receives many letters every day. If you do not offer something really unusual, he may not forget about you and follow the link. But the probability is very small. Statistics show that a person makes decisions faster if you limit him in time and explain that there are only 30 gifts left, or only 10 places for a free webinar, and more than 50,000 people have already registered. Think for yourself and set limits. In reality, where people are more likely to hold a smartphone in their hand than to hold hands with loved ones – unlimited offers are lost like a drop of salt water in the sea.

Selling email marketing is not a tool to advertise your company

This is a way to establish communication, interest and extend relationships. Therefore, if each of your letters contains the name of your office in the subject line, delete it immediately. You write to a person. It is better to write your name at the end of the letter and address the client by name at the beginning. Don't focus people's attention on your business. He doesn't care what kind of company you have. He cares what you can give him. Write about yourself and your business. Write about the buyer and their pains and needs.

Selling Email Marketing – NEVER CAPSLOCKE

If you think that capital letters make your unique selling proposition stand out better than well-aimed wording, this could be another reason why your email ends up in the spam folder. Somehow, our employee missed a profitable offer for renting an apartment, because she received an offer written in “capslock" in the mail. For lack of other options, she called on the phone. The letter was sent by her acquaintance with a good reputation, but until the last moment she thought that for some reason he was going to deceive her. The content of the letter was as follows:


Remember, capslock is an aggressive way of highlighting the main point of your message. Write well and then you will be read.

Infographics about the most important

So, now you know the basics of writing emails for mailing lists. Write a letter to your clients, following all the recommendations. If you haven't chosen a service yet, read our review of the six most convenient and simple products in the article Email marketing: 6 services to help you find customers.

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