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Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume


When looking for a candidate for a vacant position, the employer is interested in the fact that the potential employee not only wants to work in his company, but also has the necessary skills for a resume.

When a dozen specialists apply for one position, it is very difficult to allocate time for an interview with everyone. Therefore, the selection begins at the stage of reviewing the resume. It is very important to correctly present yourself as a specialist and do it in such a way that the employer receives the necessary information and becomes interested as soon as possible.

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

How to write a resume

You can write to dozens of companies every day and not receive feedback, or you can thoughtfully schedule interviews for the coming days. When a person is invited for personal acquaintance by representatives of different companies, he feels more confident.

He can also choose working conditions and negotiate the terms of cooperation in such a way that he himself is more comfortable.

To get good results, you need to prepare well. It makes sense to set aside a few days to understand how to write a resume correctly. Depending on the specialty, recommendations will differ, but there are also universal tips suitable for representatives of most professions.

What should be a resume

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

It is important to skillfully present your skills in a form understandable to the employer. A resume sent by e-mail or through a job search site must be:


Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

Misprints, mistakes, youth and professional slang, jargon – all this is unacceptable for a resume.

Before sending a resume to an employer, it should be carefully proofread (and it is better to do this several times). If you are not sure of your literacy, you can contact a professional proofreader. The money spent will pay off.

For example, if you are an excellent electrician, you will do an excellent job without perfect literacy. But in order to get this position, it is important to correctly describe your skills and abilities for a resume.

Relevant vacancies

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

If you want to work as a software developer for a large software company, there is no point in describing your experience in the service industry.

Also, do not write a lot of personal information (remove lines about hobbies, family and favorite pets, if any). Think about what a potential employer would like to know about you.

Keep in mind that sales skills will not be useful for programmers, and accounting courses will not be an advantage for a cook. Perhaps you want to show yourself as a versatile person. But usually the employer is not interested. Such lines only "lengthen" the resume and become water among the really useful information.

Optimal in volume

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

All information should fit on 1-2 A4 sheets. You don't need to make your resume too short (it will be difficult to write about your education, experience and skills on half a page). But the employer will not appreciate too much information (more than two pages).

To keep within this volume, use the following recommendations for the rational use of space:

  • the font can be reduced to 12, and line spacing to 1.15;
  • use tables (some skills and abilities for a resume are easier to describe using a table using a minimum of lines);
  • adjust margins and headers.

Perhaps these tips will help you fit all the information on one page. But if it is more – it's not scary. No need to remove information from the text that may be useful to the recruiter.

Clear and simple

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

Think over the structure and distribute all the information into blocks. Information about education should not go along with professional skills, and work experience is highlighted as a separate part.

It is best to use templates that are freely available on the Internet. But do not overdo it with the design of such pages – give up bright colors and catchy drawings.

Standard Document Structure

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

Key skills in the resume are not indicated immediately, but after other important information. When presenting yourself to a potential employer, be sure to include:

  • Name and contact information. The best option is a phone number (with an indication of available messengers, do not forget about Telegram, Whats App and Viber) and an email address. You can also provide links to your social media accounts (but not required).
  • The position for which you are applying. An HR specialist must understand who the specialist wants to work for. Perhaps the company has several vacancies at once, so specifics will not be superfluous.
  • Work experience. It is listed in chronological order, starting with the most recent job. When describing your experience, it is important to indicate not only the name of the company, position and period of work, but also your duties and achievements. This will help the employer understand what you can do and how effectively you can cope with the tasks in the new place.

Additional Information

  • Education. List schools, secondary schools, and universities. If you do not have a college degree in your field, HR professionals in some industries may turn a blind eye to this. They have already made sure that the main thing is not a diploma, but experience, practical skills and a desire to learn and develop.
  • Professional skills. Describe your capabilities based on the job description. An accountant needs such qualities as attentiveness, perseverance, an analytical mindset, the ability to work with regulatory documents. At the same time, a sales manager will be a valuable specialist if he quickly establishes contact with customers, masterfully masters sales techniques, is able to resolve conflicts and is always ready to implement new ideas.
  • Additional information. Here you can write about the completed courses related to the main specialization. Also tell us about participation in conferences, forums and seminars.

If you write a resume on job search sites (for example, on Hh.ru), after entering personal and contact information, you will automatically get a similar structure. It allows the employer to quickly find the information they need and, if necessary, return to the information that interested them.

Key skills and abilities for different fields of activity

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

Depending on what position you are applying for, the list of priority abilities will change. If you want to take a leadership position, the key skills on your resume should be:

  • ability to solve organizational issues;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • ability to learn;
  • the ability to make important decisions;
  • proactivity;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to prioritize;
  • the ability to influence others in the company.

A good leader always knows what responsibilities each of his subordinates can best handle. This allows you to efficiently allocate resources and complete tasks faster and better.

For specialists who apply for the position of an accountant, bank employee or financier, it is important to indicate the following professional skills in the resume :

  • knowledge of special programs (indicate their names and versions so that the employer understands whether you need to be introduced to updates);
  • attention to detail;
  • Analytical mind;
  • tax and accounting skills;
  • ability to conduct business correspondence;
  • the ability to quickly make calculations;
  • responsibility.

Regardless of where you want to work, the following competencies will be useful:

  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(indicate the level of proficiency in each language, for example: English – fluent; German – with a dictionary; French – colloquial);
  • ability to use office equipment (relevant for all office workers);
  • experience in international negotiations;
  • sociability;
  • performance;
  • organization;
  • appropriate response to criticism.

To understand how to write a resume correctly, it is important to decide on the position for which you are applying. By understanding how to write a resume, you will receive more feedback from companies and will be able to choose the most optimal conditions from those offered.

How to write a resume

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

The sphere of trade has been actively developing for the last 15 years. Sales managers are needed in all industries. It is they who contribute to the fact that some brands begin to prevail over others.

This is how competition between manufacturers develops. This work is adequately paid if the specialist copes well with the task. The salary is usually formed from two parts: the rate (usually it is below the average salary in the city) and a percentage of sales. Key skills in a resume for a sales manager are:

  • maintaining a client base;
  • the ability to find new customers;
  • experience in concluding commercial transactions;
  • Ability to negotiate and communicate with clients;
  • experience in product presentation and work at exhibitions;
  • Proficiency in 1C, Word and Excel.

A good sales manager always knows everything about the goods and services that he offers. He understands their advantages and is aware of what tasks they can be used for. The specialist delves into all the features of the goods and only after that presents them to customers. He also:

  • understands the advantages and disadvantages of the product, understands its differences from competitors' offers;
  • knows where to place the product so that it attracts a buyer;
  • evaluates production possibilities;
  • substantiates the pricing policy of the company to customers;
  • thinks over the design of advertising layouts;
  • engages in sales promotion;
  • Maintains good relationships with both clients and superiors.

The sales manager is the link between the product and its end user. Knowing how to write a resume, it will be possible to find a permanent position with good working conditions.

Resume Skills

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

Skills for the resume of legal advisers will differ. Legislators must:

  • know labor, civil, civil procedural and arbitration procedural law;
  • have experience in the drafting and development of legal acts and contracts;
  • have the competence to conduct legal examination of documents;
  • freedom to own a PC;
  • be able to use the basic legal framework required in the work (Consultant +, Guarantor);
  • be able to advise clients on legal issues, based on current regulations.

Areas of activity related to constant interaction with people deserve special consideration. Waiters, sales assistants, manicurists and pedicurists, administrators and many others should remember that politeness and goodwill are the best qualities when communicating with customers. It is important to understand that conflict situations cannot be avoided, so you need to competently resolve them. The "customer is always right" rule really works. When compiling a resume for such positions, it is important to detail your communication skills.

How to write a resume for an IT director

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

The key skills for a leader in this area will be:

  • Management of internal projects of the enterprise;
  • Development of a company development strategy;
  • Financial operations management;
  • Experience in organizing the work of the department;
  • Ability to analyze and select information systems;
  • Ensuring information security;
  • Ability to organize the work of subordinates.

For workers in the field of education and medicine, diplomas play a major role. To get a job as a teacher in a school, you will need a diploma of higher education. Additional professional skills in the resume will be:

  • sociability;
  • the ability to find a common language with children;
  • experience of participating in conferences;
  • initiative (useful in organizing open lessons and holding competitions and olympiads).

To interest the principal of the school, establish yourself as a responsible and developing specialist. Tell us about your experience in professional development, you can also focus on extracurricular activities held.

If you are applying for a job at a school right after university, you can write about an internship during your studies or about the experience of private lessons with children.

Top tips for writing a resume and looking for a job

Resume skills + skills + how to write a resume

When thinking about how to write a resume, it is important to understand that there is no universal description of your professional skills for all vacancies. When writing it, it is important to consider what exactly the employer wants to receive from the applicant. You can get more interview invitations by following these tips:

  1. Write only the truth. The desire to embellish your key skills on your resume is natural, but when the truth comes out (and it will happen sooner or later), you can lose your job. So that there is no desire to “lie", constantly work on yourself and expand the list of your advantages not only on paper, but also in real life.
  2. Don't be afraid to apply for jobs if you don't meet one requirement from the list. In search of a good specialist, HR employees are ready to turn a blind eye to the lack of the necessary experience, education or competencies. Try it, write a cover letter, and don't underestimate your own abilities.
  3. Dress for interviews in business style. The appearance of a person helps to form the first impression of him. A shirt, trousers and shoes are the best choice for a conversation with a specialist from the HR department and with the head of the company.
  4. It is not necessary to describe the details of your personal life in your resume. It will be enough information about the marital status. The employer will clarify all additional information at the interview (if necessary).
  5. Complete your resume with a quality photo. It doesn't have to be a selfie. Ask a friend, girlfriend or relatives to take a picture of you in formal business style. The best solution is a portrait taken in a studio by a professional photographer.
  6. Be specific and avoid water. Indicating work experience, write down all the points by month. When prescribing programs with which you know how to work, specify versions. At the same time, you should not write the names of companies with which you collaborated while working at one of the enterprises.


Try to put yourself in the place of the employer and think about what kind of specialist you would like to see in your company. This will help remove unnecessary information from the text. Skills for a resume should be indicated, taking into account the specifics of the position. You do not need to list what you will not need in your work.

When writing a resume, do not rush. Think twice about what information best describes your competencies. For some positions, you need to attach a portfolio – a good example of your work. By knowing how to write a resume correctly, you can find the job of your dreams and go there every day with pleasure.

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