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How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business


One of the main questions of all businessmen is how to eliminate a competitor. Forcing a competitor to leave the market is the dream of every businessman. Eliminating a competitor once and for all is the most cherished dream of any businessman. It can be done, and quite easily. It does not matter if the competitor is strong or weak, big or small. 

You can make sure that any competitor leaves any market. The competitor will leave without a fight, in other words, it will not even be necessary to fight with him and spend money on it. Under certain conditions, he will leave on his own, you just need to create these conditions for him. As a rule, the competitor will leave quickly enough and still offer the winner his assets as a reward.

Only insiders who are familiar with noomarketing or similar technologies know how to eliminate a competitor. Classical marketing is not enough to organize a situation in which the competitor simply has no other choice. Classical marketing – it is to meet the needs and requirements, and not to fight competitors.

How to eliminate a competitor forever

How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business

Companies that own noomarketing or similar technologies exist. For example, a couple of years ago, there was a shameful flight from the market of more than 30 billion US dollars of one very serious player. The player is really very serious, because the total volume of its sales exceeds 220 billion US dollars.

This, as many have guessed, is about Samsung.

Sales directly in the market from which this player left reach 3 billion US dollars. If it were some kind of newcomer, then it's okay, but when it is far from being a newcomer, when it is a world-famous company whose capitalization exceeds 350 billion US dollars, then such a flight can even be called a great shame.

This, as many have guessed, is about Samsung, which announced that it was leaving the hard drive market and selling its business to the market leader, Seagate. Such a shameful escape of one of the leaders from such a “delicious" market could only be realized by a company that owns not only classical marketing, but some kind of special marketing,

How to get rid of competitors

How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business

Seagate clearly owns marketing, which has techniques that answer the question of how to eliminate a competitor, a very strong competitor. According to official data, Samsung left this market due to the fact that it has become unprofitable for it, and also because the production of hard drives is not a strategic area.

Accordingly, there must be another reason, more significant

You can believe this because everything looks quite logical, but in principle, it is hard to believe, because this company is present on the market for many devices that use hard drives, in particular on the laptop market. Having a better hard drive than other companies can seriously affect the competitiveness of a laptop,

Accordingly, whatever one may say, it is still a strategic sphere. However, now, after the sale of this division, Samsung, most likely, will not be able to get and realize this advantage. Accordingly, there must be another reason, more weighty. It exists and it can be revealed only through noomarketing or other similar concepts. 

How to eliminate a competitor without firing a shot

How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business

It is known from noomarketing that the market is based on an idea. Any market is, first of all, an idea. It takes root in people and turns them into consumers. The set of carriers of a particular idea is the market. In our case, this is the idea of ​​”accumulation of information on a computer”, but this is a basic idea that arose at the dawn of this market.

The bottom line is that the market based on this idea is growing.

Now it has changed and developed. Several new ideas emerged. In particular, the idea that sounds like "reliable, durable, inexpensive and silent accumulation of information on a computer" has become the most significant. It is Seagate that makes hard drives that best fit this idea,

This suggests that Seagate is aware of, among other things, an effective market expansion strategy and is using it. The bottom line is that the market based on this idea is growing, but the market based on the initial idea “accumulation of information on a computer”, on the contrary, is narrowing. It was in this market that Samsung was introduced, which began to experience problems.

How to eliminate a competitor without problems

How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business

It can be seen that the management of Samsung understood the prospect of their company in this market and decided to leave it, because there would soon be no trace left of it, which means that the assets would depreciate. The reason for this state of affairs, when the world leader in many areas is forced to leave the market, a fairly large market and strategically important for it, is very banal.

Accordingly, the loss of Samsung is a strategic loss.

The problem is that the company's management incorrectly singled out the basic idea of ​​the market and incorrectly calculated how it could change. Or they didn't do it at all, because they don’t know noomarketing or similar technologies, which means they don’t know that there are methods that allow them to know how to eliminate a competitor without direct competition.

One company that is known for such technologies is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola marketing is one of the best marketing in the world. Accordingly, Samsung's loss is a strategic loss. Such a loss means complete failure. You can return positions only if you start everything from scratch and at the same time wait for an error from Seagate.

How to become a monopolist in the market

How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business

It is unlikely that Seagate will make a fatal mistake in the next 10 years. She will not allow it, if only because the idea that this company develops and serves will dominate for at least another 10 years. Mistake can only be expected after new ideas come along and Seagate can't figure them out and be able to adapt to them.

A good example in this case is Nokia

Seagate knew how to eliminate a competitor and did it. Samsung is unlikely to be able to correct the current situation also because it is the Seagate Barracuda brand that has the strongest associations with the currently dominant ideas, the ideas of “reliable, durable, inexpensive and noiseless accumulation of information on a computer”.

This means that if Samsung had made an attempt to enter the market around this idea, then it would not have succeeded. This state of affairs is associated with superiority, because whoever came out first and secured the reputation of a leader will be considered the market leader as long as this market exists. A good example in this case is Nokia.

How to eliminate a competitor in any market

How to eliminate a competitor without consequences for business

Nokia was the best at identifying itself with the mobile phone market and dominated it for a long time until it changed its mind. Then the idea changed, the evaluation of the marketing strategy that was used earlier was made incorrectly and Nokia had to sell to Microsoft. Such a fate can await the leader of any market.

To avoid crash from the market, you need to master noomarketing

Any company can be thrown out of the market if it incorrectly determines which ideas will soon be formed on the basis of the basic idea of ​​​​the market and which new markets or new market segments will accordingly be formed. The idea is also the base on which the target marketing strategy is built. To prevent a crash from the market, you need to master noomarketing.

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