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Customer acquisition system for your business


What advice do you have for attracting clients to a law firm that is just falling back. We are located in a residential area of โ€‹โ€‹a big city. We don't have any competitors yet. Can a selling commercial offer be used to attract corporate clients and will it be effective? Help, please, advice.


As a practicing marketing consultant, my first advice is to be patient. At this point, many are pierced. Attracting customers is a difficult and slow process, especially if the company is new, especially since difficulties in attracting customers are not only your problem, but a global trend. Service marketing is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

The current situation in the world is characterized by the fact that in almost all areas there is a shortage of customers. And it doesn't matter if a business is just starting up or has been existing for a long time, almost everyone still lacks customers. An inexpensive landing page allows you to solve the problem with customers for a particular business, but it doesnโ€™t change the situation on the market as a whole, it doesnโ€™t get more customers on the market.

The only exceptions are companies that have an effective customer acquisition system. It must be emphasized that we are talking about the system, and not about disparate and chaotic ways to attract customers, because they work very poorly and very inefficiently. For example, many people do chaotic non-systematic advertising to attract customers, pay huge money for it, and then wonder why there is no result.

โ€ฆ modern business is, first of all, a system for attracting customersโ€ฆ

Due to the fact that there is a shortage of customers and this is the main trend, modern business is, first of all, a system for attracting customers. It is this system that should underlie business, business processes, it is with the construction of this system that business must be started, otherwise it will be difficult, very difficult. All other components of the business are much easier to get, especially since there are specialized companies that can help with this for money.

It is easier to find premises, easier to register a legal entity, easier to find employees. Even start-up capital is easier to get than clients. In such conditions, only a business that starts with building a customer acquisition system can count on success. It will be very difficult for a business that starts differently, not only to have good income, but simply to survive. You can build a customer acquisition system both on your own and with the help of those who know how to do it.

The system of attracting customers is different

Customer acquisition system for your business

The customer acquisition system can have a different configuration. As practice shows, the most effective is the system, which is based on the psychological portrait of the client. To get a psychological portrait of a client of a law firm, you need to conduct at least minimal marketing.

It is necessary to collect information about those who use legal services, determine what interests them, what their needs are, what their needs are, what motivates them, what they lack, what services they value most, what prices look attractive to them, and so on. Further. This will help develop a strategy and build a customer acquisition plan.

For example, a cursory analysis shows that the client of a law firm approaches the choice very thoroughly. He does not trust the first person he meets, looking only for the best companies with a good reputation and rating. This is justified on the part of the client, because, as a rule, issues are resolved by money and everyone wants to get a result, and not violent activity for show.

This is only a cursory analysis, it clarifies something, but not everything. It will allow you to develop only incentives through which you can influence the desire of clients to cooperate with the best law firm, and then only if you have organized high-quality internal marketing. You cannot attract customers to a company that they do not consider the best, and this applies to any new company, through these incentives.

Build a system to fight competitors

Other incentives are needed, and they can only be obtained if a complete psychological portrait of a client of a law firm is built and, based on it, a system for attracting clients. The totality of incentives, the frequency of their broadcast and the channels of their transmission โ€“ this is the system for attracting customers. Having a complete system of incentives, it is possible to set out competitive advantages in the most favorable light and level out the moments that reduce the level of competitiveness.

โ€ฆrespectively there are two basic marketing strategiesโ€ฆ

It should also be borne in mind that the legal services market has one very important feature, because it is characterized by two components. There is a formed demand on it, and there is a latent demand. Accordingly, there are two basic marketing strategies.

The formed demand is basically standard legal procedures that can be offered by all players in the legal services market. For the reason that there is high competition in this segment of the legal services market, you will not earn a lot of money by providing standard legal services.

Hidden demand is a solution to non-standard problems that no one else can solve and which, for this reason, exist for individuals and legal entities for years. Precisely because problems exist for years, customers are willing to pay more for their solution.

In this regard, by satisfying hidden demand, you can earn much more money, create an excellent reputation for yourself and get the highest possible rating in the eyes of customers. Which marketing strategy to choose is up to you to decide based on your capabilities, desires, experience and ambitions.

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