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Business has stopped. Why? What to do?


The basic idea of ​​the personality of 95% of businessmen is leadership. It is she who makes businessmen leaders, motivates them, gives them strength and energy. Seeing that this idea makes them successful, businessmen lay it in the basis of the business. Most businesses are built on the basis of the idea of ​​a businessman's personality. A business built in this way is simply an extension of the businessman's personality.

On the one hand, this is good. A businessman knows his idea well and on its basis can quickly build a business that will help him implement it. Each successful transaction signals that the idea is realized and it is a pleasure. Therefore, a businessman likes to do business, he likes it when the idea of ​​a business, and therefore his personal one, is realized. I want this to happen again and again.

Therefore, any business built on the idea of ​​a businessman's personality sooner or later reaches its limit.

But there is one thing that limits the growth of a business when it is based on the idea of ​​a businessman's personality. The bottom line is that the businessman sees the idea of ​​leadership in his own way. Some consumers see it as well, but not all. Many consumers see the idea of ​​leadership differently. Therefore, any business built on the idea of ​​a businessman's personality sooner or later reaches its limit.

Business has stopped. Why? What to do?

Therefore, the first question to ask yourself if the business has stopped is whether it has reached the limit of its development. The development limit is the number of customers who see the idea that underpins the business in the same way as the business creator. Well, let's say 20% see the idea of ​​leadership in the same way as a businessman. He will reach them very quickly, they will hear and understand him, they will perceive him as a leader.

And everything will happen very quickly, so quickly that success can make you dizzy. But then everything will stop, because the remaining 80% see the idea of ​​leadership differently than a businessman. Accordingly, they do not perceive the business they built as a leader as the one who makes the best offer. No matter how hard a businessman tries, whatever he does within the usual framework, nothing will help.

The problem can be solved only if we go beyond the usual limits. Accordingly, in order to move forward, first of all, you need to understand exactly how the majority of consumers see the idea of ​​leadership, i.e. you need to understand how the majority sees the idea of ​​the market. This can only be done if the market leggram is used. In fact, with its help, you can "get into" the head of consumers and find out what they think.

… if the business has stopped, this is not a problem at all. This is just an indication that the idea behind it has been exhausted…

So, if the business has stopped, this is not a problem at all. This is just an indication that the idea that underlies it has been exhausted, which means that it is necessary to analyze the business strategy and restart the business. Experienced market players are aware of this and periodically reboot the business, changing the idea that underlies it. One of the signs that a business reboot has taken place is a rebranding.

If you see that the company has rebranded, it means that its marketers have collected enough information that the idea on the basis of which the business is built has been exhausted. It is impossible to continue business on its basis, which means that you just need to choose a new, promising idea. Such an idea is chosen and the whole company is adjusted to it, including the logo and corporate identity of the company, and the business is restarted.

Of course, not always, if the business has stopped, this means that it is the business that has stopped. It is possible that it was not the business that stopped, the market. Only a specialist can understand whether a business or a market has stopped. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the pace of business development, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct an audit and find out the real reason for the stoppage and tell you exactly what needs to be done.

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