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How to win the tender? There is a correct answer!


I am a master's student studying marketing and writing my master's thesis. The object of research is the design and survey institute, our organization is engaged in the design of roads, railways, bridges, and artificial structures. I took this object, because. I work there. The topic is the improvement of marketing activities, but it so happened that my supervisor chose the topic and at first I didn't quite understand whether it was suitable or not.

Previously, my department was engaged in marketing, and now all efforts are spent on preparing tender documentation, studying open tenders. And as my management believes that marketing activities currently do not smell, but it seems to me that there are elements.

And the question is as follows, since I work there not so long ago, I don’t quite understand all business processes and, in particular, what can be improved. Tell me what, in your opinion, can be improved in the organization/department that/th is engaged in participation in tenders in such a highly specialized area? Thank you for your reply!

Vera Eliseeva

How to win the tender for sure

A tender is not an Olympics, the main thing in a tender is not participation, but victory. Accordingly, everyone who participates in the tender wants to win. How to win the tender? One way to ensure victory is to set a competitive price. After all, tender prices are not taken from the ceiling, some calculations are made before they are set, and this is already a pricing policy.

In turn, pricing policy is one of the elements of the marketing mix. This means that marketing really exists in any company and organization, even in your institute. Marketing is important for everyone, even for organizations like yours, because marketing is a real opportunity to increase the chances of winning.

Also, marketing is a way to get answers to many questions about how to win a tender. There are actually a lot of questions and the correct answer to each of them increases the chances of winning. The correct answer can only be obtained through research, and research is already marketing. To have a better chance of winning, you need to research competitors, their capabilities, their prices, their conditions.

Only on the basis of this information it is possible to prepare such a tender offer that will guarantee victory in the tender.

Only on the basis of this information it is possible to prepare such a tender offer that will guarantee victory in the tender. Of course, there are different schemes with all sorts of “kickbacks” and other methods of not entirely fair competition, but even here marketing can play into the hands and more on that below.

The task of the marketer and the marketing system in the context of participation in the tender is to provide conditions that will allow you to win. As mentioned above, marketing increases the chances of winning the tender. How to win a tender thanks to marketing? Thanks to marketing, the tender can be won even before it takes place, and this is the main advantage that marketing provides.

How to Win a Bid with Marketing

How to win the tender? There is a correct answer!

The trick is that before a tender is announced, the conditions of the tender, the characteristics of the products or services that will be purchased under the tender are determined. This is where marketing comes in handy. Marketing allows you to make sure that the characteristics of the purchased products or services are based on the characteristics of your products or services. In other words, through marketing, you can make competitors lose before the tender even starts.

The secret to winning the tender

How to win the tender? There is a correct answer!

This is easy to implement. You just need to know the logic of the one who prepares the tender conditions. The one who prepares the tender conditions and thereby determines what characteristics the purchased goods or services should have, tries to focus on products that are better than others. This will help him not to get a “cap” from shareholders or founders later.

If a problem suddenly arises, he will say – this is the best product or service on the market, so these characteristics were chosen. It can indicate the opinion of different experts who consider this product or service to be the best. Marketing is exactly what is needed in order to create a reputation for the best products in the market. A remote marketer will help you implement it .

Now, if an unknown company wins, then suspicions may arise that not entirely honest promotion methods were used.

This reputation is created by marketers, because only marketers know how to win the tender. It is marketers who, through advertising and PR, make sure that a product, service or company (in your case, the Institute) is heard, so that everyone talks about them, and especially so that experts speak. In your case, you need to promote the objects that you have already made, their advantages, their characteristics and, accordingly, your capabilities.

Marketing in the context of your institute should consist in advertising finished objects and thus in advertising your institute. In this case, even if kickbacks are applied, winning the tender will not look random. The company is well-known, it builds a lot, the facilities are reliable, so it is not surprising that it won. Now, if an unknown company wins, then suspicions may arise that not entirely honest promotion methods were used. As a result, various checks will begin, and no one needs this.

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