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Become a mystery shopper: a new part-time job


Get rid of the stereotype that becoming a mystery shopper means checking cashiers in a supermarket. In fact, there are many more options. Checks are needed in cafes and restaurants, medical centers, pharmacies, salons. Recently, inspections of new buildings have become especially popular. The lesson is very useful: this work helps to see any structure in action. Therefore, in the end, all buyers win. And they are ready to pay for a secret audit. So we will tell you about how to make money on the "mystery shopping" phenomenon.

What are mystery shoppers for?

The most obvious function is personnel verification. Employees are the face of the company. Impolite treatment of customers, inability to answer elementary questions and much more harm the image. Sales can drop because of a bad salesperson. And the director, meanwhile, will be perplexed: what went wrong? Such a problem is easily revealed by secret guests. Do not think that you will set up an employee by checking. Many managers simply adjust their training programs. The implementation of a new strategy also needs control clients. It is they who can see its pros and cons. So to become a mystery shopper means to bring real benefits.

In addition, mystery shopping is a full-fledged market research. Some businessmen think that it is enough to send a person only to their establishments. And this is true when it comes to a simple check of personnel. But the benefits of the service don't end there. To understand what is happening in the market, invite the secret client to visit the points of competitors. A mystery shopper is a paragon of impartiality. It will evaluate all the places on the same scale and give the result. Sometimes a comparison with competitors can be surprising. As a result of such data, marketing strategies often change. And it costs a lot less than hiring a marketing team.

Become a mystery shopper: a new part-time job

How to become a mystery shopper?

Mystery shopper jobs can be found on major job search websites. For example, on HeadHunter.ru or Superjob.ru. And even on Avito. There are entire agencies that hire hidden buyers. So, one of the companies on HeadHunter.ru offers them from 25,000 to 40,000 ๐Ÿช™ per month. Please note that the payment is piecework: money is accrued according to the number of visits, and not according to salary.

Even a simple request to Google will give you offers for such a job. In particular, you will need to register on one of the sites. So, 4service-group.com, getbino.com, best4service.ru and others offer the โ€œBecome a Mystery Shopper" option. Click this button and follow the instructions. After filling out questionnaires, agreements, and somewhere a short training, congratulations! You are part of the mystery shopping system. Usually, applications for verification come in the mailing list. In some places, you can choose options for visits yourself.

Before you become a mystery shopper, go to the appropriate forum. Read the discussions, ask questions to the participants. Other people's experience can help in the work.

You can become a mystery shopper even through VKontakte. There are special thematic groups. They constantly post new orders on the wall. In discussions, secret auditors share their experience and talk about their work.

How much do mystery shoppers earn?

In general, the algorithm works like this: the more places you check, the more you get for them. Prices for this service are not fixed. It all depends on the complexity of the requirements, brand awareness and other factors. And even from the city where the check is being carried out. The minimum price for a visit is 250-300 ๐Ÿช™. The maximum is from 1000 ๐Ÿช™. On average, you can count on 500 ๐Ÿช™ for one check. Much depends on how much time you are willing to spend on orders. If you check several points every day, you will get a good income. If you complete tasks a couple of times a week โ€“ a good part-time job.

Most often, money is transferred within a week after sending a report on the visit. However, keep in mind that payment may come a month after the task itself. Therefore, this way of earning is not suitable for those who urgently need money.

And a few more pluses. Sometimes the inspection organizers are willing to refund the cost of the purchase. It turns out that secret clients can drink coffee for free or go to a doctor's appointment. Checking restaurants, food deliveries, beauty salons, amusement parks โ€ฆ If you carefully follow the offers, you can add variety to your leisure time. And at the same time add a couple of extra thousand to the budget.

How do mystery shoppers work?

No special skills are needed for this job. All it takes is a little care and diligence. The customer leaves instructions to the anonymous auditor. He is waiting for the mystery shopper to ask the right questions and note all the nuances. After that, you need to fill out a control questionnaire. Sometimes it is so simple that it is enough to tick the boxes โ€œyesโ€ or โ€œnoโ€. It happens that the questionnaire takes several pages and requires special attention to all the details. Therefore, before you go on a task, carefully read the instructions. If you miss any points in it, the customer has the right not to pay for the work.

Very often, a secret shopper is asked to take a photo or video. For example, they want to see how goods stand on the shelves. Many customers require audio recording. This means that it will be useful for the manager to hear the dialogue with the employee himself.

If you have to travel frequently lately, becoming a mystery shopper is even useful. Combine business trips with such a part-time job. When you are going on the road, take a look at the site: there may be open checks there. If you're lucky, you'll even get your travel expenses refunded.

Become a mystery shopper: a new part-time job

Do you have experience as a mystery shopper? Share your stories in the comments! And, of course, subscribe to our mailing list for even more ideas for a part-time job.

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