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Prizm space bot: what is it + reviews + how to make money


The prizm space bot has been gaining momentum lately. People earn tens (if not hundreds) of thousands 🪙. But others have questions.

What is a prizm coin, how to get it and how to make money on it in general. And we will answer all these questions in our article. So read carefully and try not to skip any section.

And at the very end, a bonus will await you for those who do not want to bother with all the information on their own.

PRIZM Cryptocurrency – what is it

You are probably already familiar with what a cryptocurrency is. In any case, the word “bitcoin" is definitely on your hearing. And its price will surely surprise you.

The prizm coin is exactly the same cryptocurrency as bitcoin. But it is more affordable, develops more actively and uses a new method of extraction.

Simply put, as a cryptocurrency, prizm is a virtual currency that is not regulated by third parties, is not taxed and, most importantly for you and me, reproduces itself.

What does it mean? This means that if you have at least one prism coin in your account, then every month another 21% of this coin will appear on your wallet. Is it not clear yet? Now let’s explain.

PRIZM cryptocurrency – how to get

Prizm space bot: what is it + reviews + how to make money

The main quality of prizm is that it produces itself. It doesn’t matter if you are online or not. For this, you do not have to spend the computing power of the computer and electricity.

All you have to do is:

  1. Get a prizm wallet
  2. Buy at least one coin (you can do this on the BIT.TEAM exchanger )
  3. Done, you are the owner of the prisms.

Yes, everything is simple: you just need to buy this cryptocurrency. Fortunately, the prizm rate has not yet skyrocketed to sky-high heights and at the time of this writing, one coin costs about 40 🪙. But this number will grow rapidly.

Mining is the last century

Remember how much time you spent on ensuring that numerous farms at least paid off. And how many electricity bills did you have to spend monthly

Well, if you have never tried to mine cryptocurrency – congratulations, you saved time. And they saved their money, which can be multiplied by the prizm cryptocurrency.

This does not require expensive equipment, constant access to the Internet and time spent studying forums. All you need is a phone and a telegram bot.

Paramining in prizm space bot is not a scam?

The process of paramining brings a good investment income. But in many circles there is an erroneous opinion that this is money out of thin air and, in general, a financial pyramid. But actually it is not.

Paramining is a technical process of self-reproduction of the prizm coin, the wallet of which is replenished by a certain amount every day.

Simply put, the prism is constantly duplicated. And when investing 100 coins in the paramining process, you will earn 0.7% per day or 21% per month. The increase in the coefficient depends on the amount of invested funds (as indicated in the picture above).

But contrary to popular belief, money does not come out of thin air. Unlike the usual currencies, like the dollar and the ruble, prizm general wallets have a limit. You can’t print as many as you like. But with each new coin, the speed of creation increases.

And with it the price.

How to make money in Prizm space bot

Prizm space bot: what is it + reviews + how to make money

Prizm space bot is a telegram bot that allows you to get the most out of this cryptocurrency.

And if you decide to make money on a prism, then you won’t find a better place. Because a simple wallet in prizm wallet brings you 4% per month, and the same tool in a space bot brings you 21%.

How it works? There are two ways.

  • Paramining is a more passive and traditional way, which depends only on the amount of funds you have invested (the more, the faster and more voluminous profit).
  • An affiliate program is a method that requires more active actions, but allows you to earn several times more money.

Let’s talk about each method in more detail.


We have already touched on this issue above. Paramining is a great way to invest your own funds. Here, the daily percentage of income starts from 0.7 percent per day. This is approximately 21% per month.

This is exactly 21 times more than the interest on deposits in the largest banks in recent times. What makes such an investment the most profitable. And it does not carry any risks.

What is needed for this?

  1. Get a prizm wallet on BIT.TEAM and buy coins directly from the seller
  2. Go to prizm space bot using the link and click “start”
  3. Transfer coins from the BIT.TEAM wallet to the space wallet in the bot.

Important clarification: the minimum amount for paramining in prizm space bot is 100 pzm. The service takes a certain percentage for rewards and after that the process of creating a coin begins.

affiliate program

If investing does not attract you at all, or you simply do not have free funds for a decent income, turn your attention to an affiliate program. Because it is she who answers the question of how to earn prizm faster and more efficiently.

The prizm space bot affiliate program is called Paramatrix or Paramatrix. It consists of several cells 88 levels deep, each of which brings you a certain percentage of the acquisitions of attracted people.

In terms of affiliate program, prizm cryptocurrency in space bot takes the best from network marketing. And you can earn much more here than just paramining.

It’s easy to do this:

  1. Register in prizm space bot using the link and click start.
  2. Select the paramatrix  option and buy the first level (the entrance to the first level costs 100 prizm).
  3. Attract people with your referral link. Your first “line” has exactly three spots. And every person who buys the first level in your first line will bring you 100 pzm.

Everyone who redeems the second level in your second line will bring you 300 prizm coins. Everyone who bought the third level in the third line will bring you 900 coins.

In total, from four levels you get 246000 prizm. We multiply this by 43 (such a prizm course is set at the time of writing) and we get a net income of 10578000.

How to earn prizm faster and more efficiently

Prizm space bot: what is it + reviews + how to make money

So, we have presented two main ways to make money in prizm space bot. We hope you have already calculated the possible income from each of these methods. But we have one simple question.

Why not use both?

The point here is simple: attract people to your affiliate network. This is beneficial not only for you and for your future referrals. This is beneficial for the entire prizm cryptocurrency community. Because the more coins are produced, the more expensive their course will be online.

But do not forget about paramining. Not only that, all the funds earned will quickly double with the help of the production of new coins. So you also earn a percentage of each contribution of your referrals.

Your first line paramining income is 6%. That is, if a person from your first line leaves 100 coins on paramining, you will receive 6.

Post source: kakzarabotat.net

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