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Post-industrial economy – how to get rich quick in it


The economy is the basis for the development of countries, states, businesses and people. It may seem that it is something whole, but in reality it is not. In reality, the economy is heterogeneous, because it consists of sectors. Within the framework of the economy, it is customary to distinguish 5 sectors: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and five. In the economy of some countries, all sectors are present, including the post-industrial economy, while in other countries, only a few.

But that's not all, because the economy has levels that are associated with the levels of development of civilization. To date, on this basis, it is customary to distinguish 7 levels of the economy: neolithic, early class, ancient, medieval, early industrial, industrial and post-industrial. In one form or another, the world economy as a whole is represented by both different sectors and different levels.

In some places, for example, in the deaf Amazonian tribes, there is still a Neolithic economy, and in some places, for example, in developed countries, there is already a post-industrial economy. Some countries have a well-defined level of economy, and some are in a transitional phase. Hence the difference in the amount of GDP that can be created in a given economy.

Why was it necessary to divide the economy into sectors and levels? It was necessary to divide in order to see the possibilities and abilities of the economy of a particular country in the world, as well as business opportunities within the economy of this country. Thanks to this division, it is clear what the economy of a particular country is, at what level it is, which sectors are developed in it and which are not, and what kind of business is possible in such a country.

With regard to sectors, many countries have different sectors in the structure of their economy. But as for the levels, the situation here is very interesting, because there are countries where there is only one level of the economy, but there are also countries in which several levels of the economy coexist at the same time. Accordingly, businesses representing different sectors coexist at the same time.

Today we have 5 sectors and 7 levels of the economy

In such countries, some companies operate as if they are still in the Neolithic, while other companies already understand that the post-industrial economy has arrived, and operate at this level. However, the first reason why the economy should be divided into sectors is that at different times the basis, in other words, the locomotive that pulled the world economy as a whole and the economy of different countries, were different sectors and levels. This is a very important point.

Today we have 5 sectors and 7 levels of the economy, which means 35 segments of the economy. In each of them, a business can try itself with a different degree of probability of success. The likelihood of success increases if the business tries itself in the sector and at the level that is available in the country.

However, the volume of success increases, on the contrary, if you do business within the framework of a new level, which is not yet in the country. For example, if you need guarantees of success, then it is very stupid to offer products of the post-industrial economy within the framework of the Neolithic, because no one will need them, you will have to try very hard to create demand for them. Only Neolithic products will be needed.

It is very difficult to create a new level and those sectors that do not exist, but at the same time it is very interesting, and maybe very profitable, if you are lucky. As a rule, the one who creates a business in some sector of the new level of the economy becomes a billionaire. There are many examples, ranging from John Rockefeller, continuing with Bill Gates and ending with Mark Zuckerberg. All these people stood at the origins of new businesses at new levels of the economy.

The world economy began from the Neolithic level and the primary sector. Once it was the main sector of the world economy, once work in this sector and investments in it were the most profitable and profitable. At that time, this was a progressive economy, but compared to the modern economy, it was a primitive economy. For a long time, mankind lived primitively, which means that its representatives hunted and collected all kinds of plants.

At that time, nature itself was the basis, in other words, everything that was in nature could be consumed. At the same time, the technologies were also primitive – the ability to hunt and the ability to collect all kinds of plants. Then various tools were invented that made it possible to cultivate the land on a massive scale, and this led to the formation of a new level of the economy, which became its basis. It was in this new sector at that time that the main product was produced.

Why do we need a post-industrial economy

This was followed by the invention of more and more new tools and technologies and, as a result, transitions to new levels. This is how the industrial level and industry appeared, which became a new basis, because the main product was produced in industry. At the end of the 20th century, technologies began to appear that allow mass generation and, most importantly, the introduction of new ideas, which led to the formation of a new economic basis and a new level of economy called the post-industrial economy.

Post-industrial economy - how to get rich quick in it

The product of the post-industrial economy is an idea. It is clear that new ideas were generated and implemented before, but with the old technologies it was a very laborious task that required a lot of money, and therefore few people did it. Basically, everyone just copied other people's ideas. However, the emergence of new technologies has made it possible to put the generation and implementation of new ideas on stream.

At first, this level of the economy was very weak, but then it began to take on more and more strong positions, until, finally, the importance of this sector reached a critical mass and it began to crush other sectors. This event happened quite recently, each of us was a witness to it. We are talking about 2008, when an event took place that was formalized so as not to attract unnecessary attention of onlookers and potential competitors as the global financial and economic crisis.

In fact, in 2008, representatives of the new economy seized financial power and channeled money into the post-industrial level of the economy, effectively bleeding other sectors that were out of money and in trouble. In reality, after all, the amount of money in the world economy has not decreased, it has simply been sent where the new owners said, who are not interested in the past levels of the economy, because they became unprofitable and turned into infrastructure for the new economy.

The post-industrial economy, like any other, requires raw materials. She also has her own specific raw materials. It may seem somewhat strange, but such raw materials are people, because it is people who are introduced to new ideas and it is people who create consumers. The most interesting thing here is that the more people the idea will be introduced, the more people will be needed.

In other words, the development of the post-industrial economy will lead to the fact that the greatest value will be precisely the people who will have to be protected, groomed and cherished in order not to lose the competition. They will no longer fight for markets, not for sources of valuable natural resources, but for people.

One of the technologies for working with ideas is noomarketing.

It is clear that the methods of struggle will be completely different, one might say humane, without human casualties. At the same time, due to the fact that the fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the person is where it is better, it is precisely the creation of the best conditions for people that will be the way of competition, because if somewhere the population lives poorly, it will rush to where it will be better.

A decrease in the number of the population will lead to a decrease in the level of the country's competitiveness, because the ability to implement ideas will fall. The fall will continue until the country where the government does not provide an adequate standard of living is absorbed by a more successful neighbor or until the entire population leaves it. In accordance with the above, in the new conditions, not only states, but also companies will have to work, and in some places already have to work.

At the same time, only those of them who learn how to create a product of the post-industrial economy will survive. A completely new era, unless of course some kind of global force majeure happens, will come very soon, most likely in 2020-2025, i.e. companies and states have only 5-10 years left in order to reorganize in a new way. If you do not have time to rebuild, then ruin will not be the worst prospect for them.

Only those companies and states will be able to rebuild that will master the technologies through which it will be possible to create and promote the main product of a new level of the economy – ideas. The speed of transition to a new level is what is most important here. Who is the first to rebuild, he will be the first to get customers. The rest of the clients may not be enough.

One of the technologies for working with ideas is noomarketing. Noomarketing is a technology that allows you to carry out the entire cycle of work with ideas, from generating an idea, including creating a strong brand, and ending with the creation of a sales market based on it. Many well-known companies work on technologies similar to noomarketing, which have already realized that the post-industrial economy is a reality.

It is better to start learning noomarketing now. This is due to the fact that one theory is not enough; experience in its application is also needed. The theory can be accessible to everyone and it is difficult to win on something, but the amount of experience can be different and this will be the determining factor, in other words, the one who has more experience will always win. Accordingly, the earlier you start, the more experience you can gain. The more experience you have, the stronger your level of competitiveness will be.

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