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How to promote a business and squeeze every drop out of it


We opened an orthopedics salon and have been promoting the business for 4 months now. When opening the salon, they relied on the experience gained during the work of the wife in a similar orthopedic salon.

Based on this experience, we determined the range of goods, but in a smaller price category. They rented an office next to the hospital, put up a sign. Prepared and sent to potential customers a selling commercial offer. Things did not go well, they were looking for ways to solve the problem and visited your portal.

We realized that there are no “keys” to the product, business and market. Please tell me how to promote a business with the help of noomarketing and help in finding “keys”, as well as in building a market specifically for our salon, since in our city with a population of about 300 thousand people, there are 4 more competitors besides us.


How to promote a business? The secret is simple!

Yes, absolutely right. If things didn't work out, then you are working without keys and you urgently need to get them, while not all the money has been spent. Each key has its own function, so you need to have the whole set. The key to a product is the idea that underlies it and it allows you to understand its full value and convey it to the buyer, which will eventually make him want to make a purchase. The key to a business is the idea behind the business.

As a practicing marketing consultant, I can say that when you clearly know what idea is at the heart of the business, you understand and realize it, you can build the most optimal and profitable business. The key to the market is the idea of ​​the market. Only knowing the idea that underlies the market, you can understand the market and its logic, you can understand the essence of the needs that buyers have, their real desires.

In addition to the keys, you also need analytics for your company and the market. For example, let's take the population of your city. It seems that 300,000 people is a good figure, there is where to turn around. But not all of them are consumers of orthopedic products. It is bought only by those residents of the city who are pumped with the right idea. As a result, there can be only 3000 of them, and this figure must be known initially, before opening the salon, in order to correctly calculate and calculate everything.

Regarding the fact that your wife worked in a network company, this is good, because it gives you some useful skills. You kind of got a franchise. But, firstly, she saw only external factors, and hardly the internal cuisine. It is the internal factors that are the business formula, its engine, so they are the most important and hardly known to you. She also does not have her own experience, therefore she hardly knows how to promote a business, because she has never done it before.

The fact that you rented an office near the hospital is a strong move. It is in hospitals that a large number of people are pumped with the ideas you need and their transformation into consumers of orthopedic products. However, for the move to work, you need to have a strong brand. For example, there are 5 stores near my house that sell household goods. I don’t go to the nearest one, because this is a new brand for me, which I don’t understand.

And by the way, the fact that you offered a cheaper product is a controversial move.

I prefer to go to stores with well-known names, because I know what I will get there, because they have high-quality internal marketing. And by the way, the fact that you offered a cheaper product is a controversial move. Perhaps it would be much more efficient to offer better products, but at the same price as competitors. So you could give people more value for the same money.

To get your customers, you definitely need to develop a quality brand name and build a brand out of it. A brand is the foundation of a successful business. Having analytics and keys to create a strong brand is quite simple. It is also very important to have a marketing strategy that will keep you from unnecessary actions and act as a clear guide for you. It may seem that all this is expensive, long and unnecessary.

As experience shows, work without keys and strategy is much more expensive. There are no easy solutions for complex situations. If you want to really understand how to grow your business, if you want to create a market, if you want to get a flow of customers, then you need to use technology. Now the leaders are companies that work on technology and apply marketing.

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