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How to create a startup? Instructions from professionals!


While still at school, I realized that I would not work for my uncle. I decided that I would have my own business, and since then I have been going to this. While I was at school, I did not take active steps, being afraid to make mistakes. In order to have fewer of them, I went to the university, which I am about to graduate from. After graduating from university, I want to open a startup.

The idea is already there. She is very interesting. Prepared a selling commercial offer for distribution to investors. I have no experience, so I am collecting information on how to create a startup. While I was searching, I came across your site. Found information about the start-up program. I had never heard of the leggram before. Can she help me create a startup? Is it enough to create a startup or do you need something else?


How to create a startup that will “shoot”

As you correctly noted, any startup starts with an idea. To start a startup, you must first acquire it. If you have got an idea, then you have passed the first stage and you should not have any questions about which startup to open. However, one must understand that with ideas, not everything is as simple as it might seem.

The bottom line is that there are full-fledged formed ideas, but there are thoughts. A thought can be said to be the germ of an idea; it still needs to be turned into an idea. The line between an idea and a thought is very thin, not visible to an inexperienced person.

As a result, many startups stumble over this very barrier. Very often they invest a lot of effort and money in an idea, but for a long time they cannot get a result and they give up. It seems to them that they are not capable of creating a startup.

In fact, the problem is not in them, but in the fact that the necessary tools were not used. One of these tools is the startup leggram. With the help of a startup legram, you can formulate a full-fledged idea and move on to the next steps.

How to choose a startup idea

How to create a startup? Instructions from professionals!

Since you already have an idea, and you have worked on it without a legram, in this case, it is very advisable to audit it and determine the idea you have or is it a thought. If it turns out that you have that rare case when there is an idea, and not a thought, it is advisable to test it. It is important not only to know how to create a startup, but also to know if someone needs it.

Testing will determine the relevance of the idea. A lot of startups “fall” on the irrelevance of the idea. The idea can be timely, which can be easily introduced into people and which they will perceive. The idea may be late.

After a full-fledged idea is formed, it gradually materializes, or in other words, the embodiment

For example, you heard something somewhere, forgot and then remembered, but it seems to you that this is your brilliant idea, which, moreover, has long been implemented by others. Of course, you can try to implement it better than others and intercept clients.

But not the fact that it will turn out better. The idea may be untimely, ahead of time. In this case, it will be very difficult to promote it, and sometimes impossible. People simply will not be able to understand you and will think that you have mental problems.

After a full-fledged idea is formed, it gradually materializes, or in other words, the embodiment. The first level of implementation is to give the startup a name. It is very important to give a startup the right name that matches the idea behind it. If the name of a startup does not match the idea behind it, then the next steps will be difficult or even impossible to implement. No wonder they say that “whatever you call a ship, so it will float.”

Startup Creation Scheme

How to create a startup? Instructions from professionals!

After a startup gets a name, its concept needs to be clearly articulated. The concept of a startup is the second level of implementation of the idea. It is clear that here everything must be done correctly and correspond to the idea. If not, then in the subsequent stages there will be many problems that will take a lot of time and money to solve. Moreover, it is not certain that the problems can be solved. With a greater degree of probability, it is at this stage that the startup will stall.

A startup project is a detailed plan in which the idea of ​​a startup should be as detailed as possible.

When there is a clear and complete concept that corresponds to the idea underlying it, you can move on to the third level of embodiment of the idea. The third level of idea implementation is the development of a startup project. A startup project is a detailed plan in which the startup idea should be as detailed as possible.

The project must indicate how the idea will be implemented, what is needed for its implementation, what specialists will be required, what technologies are needed, and so on. In fact, the project is a kind of “drawing” of a startup, based on which it will then be possible to create the startup itself. The startup project, as well as its name and concept, must also match the idea.

Everything in it should be thought out as much as possible and to the smallest detail, in order to get as close as possible to 100% compliance with the idea. If there is no correspondence to the idea, or if it is minimal, it will not be possible to carry out the final stage of creating a startup. So it's better to approach the development of a startup project very responsibly, otherwise you can fill up the whole thing.

How to create a startup? Instructions from professionals!

How to create a startup that will shoot

After there is a high-quality project, you can proceed to the testamentary level of implementing the idea – creating the startup itself based on everything that has been done before. If we are talking about a product, a sample of this product is created. If we are talking about a service, the first such service is provided. When it comes to a site, a sample site is created.

After the sample is created, it is necessary to conduct testing to remove all the “roughness” that can spoil the impression of potential customers. When the roughness is eliminated, the creation of a startup can be considered complete. As you can see, in principle, nothing complicated. If you stick to the proposed scheme, everything will work out.

Now that you have an idea and know how to create a startup, you can move on to the next steps. However, always remember that the creation of a startup is not finished. After the startup is created, a new stage begins – [startup promotion].

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