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The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business


There is an opinion that the invisible hand of the market is what controls the market. Opinion controversial, but dominant. It is considered so because the market is uncontrollable and seems to work on its own, as something independent. As a result, the market must be obeyed, it must be adjusted to it, its opinion must be taken into account, its desires must be guided.

The need to obey is not liked by businessmen who are used to having everyone obey them. It is all the more unpleasant to obey what and who is unclear, because the market structure is very abstract. But there is nothing left to do, you have to obey, because if you don't do this, then you can fly out of it very easily, very quickly and forever.

The market is controlled by the invisible hand of the market and it is she who must obey. All movement in the market is 100% dependent on it. It actually determines the level of demand, the level of competitive prices, the characteristics of goods, the price, and motivates buyers to buy. We can say that it is the invisible hand of the market that sets the trends in the market.

What does the invisible hand of the market look like?

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

It is better to be friends with the invisible hand of the market if you want your products or services to sell well. But is friendship possible between a businessman and the invisible hand of the market? Is it possible to shake the invisible hand of the market and enlist its support? It is possible, but only if you master noomarketing, because noomarketing makes the invisible hand of the market visible.

… the market is a structure based on the idea of ​​a product …

Moreover, through noomarketing, you can not only shake this hand, but also become her friend, as a result of which noomarketing is the basis of a successful business. What is a market in terms of noomarketing? From the point of view of noomarketing, a market is a structure based on the idea of ​​a product, or the idea of ​​a person, business, or the market itself.

For example, if the product is a car, then the market may be based on the idea of ​​a car. If it is a mobile phone, then it may be based on the idea of ​​a mobile phone. Accordingly, in this case, the idea of ​​a particular product is the invisible hand of the market. It is this idea that governs the market and, accordingly, all those involved in it.

The mechanism of the invisible hand of the market

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

The invisible hand of the market always works exclusively in its own interests. She favors those undertakings that develop her and destroys those undertakings that do not allow her to develop. It determines the demand from consumers and motivates them to consume goods and services. Demand is equal to the number of people in whom the idea of ​​this product is introduced.

Until the idea is implemented in a person, it is impossible to sell him a product or service.

If the number of carriers of the idea is 99999 people, then the demand is exactly this value. No more, no less, but exactly 99999 units of goods the market needs. If there are 100,000 units of a good on the market, one will never be sold. If you want to sell more products, then in this case you need to introduce the idea to more people.

But it is not enough to introduce the idea to more people, it is also necessary to organize an effective interaction between marketing and sales in order to enhance the effect. Until the idea is introduced into a person, the invisible hand of the market cannot influence him and motivate him to purchase your product. Until the idea is introduced into a person, it is impossible to sell a product or service to him.

The principle of the invisible hand of the market

The invisible hand of the market creates the offer and allows you to profit from marketing. It motivates the bearers of this idea, who can produce goods corresponding to it, to engage in their production. It is for this reason that people create different businesses, and not because they want to make money, as it seems to them at first sight.

The price can also be said to be set by the invisible hand of the market.

Accordingly, in fact, we have two classes of carriers of this idea: consumers and producers. Consumers are those in whom the idea is introduced, but not yet developed. Producers are those in whom the idea is introduced and developed. For this reason, the influence is different. Any person who has developed the idea of ​​this product can become its manufacturer.

The price can also be said to be set by the invisible hand of the market. More precisely, it determines the value of the product for producers and consumers. Further, based on the feeling of this value, consumers determine what price they are willing to pay for the product. Producers, in turn, determine at what price they are willing to sell the product.

The concept of the invisible hand of the market

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

Without the invisible hand of the market, a sense of value could not form. Accordingly, it would be difficult to set a price. For example, if there are 5,000 carriers of a given idea as consumers, and producers offered them 10,000 goods, then their value falls. This is felt by the consumer and as a result, he is no longer ready to pay a high price for the product.

…the invisible hand of the market is a very specific structure…

On the contrary, if there are 5000 consumers and 500 goods, then their value increases and the consumer is ready to pay more. Obviously, the invisible hand of the market is a very specific structure, which is based on an idea. True, this is not an idea that is embedded in the consumer or producer, but an idea of ​​a different, higher level.

At its core, it is the same, but stronger and more powerful than the one that is embedded in the producer or consumer. However, it does not have a carrier and this makes it ubiquitous. This can be said to be not a simple idea, but an ubiquitous super-idea. If the consumer is located in a particular place, the producer is also located, then the super idea underlying the market is everywhere.

How the invisible hand of the market rules

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

A superidea influences its bearers from a distance. And here a logical question arises: can the carriers of an ordinary idea influence a super-idea? Of course they can. The bearer of an undeveloped idea, or in other words, the consumer, can tell her that he needs a product that corresponds to this idea, that he needs something that will allow him to realize it. 

… the invisible hand of the market is an intermediary between the producer and the consumer…

The super idea transmits this information to the manufacturer, motivates him to produce more goods. The manufacturer receives it through intuition. Based on the information from the super idea, the manufacturer knows roughly how many products the market needs. The producer can tell the super idea that he can produce more goods and that he needs customers.

The super idea, or in other words the invisible hand of the market, is an intermediary between the producer and the consumer. It automatically introduces the idea of ​​the market into people who suit it and thereby creates new consumers in the amount needed by the producers of goods and services. The right way to start a business is to create it.

The role of the invisible hand of the market

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

Without the invisible hand of the market, consumers and producers would not be able to find a common language, tune in to the same wave and tell each other about themselves. Super idea management is the new generation business. Superidea is ubiquitous. For her, the distances that separate the consumer and the producer are not an obstacle. But there is one problem here.

Despite its power and strength, the superidea is not omnipotent

Despite its power and strength, the superidea is not omnipotent. It can instill itself in other people, it can motivate them to develop it in themselves. But people are very often so lazy that they do not want to independently develop the idea embedded in them, because it takes a lot of thinking. Think many people don't like or don't have this time.

Ready-made elements of the idea, its particles, in order to develop it in themselves, they would use, but they themselves do not always want or cannot create them. Therefore, not all people in whom the idea is introduced become consumers, which means that manufacturers do not have the opportunity to produce as many goods and services as they need for profitable work.

The concept of the invisible hand of the market

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

The correction of this situation through the creation of missing elements and their transfer to potential consumers can only be dealt with by people who know marketing or noomarketing is better, because noomarketing is more effective in this matter. At the same time, these people should be well and powerfully pumped with the right idea.

Another 10-20% of people themselves use elements created by marketers

Despite the importance and necessity of marketing, many manufacturers and businessmen refuse it, considering it to be something superfluous and unnecessary. Here they make a big mistake and actually deprive themselves of big sales, but they can be understood. The fact is that they themselves developed the idea and, moreover, created a product corresponding to it.

Based on this, they logically believe that all other people are also able and willing to develop ideas in themselves. But it's not. In reality, only 3-5% of people independently create the elements necessary for the development of ideas and become consumers. Another 10-20% of people themselves use the elements created by marketers and also turn themselves into consumers.

How to Befriend the Invisible Hand of the Market

The invisible hand of the market as a generator of customers for business

The rest of the people, and their vast majority, do not want and cannot develop the idea in themselves to such a level that they become consumers of goods and services. Only marketers can help here. They have tools that turn even the laziest people into consumers. Because marketers know how to create customers, businesses need them. 

The invisible hand of the market and marketers create consumers

A business cannot exist without customers, so it needs marketers. Of course, manufacturers can also learn the tools if they read marketing articles, but as a result, they themselves will become marketers and they will have to do many things at the same time, they will have to sit on two chairs, which is not very convenient.

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