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Interview in English


Recently, the question of the correct passage of a job interview has become increasingly relevant. Moreover, the labor market is increasingly offering interesting vacancies in foreign companies. How to pass an interview in English we will tell here.

Interview in English

How to start preparing for an interview in English?

First of all, you need to write a resume. Preferably in two languages. One version in the native language, the second – in a foreign language. It happens that it is Russian-speaking recruiters who are looking for candidates. And initially they select resumes on the basis of the correct compilation of blocks, strengths, work experience. And already further, if we are talking about a foreign company, they can request a resume in English.

Sufficient knowledge of the basics of English.

After that, you should find examples on the Internet. In fact, there are quite a few of them. Moreover, there are both excellent options for passing an interview and compiling a resume. In the latter case, you should look at what is required in foreign companies. What blocks do you pay special attention to? In general, the main points are the same:

  • Personal data: full name, date of birth, contact details, city of residence
  • Work experience: special attention should be paid to the last three places and describe the achievements and functionality in as much detail as possible
  • Strengths: it is important to indicate skills that can distinguish you from several dozen other candidates, and not the usual phrases that every second indicates
  • Your expectations from the future place of work: salary level, personal prospects for working in the company
  • Hobbies, hobbies

And remember that any employer, especially a foreign one, appreciates individuality.

Look at several options, select for yourself special fragments that you like. Translate them into the current language, paraphrase, add something of your own. And now back to English, taking into account your comments and individual inclusions.

How to prepare for an interview in English?

Interview in English

And here, probably, it is also worth noting that it is important to study the proposed information from open sources. Moreover, if you are looking for a dialogue format: employer – candidate, then it is best to immediately write a request in a foreign language. Then the response pages that you will see will be full of headings and options with natives. What does it mean?

It means that when you select a request in English, you get videos where foreign recruiters are hiring candidates. And in this case, besides the fact that you will hear a real accent and the questions that await you, there is more. The very format of conducting an interview in English can be very different from its current counterpart. As practice shows, foreign recruiters are much more free to hold on, they “drive" themselves and the candidate into the official framework less. This means that you may be asked the same as your achievement at your last job, and the name of your pet. This is also necessary to check how fluent you are in the language and can answer questions abstracted from the topic, and not just those that you carefully prepared the day before.

How well do you need to know a foreign language to be a successful candidate?

In fact, this is the most common misconception that with an imperfect knowledge of the language, you will not be hired. The fact is that most often it is not important how fluent you are in English. And how you are able to navigate in a foreign world in a dialogue format. The fact is that for an oral interview it is enough to be able to explain any thought well in simple words. It is absolutely not necessary to go into the wilds of the language and become a master in the field of English.

But, if you have no fear of speaking English, then consider half the success already yours.

Most often, candidates think that in order to work in a foreign company, they need to know the language very well. As a rule, this stops at the stage of responding to a vacancy. While this is not absolutely necessary. Understand that your desire and ability to explain your thoughts will be the determining factors. Of course, a solid understanding of the basics of English is necessary. But there is no need to be native. Especially since it's practically unrealistic.

Also, fight fear and self-doubt. Therefore, if you see a vacancy, do not worry about the lack of some cool language skills, respond and try to enter into a dialogue with the employer.

What else can you do to successfully pass an interview in English?

Interview in English

It is important to remember that in order to successfully pass a foreign interview, you need not only to be able to speak English. After all, to answer a question, you first need to understand it. And this is usually one of the biggest difficulties. Therefore, your task is to learn how to understand English speech, understand accents and features of using common phrases.

In such cases, interviews with movie or show business stars can be very useful. In such programs, you can usually learn common expressions, abbreviations. In addition, the very accent of the speaker, the speed of speech. Your task is not so much to understand everything verbatim as to tune in to a foreign dialect. It is very important to feel the language, to love it. Therefore, gain auditory experience and boldly respond to interesting vacancies. The main thing is to set a goal and go for it. Then everything will definitely work out.

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