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Search algorithm and the nature of relationship recognition


Despite the fact that search algorithms are improving, the engines' attempts to understand a person are reminiscent of the adventures of the Tin Woodman in the Magic Land of Oz. To understand what users want and provide the most accurate answers to their search queries, SEO engines lack nothing but heart. And it is strictly necessary to recognize relationships.

But, while the search robots have not yet found their way to the Land of Oz, and the Wizard has not endowed the machines with empathy, they are forced to perform complex calculations, form their own terminology and archive data in huge libraries in order to give the most accurate answers to all kinds of user requests based on the information collected.

But even if someday an โ€œempathy algorithm" appears, will it affect the work of search engines? And what will that impact be?

Let's leave open questions for analysts and writers of scientific and futurological literature. Still, without magic, but not without adventure, search engines began to understand us better.

Time for useful and quality content

Today, the keys no longer open the same doors leading to the top lines of search results. Authors, journalists and bloggers come out of hibernation, and with renewed vigor fill the Digital Information Space with what we once remembered as news, articles, and even longreads.

The secret of success is understanding each other

We used to play hide and seek when we were kids. Now adults who have grown out of children's yard games have switched to other games. We call them jokingly, hide-and-seek in reverse.

And although the game still has a leader who chose himself to look for, the rest of the players do not even think of hiding.

The rules of the game have changed. Just like the platform. We have transferred the playing field from our home yard to the World Wide Web. Now, the sooner and the more people find you, and the easier this search is, the more money you will earn.

The art of site scrolling lies largely in understanding what the user wants.

And he can want anything, anywhere and at any time. After all, the user is accustomed to instantaneous information. Studies show that most often a person himself does not know what he needs. And rarely a person is limited to one request. Most often, the desired is found after 5-6 attempts to rearrange words, select synonyms and add clarifications.

Relationship Recognition โ€“ How They All Do It

And how do they know so much about what each user is doing online?

This question has always rested in the imagination on civil rights and freedoms, which, obviously, should be their own for the Internet. Since there are not quite the same logical models and algorithms that are familiar to us from real life.

What do you think of Google?

For example, you think that Google is following you. And for everyone in general. Hypothetically. And conspiracy theories are so logical, and add up to a comfortable accordion of paranoia โ€ฆ but if you were developing a search algorithm, you would look at this process differently.

For example, would you know that all existing technologies are aimed at making search engine spiders see pages in the same way as a person? This would simplify the search world to a great extent.

If you think that he is still doing a good job, then imagine a cat with five legs and a banana instead of a tail .. if, for example, a kindergarten child just had to point to a card with a cat and, maybe, guess the breed, then search algorithms don't just choose between cards. And it's also very entertaining. I would like to write about this in more detail in the subsequent materials about SEO.

In the beginning was the word. And it consisted of symbols

Search engines understood them. Everything was clear until Flash appeared. But the engines did not know about this, because recognizing images and understanding what exactly was on them was the next step in learning algorithms. It is obvious that he was greatly needed. Without recognition of presence and relationships, Flash files were "creatures from another dimension" to search engines. No. Seriously.

Here is an algorithm that analyzes the semantics of the site and skips huge blocks of content with videos and photos. What is now so recommended to place. Are you sure that recognition is configured on your site? To correct the "blindness" of the engine, frames were developed with the help of which site owners could and still can extract content from third-party sites. But for search engines, someone else's content has remained someone else's. They didn't read it. Do they count now and how?

Images and videos were also difficult to understand. Therefore, in HTML, it became possible to embed additional modules with these data types in pages. But even if this content was embedded, it itself remained invisible to search engines.

But, you understand, this is the same as giving a person an iron frame to determine dowsing and other pathogenic zones and sending them in search of anomalies in their own apartment.

Relationship recognition

This was the challenge facing search engines about three years ago. Because they didn't understand visual types of information. Today, some systems not only understand, for example, that the picture shows a cat, but can also supplement it if they see fit. But we will write about this another time.

We should be grateful to the recognition of relationships, one of the first developers of the Hummingbird algorithm. With it, in 2018, Google search easily understands you, even if the request is voice or not immediately accurate. And the point here is really that the search engines have learned to recognize the relationship between concepts, and analyzing their huge library to give accurate results.

This is probably why, on the cover of the book about the Art of SEO by O'Reilly, the hummingbird froze in flight, as if personifying the very search engine that comes into contact with information on our regular requests, it is also barely noticeable how this little bird touches a flower with its beak in looking for pollen.

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