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🚀 Marketing Prospects: Hacking the System and New Opportunities 💡


The hacking of marketing took place, as Phil Barden's book of the same name says. This book was sent to me for review by the publishing house “Mann. Ivanov. Weber”. I spent a long time persuading myself to read it and eventually persuaded myself, which I am now glad about. It should be noted that I rarely read books lately, because it is difficult to find something interesting.

The common problem with most new books is that, as a rule, everything interesting in them is not new, and everything new is completely uninteresting. In the overwhelming majority of cases, authors of books savor long-known truths, rewriting them from each other and passing them off as something new, interesting and personally invented by them. In principle, this is not the worst case.

It is much worse when the author has poorly and superficially understood the topic, thought up something himself, and finally decided that he made some new discovery, which he talks about in his book, forcing readers to degrade along with him. As it turned out, the book “Hacking Marketing ” fell out of this rule. After reading literally 10 pages, I realized that it was worth reading to the end.

Who hacked the marketing

Who did the marketing hack?

It turned out that the book contains a lot of new information, and surprisingly this new information is very, very interesting and it makes sense to read it to the end. I did, and with great pleasure. It can be said that the book really talks about hacking marketing. The book “Hacking Marketing” turned out to be not only interesting, but also useful, personally for me.

She saved me several years of researchShe saved me several years of research in the interests of noomarketing. While reading this book, sometimes I even had the impression that I was reading some of my own materials. The fact that these were not my materials was reminded by the slightly different terminology used by Phil Barden, but the conceptual points are very similar.

For example, noomarketing uses the concept of “idea”, and Phil Barden uses the concept of “goal” in a similar context. Phil Barden believes that goods are bought not for the sake of the goods themselves, but for the sake of achieving the goals that buyers have. Noomarketing also believes that goods are bought not for the sake of the goods themselves, but for the sake of implementing ideas.

Why the Marketing Hack Happened

Why the Marketing Hack Happened

Of course, if Phil Barden was familiar with noomarketing, he could operate with noomarketing terminology and all the conclusions would be appropriate. Without familiarity with noomarketing, he, understandably, operated with categories familiar to him. Generally speaking, “Hacking Marketing is a very modern, timely and necessary book.

The main problem of the modern economy is the shortage of motivated consumers. Marketing hacking was necessary because everything flows and changes. Including the economy. Following the change in the economy, marketing is forced to change, because marketing is one of the main tools for solving economic problems. The main problem of the modern economy is the shortage of motivated consumers.

This problem is connected with the fact that all motivated needs have already been satisfied and tools for mass creation of new needs are needed. Such tools, of course, exist, but they are weak. Accordingly, the main trend in the development of marketing is the search for new ways of mass and cheap creation of consumers and needs.

What is Marketing Hacking?

What is Marketing Hacking?

First of all, the search for these methods and, accordingly, the development of marketing are carried out by the most “pumped up” specialists, because the one who is higher sees more. It is these people who come up with the most fresh thoughts and ideas concerning the development of marketing. Phil Barden is one of the experts who is maximally pumped up by marketing.

Reading the book is a real pleasure. This caused him to start changing it. He expressed a large number of ideas and facts about what modern marketing is in his book “Hacking Marketing”. After reading the book, I can say that Hacking Marketing is a godsend for everyone. This is a great book that will be interesting to both specialists and people far from marketing.

Reading the book is a real pleasure. It is better to read it slowly, savoring each sentence to better understand what Phil Barden is talking about, because he says a lot of new and very interesting things. For specialists who are also trying to find a new marketing of books, it will be useful because it allows them to understand whether they are moving in the right direction.

What will marketing hacking lead to?

What will marketing hacking lead to?

The book will also be useful for practitioners. Moreover, it is useful not only for marketers, but also for businessmen. Marketers who are looking for ideas for promoting products will be interested in the research results presented in it and new ideas. Based on these results, you can significantly improve the quality of your marketing activities and better understand the principle of the invisible hand of the market.

Businessmen will find it useful because Businessmen will find it useful because they will be able to see many new opportunities that can be implemented with business benefits. Moreover, the book will be of interest to both those who are familiar with marketing and those who are not. For everyone who is not yet familiar with marketing, it will also be useful because it will open their eyes to modern marketing.

Another positive thing is that Hacking Marketing is a book that will put to shame the anti-marketers, all those who think that marketers should be driven out with a broom, all those who think that marketing is more dead than alive. Everything written in the book convincingly proves that marketing is alive and well and capable of great things.

Marketing Hacking as a Step Forward

Marketing Hacking as a Step Forward

So, what do noomarketing and the book “Hacking Marketing” have in common? First of all, in his book Phil Barden says that there are two systems of thinking and decision-making. He called them pilot and autopilot, respectively. In noomarketing there are similar constructions, however, conveyed by other words and other terms.

Implementation of an idea is a basic need of any person. Within the framework of noomarketing, it is believed that each person has an idea at their base, which is implemented in the process of a person's life. Implementation of an idea is a basic need of any person. A person's basic idea is an autopilot in Phil Barden's classification. You can even say that noomarketing complements Phil Barden by explaining what an autopilot is.

During a person's life, his basic idea interacts with other ideas and is constantly upgraded, i.e. the person's autopilot develops. In turn, a number of secondary ideas are implanted in a person. Each of these ideas is a pilot. The basic idea forms the basic principles of human behavior, and the secondary ones form behavior in each specific case.

Idea as the basis of needs

Idea as the basis of needs

The idea is implanted in a person and generates information in him about what the person should do in a given situation, how to “pilot” in a given situation. Every person has an autopilot by default, so to speak, in the “basic version”, but in order to turn on the pilot, you need to upgrade yourself with the corresponding idea. The need for upgrading was indirectly confirmed by Phil Barden.

The process of gaining experience is the pumping of an idea. In his opinion, it is necessary to gain approximately 10 thousand hours of experience concerning a certain subject before this subject is fully understood. The process of gaining experience is the pumping of an idea. The point is that in the process of gaining experience, the necessary idea gradually penetrates into a person, piece by piece, brick by brick, element by element, and develops in him.

For example, if you take some specialty, then in order to pump up the idea that underlies this specialty and become a specialist, according to this data, you need about 5 years. The calculation is simple. If you take the average working day as 8 hours, it turns out that you need 1250 days. In one year there are about 250 working days, hence the figure of 5 years.

How consumers are created

How consumers are created

However, I think that it is not only time that is important, but also the intensity and quality of pumping up with an idea. You can walk through the desert without a map for an infinitely long time in search of an oasis, but you can also find it very quickly if you have a navigator. Pumping up with an idea can be compared to providing a person with a navigator that speeds up the process of finding the desired point.

Only a person pumped up with the idea of ​​marketing is capable of doing it. A person who does not know the way, but has a navigator, will get to the desired point faster than a person who does not know the way and does not have a navigator. The need to pump up with an idea is the second common point between noomarketing and “Hacking Marketing”. Let's take marketing, for example. At its core, as at the core of everything else, is a strictly defined idea.

Only a person who is pumped up by this idea to the fullest extent can implement this idea to the fullest extent, because only such a person knows and understands how it is implemented. Implementation of the idea that underlies marketing is marketing activity. Only a person pumped up by the idea of ​​marketing is capable of doing it.

How to Get Real Marketing

How to Get Real Marketing

If the activity does not implement the idea that underlies marketing, then such activity cannot be marketing by definition. It is anything but marketing. If the activity is carried out by a specialist who is only 50% pumped up by the idea of ​​marketing, then the quality of his marketing activity is no more than 50%.

And we are not talking about theory, but about practical activity. Only the activity that is carried out by a specialist who has collected 100% of the idea underlying marketing is 100% marketing. To become such a specialist, according to Phil Barden's calculations, you need about 10,000 hours or 5 years, respectively. And we are not talking about theory, but about practical activity.

In about 10,000 hours, a person gets into enough situations to find all the elements of a marketing idea and put them together. Of course, this process can be accelerated if the future marketer is given the elements of the desired idea in a ready-made form. The third common point is the approach to creating a market.

Idea as the basis of the market

Idea as the basis of the market

Phil Barden believes that to define a market, create new products and develop marketing strategies, you need to start from the goals of buyers, not their categories or product qualities. A similar approach is in noomarketing, only instead of using the term “goal” the term “idea” is used. In noomarketing, the basis of the market is the idea.

In noomarketing, the basis of the market is an idea. The group of people in whom this idea is implemented is the market. Accordingly, it is from the idea that one must start in order to build a market, create a product, and develop a marketing strategy. Within the framework of this approach, a product is simply a way to implement an idea. Sometimes, one idea can be implemented through a product, and sometimes several.

A product that embodies several ideas is more valuable to the buyer. In this regard, Phil Barden writes that the words “Tender Grilled Chicken” give the dish more value than just “Grilled Chicken.” The words “Grilled Chicken” are an opportunity to realize one idea. But “Tender Grilled Chicken” is an opportunity to realize several ideas.

How people choose goods and services

How people choose goods and services

A person wants to kill more birds with one stone, so he chooses a product that implements the maximum number of ideas. Phil Barden believes that the two main forces that create motivation in addition to the instinct of reproduction are forward movement and protection. In his opinion, forward movement implies expansion, following forward, struggle, conquest, etc.

A person is an embodied idea and therefore he is characterized by these properties. Defense involves prevention, avoidance of losses and similar actions. In his book “The Marketing Explosion” Phil Barden writes that these forces were formed in ancient people who survived either by entering into a fight or by fleeing, and they are deeply integrated into the structure of the personality, are the basis of the human personality.

Phil Barden is right about these forces being deeply integrated into the personality structure, but from the point of view of noomarketing, one cannot agree with him that these forces were formed in ancient people. These forces are not specific to humans, they are common properties of all ideas. A person is an embodied idea and therefore these properties are characteristic of him.

How motivation is formed in consumers

How motivation is formed in consumers

Moving forward is the main motivation at the idea level. An idea is designed to constantly evolve. Defense is simply the way an idea tries to prevent itself from stopping. Another point where Marketing Hacking and NooMarketing converge is the point that everything requires motivation.

Human motivation is a very complex thing. This is a very important point. Many people think that everything happens by itself. For example, that the consumer by himself expresses a desire to buy a product or service, therefore the role of the manufacturer is to produce, and the role of the seller is to take the money and give the product. This is not true, because in reality nothing happens by itself. Motivation is needed for everything.

Human motivation is a very complex thing. The source of motivation is new ideas. In order for consumers to constantly have motivation to buy goods or services, it is necessary to constantly introduce new ideas into them and activate the implemented ones. First of all, it is necessary to constantly activate the basic idea using the script of modern marketing.

What motivates a person to buy

What motivates a person to buy

According to Phil Barden, sciences such as affective neuroscience and motivational psychology confirm that, in addition to the desire for advancement and protection, there are three universal motivations in human nature: safety, autonomy, and arousal. These are, so to speak, buttons that, when pressed, activate the underlying idea.

These buttons are inherent to the basic idea of ​​a personThese buttons are inherent to the basic idea of ​​a person, and therefore, are inherent to any person. They are activated and create a need only in strictly defined conditions. In order to activate them, it is necessary to create these conditions and this is the task of the manufacturer, distributor, marketer. These motives are characteristic of the basic idea because the goal of any idea is development.

The idea wants to move as far as possible – this causes security motivation. The idea does not want to depend on others – this causes autonomy motivation. The development of any given idea is possible only through interaction with other ideas. For this reason, any idea tries to contact other ideas that help it develop.

Noomarketing as the successor of marketing

Noomarketing as the successor of marketing

How do you know if contact will lead to development or not? There is a mechanism of excitation for this. When an idea contacts another idea that will help it develop, a large amount of energy is generated, which is felt as excitation. The basic idea of ​​a person constantly scans the space around it for other ideas that will allow it to advance.

… buyers are willing to pay only for products that implement the ideas embedded in them. It integrates useful ideas into itself, and then the buyer begins to need products that are able to implement them. This is why Phil Barden says that buyers are willing to pay only for a product that meets their goal. In noomarketing, it sounds like this: buyers are willing to pay only for products that implement the ideas embedded in them.

The above convincingly shows the presence of common points between the thoughts and ideas of Phil Barden and noomarketing. There are actually many more common points, only the main ones are listed. Based on these points, one can even ask the question, is noomarketing needed at all, if there is Phil Barden's “Hacking Marketing”?

Noomarketing as the new marketing

Noomarketing as the new marketing

The point is that he hacked the old marketing, actually destroyed it, showed in what moments it no longer works, but, in fact, did not offer anything in return. He cited the results of many studies, cited many facts, but did not say how to work in the new conditions. Most likely, Phil Barden did not set himself the goal of offering something new.

Noomarketing is completely ready for use. He set the goal to show that marketing has changed and that we need to change along with it in order to keep up with life and indicated the directions for movement. Everything points to the fact that noomarketing is the new marketing concept that should replace the old concept. Noomarketing is the contents of the safe that Phil Barden cracked. In particular, noomarketing offers a new opportunity – to create a market. Classical marketing did not have it.

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