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How to make money on knowledge: TOP-7 ways


The modern world gives us hundreds of opportunities to earn money. Everyone uses them: from people with an outstanding IQ to the last loser. It has long been proven that the color of a diploma does not affect financial success in any way. But what if it is still red, and your knowledge is much higher than most? We suggest not to hide your abilities from the world, but to put them into action. We tell you how to make money on knowledge online.

How to make money on knowledge on the Internet

The easiest way to make money on knowledge is on the Internet. First, there are more options here. Secondly, the remote work format can be combined with any profession. We have collected 7 ways to make money on the Internet for you. They prove that education is not a waste of time, but a profitable investment.

How to make money on knowledge: TOP-7 ways

1 Start an infobusiness

The best way to make money on knowledge on the Internet is to start an info business. We have already written about the infobusiness on our website more than once. And we'll do it again with pleasure.

The essence is extremely simple. If you have any knowledge, you have two options for earning. The first is to translate knowledge into skills and apply them in practice. According to this principle, any work is carried out and wages are calculated. The second option is to transfer knowledge to other people. In other words, teach them what you know yourself. You turn information into a commodity and sell it to those who are interested in it.

If you are a pro at something, be sure to try creating your own information product. And the more specific your talent, the better. Choosing a narrow audience is a good strategy to start with. Yes, millions of people will not be interested in your course. But hundreds of competitors are not terrible. When you start an infobusiness from scratch, a good reputation and regular customers will help you rise high.

2 Consultant online

If you are good at something, this is a reason to become an online consultant. After all, your knowledge can certainly be useful to someone. Agree, people often hire specialists for advice on important matters. So, a real estate consultant has a stable salary. After all, the deals that he prepares are also not cheap.

In general, business consulting is a very popular phenomenon. Type in the search engine the word “consultant" plus the name of the area you are interested in. Surely you will see that someone is already making money on advice in this matter. So, if you successfully promote your products on the Internet, you are a born marketing consultant. The same applies to SEO optimization: such skills are now worth their weight in gold.

You will be surprised, but advisers are in demand not only in serious areas. Even a feng shui consultant can find a job. So if you were fond of Eastern practices at one time, it is time to activate your wealth zone.

3 Tutoring services

Offering tutoring services is now profitable. After all, successfully passed exams for a child means studying in a prestigious place. Parents usually do not skimp on preparing for the exam. There are many children, and there are not enough professional teachers for everyone. And they charge a lot of money for their services. Therefore, if your own certificate scored 90+ points, many moms and dads will take you as a tutor even without a pedagogical education. Checkmate for those who considered the results of the exam useless.

The top requests include a tutor in mathematics and a tutor in the current language. These subjects must be taken in almost any university. So if you are an expert in these areas, then there will always be enough for a piece of bread and butter. A tutor in chemistry, physics and biology will also not be left idle. Out of competition and an English tutor. However, foreign languages ​​are in demand in general. German, French, Italian, Chinese – all of them will quickly find students. If you know any unpopular language, feel free to offer your services. A Greek or Bulgarian language tutor is, of course, not in great demand. But the competition in this niche is also much less.

If your specialization is preschool education, it is not necessary to get a job as a teacher in a kindergarten. You can present yourself as a school preparation tutor. And teach kids the basics of reading and writing at home.

In addition, you can engage with children according to their interests. For example, a guitar or drawing tutor is in demand. So if you have a “musician” or “artist” behind you, you are welcome! Post your ad.

How to make money on knowledge: TOP-7 ways

4 Author of scientific papers

The main companion of students is laziness. Therefore, where there are students and teachers, third parties always appear – those who perform tasks for others. Abstracts, term papers, theses – these are the ways to make money for the authors of scientific papers. You can receive orders both individually and working in a company.

For example, go to the service "Work5.ru". Authors of scientific works from different fields of knowledge are waiting here. Management, economics, philosophy, cultural studies, physics – your specialty will surely flash in their list. To get "in the share", future authors pass a special test. So the creators of the site can be sure of their competence. The title of candidate or doctor of science exempts from the test. Instead of a questionnaire, you can send a scanned diploma to the service.

A free schedule and the choice of tasks to your taste are significant advantages of such part-time jobs. If you do not want to work for a large company, you can PR at a local university. Complete several orders with excellent results and word of mouth will bring new customers.

5 Make money on knowledge of the language: translations

Excellent command of a foreign language is the key to many ways to earn money from knowledge. Translations can be done without specialized education. In addition, translation services are very often offered as freelance. This means you can work from home whenever you want.

The ideal option is a technical education plus knowledge of a foreign language. This combination makes you a specialist worth its weight in gold, because technical translation services are a very relevant thing. Not every translator can cope with them. Medical translation is another narrow niche. If you are a doctor who reads medical literature fluently in the original, consider translations. Yes, foreign language graduates are much better acquainted with the intricacies of conveying meaning. But they will hardly understand half of the vital terms even in the current one.

Legal translation services and document translation are also highly valued. Here, not only the accuracy of language proficiency is important, but also savvy in business aspects. Such translations are made both from English into the current language and from the current into English. Or to any other foreign language, depending on the request.

Website translation is a newcomer compared to other types of translations. However, the popularity of such a service is high. After all, the market for online services is naturally growing. Think about urgent transfers too. Do them, you know, you need to quickly. But the price of labor justifies the haste.

6 Earn on knowledge: current language

You can earn on knowledge even when you understand only the current language. Of course, provided that you speak your native language flawlessly.

First of all, this is writing texts to order. Copywriting is your option if school essays were fun. However, it is not necessary to write the texts yourself. It is enough to check them for literacy, punctuation and style. You may not be a trained proofreader with experience. There are places where they ask you to complete only a test task. If successful, you will be taken to a team of specialists. And they will start sending texts for proofreading.

And here is an idea for those who have an imperfect knowledge of a foreign language and an ideal literary editing skill. Engage in the processing of interlinear translations. Knowledge of the language is enough to deal with the “raw” text of the translator. A philological talent will help to make candy out of a poorly read record.

How to make money on knowledge: TOP-7 ways

7 Freelancing as a way to earn on special knowledge

It happens that a person is well versed in an absolutely useless area. But it seems so only at first glance! In fact, it is very easy to make money on the knowledge of some nonsense. It is enough just to find a place for freelancing where such requests are left.

So, digging on the site weblancer.net, you can see very curious orders. For example, the section “Poems, Songs and Prose” is looking for performers of creative tasks. There, you need to write a rap to the finished music, and remake the song into a parody. As a bonus: swearing is allowed! Yes, we are not kidding. And they offer decent money for these services.

If you're good with rhyme and fantasy, try coming up with an anthem for a football club. Or write a plot for a love story video. Writing lyrics for a wedding love story is a popular request. So we recommend “turning on” for the cause of the inner romance. Do you know how to organize an event? Practice writing scripts for YouTube videos or children's parties.

The demand for poems for loved ones is growing on the site. In addition, your poetic talents can come in handy for postcard texts. If you were the king of presentations in your native Alma Mater, transfer this knowledge to adulthood. Many companies are looking for people to freelance presentations. Presentations are both selling (for clients) and reporting (for management). We think you can handle any challenge.

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