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How to make money on a car in the shortest possible time


Owning a car is the dream of many. Now that the car has become not just a means of transportation and an indicator of status. But also a colossal convenience in everyday life. But not everyone knows how to make money on a car.

Unfortunately, prices in the automotive market are only getting higher every year. And a huge range of cars does not change this. Therefore, not everyone has the opportunity to accumulate the required amount in a short time. And even more so go to the salon for your favorite four-wheeled friend. The hardest part is for students and young professionals. At the beginning of a career, rarely anyone manages to โ€œshoot" and immediately reach a high income.

However, you can buy a coveted car with any income. The main thing is to know how to do it. Below you will find ways to earn money for a car in a short time.

Strategy Development


To begin with, carefully analyze the current financial situation. And make an approximate calculation of all expenses for the future car.

Answer the following questions:

  • What is your current income level?
  • Are there any prospects for career growth and / or income increase in the near future (six months โ€“ a year)?
  • Are you satisfied with your place of employment or are you thinking about changing jobs?
  • Do you have sources of additional income? If not, could you find them?

Based on the answers, it will become more or less clear how stable your financial situation is. Constant income allows you to plan your budget and save money more productively. And at the same time, don't put all your earnings on a car.

cost calculation

The next item is the calculation of all possible expenses and expenses associated with the car. Estimate how much of your money will go monthly to the iron horse. And you will understand whether the purchase and maintenance of a car will fit into your monthly expenses. Because there is a possibility that it is worth delaying the implementation of the plan.

To get started, calculate how much money you spend monthly, leading a familiar lifestyle. Include mandatory payments here (utilities, travel, mobile phone bills). Then food costs. Including groceries and household items if you live on your own, entertainment, petty expenses, and more. Then add the following items to this list:

  • petrol;
  • maintenance (about once every 10 thousand kilometers);
  • insurance policy (once a year);
  • fines (on average once every two months);
  • car service, tire fitting and other unforeseen expenses.

These calculations will help you understand what is the best way to save money. And, perhaps, they will help you find a way to earn money for a car in the shortest possible time.

From thoughts to actions

Even if the main job brings a good income, it is better to find an additional source. Because with him the dream of owning a car will become even closer.

In student years it is difficult to combine work and study. Not to mention extra income. However, if you plan your time wisely, then carving out a few hours to work with a free schedule is not difficult.

How to make money on a car as a humanities student

Earning money for a car is not an easy task, but who said it would be easy? Think about what you can do best. Build on your knowledge and skills.

Humanitarians can easily master earnings on the Internet. You may be able to translate complex texts with ease. Then you can try yourself as a translator. But if you like literary creativity, discover the copywriter in you at a remote job. And for those who are well versed in their specialty, the work of the author of student papers is suitable.

How to make money on a car as a technical student

It is easier for students of technical fields to find application for their knowledge in their specialty.

Generally speaking: there is always the opportunity to get a part-time job in the restaurant industry. Waiter, hostess, bartender or administrator. Workers in this area, in addition to the salary part, receive good tips, which sometimes even exceed the salary.

Another real income is the Internet. Now you can find a huge number of freelance resources where you can earn extra money.

Not just a car, but a means of luxury: how to make money on a premium car

It's good to have a personal car, but itโ€™s much more pleasant when you sit in a leather interior, listen to your favorite music on high-quality acoustics and note with pleasure how a powerful engine growls pleasantly under the hood of an aggressive handsome man.

If you can make money on popular models of the middle price category relatively quickly, then when you aim at the premium segment, you will have to be patient and sweat.

In addition, it is worth buying an expensive car when your main income is sufficient to support a luxury item. In addition to expensive maintenance and expensive consumables, such cars are very capricious about weather conditions and require much more careful maintenance. Needless to say, the tax rate, which rises in proportion to the cost of an expensive car. In addition, car enthusiasts who took a car on credit are forced to issue CASCO in addition to the OSAGO policy, since this is the condition of the bank that issued the money for the purchase.

However, if your income is stable and tends to rise, you can safely plan on buying an expensive car. To do this, you can open your own business and gradually bring it to a good level.

Start with a thorough search for an idea and a detailed analysis of the niche, competitors, information, and write a business plan. Seek advice from a person who has put his own business on track โ€“ he will be able to tell you the expediency of your enterprise and its profitability.

Start-up capital from your own funds is great, but if there are no free resources, then you can take a loan to develop a small business, find an investor, or receive government subsidies.

Regardless of what kind of car you dream of buying, you must believe in yourself and in your success. There are a lot of ways to make money on a car . Feel free to grab luck by the tail, work hard and soon you will have the treasured key to a brand new car in your hands.

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