How creatives spoil karma for themselves and their business
As promised in the article about advertising creatives, I bring to your attention a material that will tell you how the concepts of sin and creativity relate to each other, as well as what creative people have to do with it all. We must begin by pointing out that there is nothing in this article about religion, because it is customary to associate the concept of sin with it. By sin, you can understand something else, just a very visual and familiar word.
Speaking of sin in relation to creativity, it just means that creatives also sin, but they sin not in a religious sense. They sin by creating information constructs by creating pseudo-creo that hinder the proper development of the idea, and the idea is something divine, which allows us to call the activity through which pseudo-creo is created sin.
The mechanism here is very simple. Let's imagine a person. It must be understood that a person is not a static, but a dynamic entity that is in constant development. But, any development requires energy. Man is no exception here. The free flow of energy processes contributes to development, and not free flow hinders development, slows it down, stops it, directs it in the wrong direction. At the same time, a person is an entity that can be considered in different plans: material, informational, ideal.
The original plan is the ideal plan. It can be imagined as a certain plan of a person and his destiny. It turns out that there is a certain vector, a certain line, a kind of destiny. When a person lives in accordance with this plan, everything turns out well for him in life, i.e. there is a solid white stripe. Desires guide a person's life. They are a kind of concentrated energy, but the energy is not simple, but the energy is motivational and directed.
However, a person does not always live his life, guided by his desires, and, as is known from physics, energy does not disappear anywhere, it only passes from one form to another. So it turns out that the energy of desire cannot disappear, it can only turn into another type of energy, in this case, into potential energy.
This is achieved simply: a certain internal mechanism is created that accumulates this energy. Such a mechanism may have different names, for example, a complex. With each unsatisfied desire, energy turns into potential energy and a complex is created. The action that created the complex is nothing but sin, i.e. an act, action or inaction that disrupts the normal course of development of an idea.
Further, forgetting occurs, but the complex remains. The complex is bad because the energy in it accumulates poorly and constantly threatens to break out, because the complex is not able to fully compensate for the production of energy and its transformation into potential energy. For this reason, a person is forced to constantly create compensatory mechanisms, i.e. something is created in the external or internal environment that restores the balance of a person. Pseudocreo is an external object. By creating it, a person restores balance.
Balance is good. But the problem is that such an object is an obstacle to the development of an idea. Thus, by creating a pseudo-creo, a person creates new sins, creates even more obstacles for his development. It turns out that sin is just the creation of obstacles for the development of an idea, i.e. divine essence in a person, or the creation of obstacles for the destruction of blockages that were created earlier. So it turns out that by creating a pseudo-creo, a person creates new sins and aggravates the old ones.
At the same time, creatives can sin on themselves, but they can also sin on the goods and services that they promote. The mechanism here is the same, but only different objects. Any product or service also comes from an idea. Such a product becomes popular, the idea of โโโโwhich is successfully developed.
But, a creative person can create such information structures that block the development of the idea of โโa product or service, i.e. in fact, a creative person can create sin for a product as well. A product with sin cannot develop and very quickly gives way to competing products. Therefore, creativity in marketing can be different, both useful and harmful. You have to be careful with him.
How creatives create problems on a karmic level
So it turns out that horror stories about eternal death, about Hell, are not such horror stories. They are very real machines. If a creative person has tried hard in the field of creating pseudo-creo, then he loses his position over time, because maintaining the complexes in the right states requires more and more compensatory mechanisms. As a result, what is called the word "burn out" occurs.
It turns out that the creative person kills the mechanisms that allow him to connect to the world of ideas. Outwardly, it looks like a loss of inspiration, exhaustion. It may seem that fatigue, long-term work is to blame. But this is not so, the reason for this is the blocking of mechanisms for connecting to the world of ideas. The result is what can be called the creative death of such a creative.
After such a death, creatives fall into a kind of Hell, where his soul burns. He cannot escape from there until he removes his sins and is therefore doomed to eternal suffering. He wants to create, but he can't. At the same time, his whole organism is sharpened to create, because creativity is the process of his self-realization, but through sins he stops.
The same thing happens with goods. The number of sins with which products "infected" sinful creatives reaches a critical mass, the idea of โโthe product is blocked, and it begins to fade. Stones from the management of the company begin to roll into different gardens, but this does not help, because there is no understanding that the whole reason is that the product has become too sinful and has lost vitality. As a result, what can be called the death of a product and its falling into a kind of Hell for goods is obtained.
It is clear that there is no smoke without fire and that there is a reason that leads to the commission of sins, and now we will try to figure out why the creation of sins occurs. The key to understanding the causes of sin lies in understanding the foundations and prerequisites for creativity.
Creativity, as an activity aimed at creating unique objects, has several grounds. One is creating Creo for personal use to compensate for internal imbalances, the other is creating Creo for non-personal use for use by third parties.
Person-centered Creo. This creative is aimed at creating such an object that will be a compensator for internal imbalances, which are mainly in the mental sphere. This approach is based mainly on the desire for self-realization, the realization of vanity, self-affirmation, and the realization of ambitions.
As part of this approach to creativity, its result is created taking into account that the personal problems of the creative person are solved. Due to this, activity is directed at the activity itself and has no external goal. The focus is not on achieving goals. Sometimes, due to chance, such an approach can give results, but they are not stable, because they do not fit into the chain of cause-and-effect relationships, do not fit into the general scheme and can destroy it.
However, consciously and subconsciously, creatives will promote exactly this idea. It turns out that through such creativity, the creative person solves his personal problems, or rather tries to solve them. In fact, in this case, the motive of the creative activity is to achieve inner harmony, and not to create a real creative.
But, the whole point is that in fact the creative does not solve the problem, but only makes some delay, because he creates not a creative, but a pseudo-creo. In a way, you can even say that creatives are selling their souls to the devil, because pseudo-creo has something devilish in it, because it contains all sorts of different kinds of restrictions.
Restrictions help the creative for a while, but then he is overtaken by retribution and a failure in the vector of development of his idea, as well as in the quality of the development of the idea, because with the restrictions imposed on it, it does not develop completely. After all, only the pure development of the idea, the pure vector, the purely divine leads to the fact that there are no restrictions.
As a result, the creative person digs a hole for himself, because through pseudo-creo, which is created to compensate for internal restrictions, and not restrictions on the development of an external idea, in fact, these restrictions are not removed, but often they are aggravated. It turns out that this type of creativity harms not only the object of promotion, but also the creative person himself.
The problem is that his karma is violated, various kinds of objects are introduced into it, the creative is included in the zones of influence of various kinds of egregors, which thus take away energy from the creative. As a result, the creative goes astray from his true path.
Creativity as work with the collective unconscious
Object-oriented Creo. This object is created in order to provide conditions for the development of the idea of โโsome object external to the Creo creator. It is this approach that is creativity in its purest form. This is a real creative, through which the goals are achieved, to which the activity of the creative is directed. Only such creativity leads to the fact that a matrix is โโcreated for the development of the idea, peculiar channels through which the idea is promoted, its development takes place.
This type of creativity is useful for both the product and the creative, because it creates constructs that are then separated from the creative and do not affect his karma, therefore they are completely attached to the object and at the same time create conditions for its promotion, not obstacles.
It turns out that creatives can create creativity, but not sin at the same time. To do this, it is enough to understand that the result of creativity can be creo and pseudo-creo. If a creo is created, then sin is not created and is not aggravated, but if a pseudo-creo is created, then sin is created or aggravated.
The difference between creo and pseudocreo is that the first is what helps the idea, creative person, product or service to develop, and pseudocreo is what does not allow this, but rather creates obstacles for development. There are two ways to understand whether this is Creo or pseudo-creo: intuitive and expert. The first method is available to people with developed intuition, the second method is available to those who own the appropriate techniques.
However, the intuitive method has disadvantages. The main drawback of the intuitive method is that it does not allow you to determine exactly where the obstacles are created, it only helps to select them from different options for creative creative results. But it does not allow for correction in order to rid the product or service of sin. This can only be done if good experts are used. Another drawback is that sometimes intuition can be affected by various kinds of interference and this can lead to the fact that pseudo-creo can be chosen instead of creo.
Understanding the mechanism of creating creative can help creatives get rid of accumulated sins and regain their former creative power, as well as prevent them from having sins. But for this you need to do some work on yourself. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a deep introspection, to identify sins or prerequisites that can lead to their occurrence.