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Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone


You need to choose a profession according to your liking. It should correspond to the interests and abilities of a person, and bring material income and pleasure. But the profession must also be in demand, promising, well-paid.

Work brings pleasure if it gives you the opportunity to adequately fulfill yourself, achieve a high social status, and allows you not to worry about tomorrow. Therefore, when choosing a profession, it is worth considering both personal inclinations and preferences, as well as the objective realities of modern life. Let's talk about the best jobs.

Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone

highly paid

Salary is often the deciding factor in choosing a profession. But when choosing one of the highly paid specialties, you must remember that they are all from the category of professions-vocations. That is, I require serious preparation and full involvement in the work process. The more prestigious the specialty, the more aggressive the competition. In such an environment, it is impossible to succeed if you are often distracted by entertainment, travel, and hobbies. Even the family has a minimum of time.

For the most active and desperate, we present the top 10 profitable professions:

  • general director of an enterprise in the field of heavy industry;
  • senior manager in a large company (determines the company's development strategy, negotiates with partners and customers);
  • federal official;
  • auditor (internal and external control of the company for compliance with the law);
  • passenger aircraft pilot;
  • IT specialist;
  • chief accountant of a large company;
  • geneticist;
  • surgeon;
  • self employed.

There are professions in which you can make a fortune if you become literally the best of the best. First of all, it concerns the sphere of culture and art. Famous actors, musicians, architects, designers, sculptors and artists receive large fees.

You can get into the number of highly paid people by becoming an outstanding doctor of any specialization. Talented lawyers make good money. High pay for teachers of prestigious universities. Another option to take a high-paying job is to become one of the best specialists in the oil or gas industry.

best promising professions

Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone

Today's schoolchildren, who are thinking about which university to enter this or next year, it is important to choose a specialty that will not lose relevance in decades. In fact, most medical, construction, legal and other professions will always be needed. But in some areas of human life, specialists (presumably) will be valued higher every year. Here are the top 10 best new jobs :

  1. Nanotechnologist. Engaged in the creation of new materials at the molecular level. The developments of nanotechnologists are used in the food industry, space technology, mechanical engineering, and medicine.
  2. IT evangelist. Carries out the introduction of high-tech products into everyday life. Convinces potential consumers of the need to transition to new technologies.
  3. Big Data Analyst. Performs analysis of various spheres of society. The purpose of such an analysis is to understand what new developments will be in demand, that is, will pay off by the consumer.
  4. BIM manager-designer. Engaged in information design of architectural structures. It helps speed up construction and improve the quality of buildings.
  5. Unmanned device operator. Drones-drones are now actively used for the maintenance of pipelines, in the agricultural sector, in the security system, for the exploration of mineral deposits. Over time, the use of drones will expand, and the need for professionals to operate them will grow accordingly.

Additional list

  1. Smart device engineer. Today, the "smart home" is no longer something fantastic. More and more people are enjoying its benefits in daily life. More and more things around us are connected to the Internet – household appliances, lighting, public and personal transport, and much more. Smart devices require improvement, new developments, as well as analysis of the information received from them. All this is done by smart device engineers.
  2. Developer of implants and cyberprostheses. Medicine does not stand still. Implants and prostheses are already improving the quality of life of those who are forced to use them. This direction is one of the priorities in modern medicine. Specialists improving the replacement of lost organs and limbs will introduce new achievements at every stage of the development of science.
  3. Genetic engineer. The study of human genetic diseases and the creation of new crops are important areas for society that are still in their infancy.
  4. Trend watcher. Manager and marketer whose task is to predict trends. Torch watchers are needed so that manufacturers know what products will be in demand, and based on this they plan the assortment, rebrand the already produced goods.
  5. Food industry technologist. Thinks through technologies for creating new food products – gluten-free confectionery, dairy substitutes, artificial meat, fast-growing vegetables and fruits.

The most interesting new professions are formed at the intersection of arts, sciences, and practices. By combining the knowledge of an engineer, an industrial designer and a marketer, we get another specialty aimed at creating a product. This product needs to be created, properly designed and competently brought to the market. Now such tasks are performed collectively, but in the future there will be separate specializations for this.


Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone

A freelancer is a freelancer who works for himself via the Internet. He himself is looking for customers, agrees with them on terms and payment. The number of specialties included in the freelance format is growing every year. For example, many companies use the services of consultants, accountants and freelance lawyers. The attractiveness of this form of work is in freedom – a person himself determines his work schedule, while he is not tied to a place, and can change the type of activity at any time.

Freelancing is a convenient part-time option for students, mothers on maternity leave, and people who want to earn additional income on top of their basic salary. However, at present, a generation of freelancers has already grown up, who earned only in this way. The earnings of freelancers, as in other professions, directly depend on the level of qualification, experience and abilities. The more a person is involved in his business, the more he invests in his own development as a specialist, the more professional his work is, and the higher the salary.

Unlike working in an organization, freelancing allows you to change your price tag instantly. As soon as a person sees that his services have become better, he immediately changes the prices. To receive adequate pay, you do not need to quit and look for a new vacancy. Freelancing can make a lot of money if you take it seriously.

Freelancing has skyrocketed in popularity with the advent of COVID-19. When the whole country switched to “remote work" in the spring of 2020, in fact, a huge number of people were left without work. All that could be done in quarantine was to look for earnings on the Internet. And many found it here, and have not returned to the usual form of employment.

There are not so many professions online yet. But ratings have already formed among them. Here is a list of the top 5 jobs for freelancers:

  • website developer;
  • mobile application developer;
  • Web Designer;
  • internet marketer;
  • site administrator.

The best professions of all time

Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone

Modern fashionable professions aimed at the future are not suitable for everyone. Some need more confidence and stability. They want to get a profession in which it will be possible to realize themselves, regardless of which path of development humanity takes. Here is a list of "eternal" specialties:

  • doctor;
  • cook;
  • builder;
  • architect;
  • engineer;
  • lawyer;
  • actor;
  • artist;
  • musician;
  • marketer.

People all over the world will always need food and treatment, new homes and household items. In addition, it seems that now with us forever, the Internet with a variety of sites, advertising and the film industry. All this is a field of activity for representatives of the creative environment – actors, musicians, artists. But some traditional professions may be a thing of the past. For example, a teacher is at risk of getting into their number. The experience of distance learning has shown that school lessons are easily replaced by educational videos created by leading historians, biologists, and literary critics. True, some students at that time were in dire need of live communication with the teacher. This means that it is possible, even in times of advanced technology, that the teaching profession will remain, but will take on a new form.

Other professions that will probably no longer be necessary over time are a taxi driver, a librarian, a cashier, a parking attendant. They will be replaced by smart technology. There is a possibility of the disappearance of such professions as an accountant and a notary. But specialists with experience in finance and jurisprudence will still find "expensive" applications.

Best professions Without special education

In the classical version, the choice of a profession occurs at a young age, when there is time to get a higher education. But people without a diploma also have the opportunity to make good money doing an exciting job. Or with a diploma, but in a different field. Top 10 of the best professions in recent times that do not require education:

  • Sales Manager;
  • realtor;
  • cook;
  • taster;
  • air traffic controller;
  • board conductor;
  • copywriter;
  • photographer;
  • masseur;
  • visagiste.

Of course, none of the professions listed above can be entered and immediately receive a high salary. Everything needs to be learned. But unlike studying at a university, here training takes less time, takes place in the form of preparation for a specific specialization, after graduating, you can immediately start working. In addition, the learning process itself can generate income. For example, working as a sales assistant and receiving a salary, it is possible to master the profession of a sales manager. To become a chef, work as a chef's assistant.

For men

Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone

The line between purely female and male professions is gradually blurring, but there are specialties in which men feel "like a fish in water." They are easy for men, because they are intuitive, familiar. The best, objectively, male professions :

  • serviceman;
  • coach;
  • sculptor;
  • designer;
  • forwarder-storekeeper;
  • electrician;
  • welder;
  • builder;
  • auto mechanic;
  • driver.

So far, the IT sector is considered predominantly male. Girls also try themselves in it, and some are even very successful. However, men master it much more confidently. For example, a girl can become a good web designer or site administrator if desired. But programmers and system administrators are predominantly men.

In finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, and other non-gendered areas, it is also easier for men to succeed. It is easier for men to overcome competition, because for objective reasons men are less distracted from work, and besides, they inspire more confidence among clients, partners, and management.

In world medicine, there are more women than men. But prestigious and responsible vacancies are occupied mainly by representatives of the stronger sex. They become the best surgeons, dentists, anesthesiologists, gynecologists, oncologists, psychiatrists.

There are also more women among the cooks. But the position of chef in a prestigious restaurant is more likely to go to a man. The point is the specifics of work in public catering. She is tough both physically and emotionally. Therefore, the main thing in the kitchen should be a hardy person with a strong psyche, able to continue working in extreme conditions.

For women

Best Professions: Top Best Professions for Everyone

Such professions are traditionally considered purely female – a teacher, educator, pediatrician. But they can hardly be called prestigious. Therefore, let's talk about the specialties in which women manage to realize themselves most successfully. The best, objectively, female professions :

  1. Manager in small companies. Provides communication between management and subordinates. Responsible for corporate style, manages personnel, controls the work of each employee.
  2. Secretary-referent. The face of the company and personal assistant to the head. Participates in negotiations, represents the company at business meetings.
  3. Accountant. Knowledge in the field of finance, tax legislation, economics, IT technologies is required. Opportunity for career growth. With advanced training, you can easily move to another company.
  4. Stewardess. A dangerous but exciting profession. Suitable for young healthy girls with good external data and knowledge of foreign languages.
  5. Designer. Girls are better at interior design and landscaping than men. It helps the natural desire to equip life, create comfort, pay attention to detail. If you have an architectural or artistic education, you can become a highly paid specialist in this field.

Additional list

  1. Child psychologist. Psychologists for adults are representatives of both sexes. But a child psychologist is always a woman. Communication with small children in women comes out more organically, more naturally, they are more trustworthy. Child psychology is receiving more and more attention. Parents who are faced with problems in the upbringing or behavior of children are recommended to contact professional psychologists. Therefore, this profession can be called not only in demand, but also promising.
  2. Fitness instructor. To become a coach, you need to have the appropriate physical training and be an example for the client. It is important for a coach to develop a clientele. This will require knowledge of training techniques, the ability to communicate, the ability to provide psychological support to the client.
  3. Tutor in foreign languages. Teaches languages ​​at home or with a client at home. You can “pull up” schoolchildren according to the program, prepare applicants for admission, or teach adults. Clients advertise the tutor they like, providing the teacher with work.
  4. Purchasing manager. Women are gladly hired for such positions by clothing, furniture, and jewelry stores. Creating an assortment is difficult, but exciting. Here you need taste, knowledge of customer preferences, you will have to study fashion and trends.
  5. Spa specialist. If you have a medical education, you can become an expensive spa specialist. But if there is no such education, special courses will help to master the profession. The level of salary depends on the prestige of the salon.

The best professions For the older generation

In pre-retirement and retirement age, sometimes it becomes necessary to change your specialty. Top best professionsthat suit older people:

  1. Salesman. It is worth choosing a place of work from shops located near the house, with low traffic. A grocery store with a working shift of 14 hours will not work. It is better to sell clothes or, for example, stationery.
  2. Taxi driver. Jobs for older men. If there are no serious health problems, then knowing the city, working 4-5 hours a day, they receive a tangible increase in their pension.
  3. Watchman. Protect non-hazardous objects at night in comfortable conditions.
  4. Wardrobe attendant. Jobs for older women. When settling into the wardrobe, keep in mind that during the influx of visitors it is not easy to hang heavy winter clothes, this is a serious physical exertion.
  5. Conductor in public transport. This option is suitable because the conductor vacancy is open to retirees. But only a healthy and hardy person can do such work.
  6. watchman. The only difficulty in such work is the duration of the shift. It usually lasts for a day. Otherwise, there are only pluses – calm, comfortable, and you can chat with the residents if you wish.
  7. Checkpoint controller. The controller has more responsibilities than the watchman. But the salary is also higher.
  8. Nurse. The job is to care for a sick, inactive person. Choosing this option, it is important to assess the strength, and ask in detail about the responsibilities included in the list of services. To sit with a person, feed and give water while relatives are at work is one type of service. And if a bedridden patient needs to be lifted, changed, washed, this is another matter that not everyone can handle.
  9. Nanny. Neighborly jobs are often offered. This is a good option if the child is not hyperactive. The child needs to be picked up from kindergarten or school, play and feed at home, and wait for the parents to come.
  10. Cutting of fabrics. Suitable for women with experience as a seamstress or cutter.

For students

Students also want to earn. In student years, when there is no work experience and education yet, and the daytime is spent studying, the following professions are suitable:

  • waiter (in the evening and during holidays);
  • ad poster (still occasionally found vacancy);
  • promoter (distributing leaflets on the street or in a shopping center);
  • courier (with hourly payment);
  • food delivery man (in the evening);
  • tutor;
  • content manager in social networks (promote a personal group or represent the interests of a commercial organization for a salary);
  • copywriter (write articles for the store or by order);
  • animator (organization of children's holidays on weekends);
  • blogger (create a blog on the Internet and earn money by placing ads).


When deciding on a future profession, you must first deal with your interests and abilities. After that, choose the appropriate direction – art, science, business, industry, military affairs, medicine, IT technologies or another field. Next, in the chosen direction, find the current specialty.

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