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What startup to open and guaranteed to get rich


I want to start a startup and become a millionaire. I once thought that even if you receive a very large salary, for example, $ 5,000 a month, then it takes 20 years to become a millionaire, if you do not spend anything.

If you open an ordinary average business, then often the income is also not very large, enough to live on, but it also takes 10-20 years to become a millionaire with very rare exceptions.

During this time, you can wear out all your nerves and shake your health. In turn, startups are often sold for tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars with much less time and effort. Obviously, it is much more profitable to create and sell a startup than to work for an uncle or have your own business. I just can't figure out which startup to open. How do people usually find startup ideas?


How to determine which startup to open

Most likely, you have excellent intuition and you already feel the trends that are just beginning to emerge. So you are on the right track. Thanks to intuition, you will be able to get a good idea earlier than others, make a startup based on it and sell it. Of course, instructions on how to create a startup will not hurt you.

As for the process of generating ideas, the most common of them is randomness. It happens like this: a person wants to do something, starts looking for opportunities, but does not find it. As a result, he decides to create something that will help him. He starts thinking about it and a new idea comes to his mind, which he then turns into a startup.

Sometimes people generate ideas after reading fantasy books or watching fantasy films. They are so fascinated by the ideas from them that they then want to find a way to implement them. There are, shall we say, people from the future, “automatic creatives”. They look at the current world through the eyes of the future and they automatically generate ideas on how to make the future come faster. You counted correctly.

What startup is easy to open

What startup to open and guaranteed to get rich

Indeed, if you are a mercenary or have your own business, then very rarely you can rise above a certain bar. Moreover, the total automation of everything will begin very soon and the number of jobs and niches for business will be reduced significantly. Drivers will be replaced by autopilots, builders and loaders by robots, accountants, economists, financiers by artificial intelligence. It is believed that there are technologies that can even replace programmers.

In fact, only creative specialties will remain, which are unlikely to be replaced by robots. So there are fewer and fewer options for having a source of income. New technologies will soon appear, due to which entire industries will become a thing of the past and, accordingly, the businesses and businessmen who served them will also become a thing of the past. Obviously, even businessmen are not immune from poverty. Creating and selling startups will be one of the few ways to make money. So it is better to start now, while there are good opportunities for this.

With a high degree of probability, “automatic creatives” were Steve Jobs, Leonardo da Vinci, Ford and many other famous personalities. Most likely, they did not bother to generate ideas, they came to them themselves, and in bulk. After that, it was just a matter of bringing the ideas to life. Clearly, “automatic creatives” have a significant advantage. For them, having hundreds of ideas, many of which are quite promising, it is easier to make money on the creation and sale of startups.

Where to get an idea for a startup

Regular startups have a harder time than “automatic” ones because it's harder for them to get good ideas. It is logical to take steps to become an “automatic creative”. This can be done using different tools, one of which is legram (personality, market, startup, business, product). Using leggrams in the right combination allows you to significantly increase the ideal potential.

As for which startup to open, there are three main points. First of all, a startup should fit your personality, your basic idea. If this is not the case, it will be very difficult for you, because you will need to constantly suppress yourself, your personality, and this is very difficult and harmful. Therefore, it is better to find out your basic idea in advance with the help of a personality legram .

Only startups that integrate with the idea of ​​your personality will go easy for you. The second point is that the idea of ​​a startup should be in line with trends, so before thinking about which startup to open, it is advisable to conduct startup marketing, including studying existing, emerging and outgoing trends. Perhaps while you are studying them, you will just have a good idea.

The third point is the perspective of the idea. Some ideas may be of interest to 5 people, some to a thousand, some to millions, and some to billions. It is clear that it is more logical to deal with large-scale ideas.

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