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The Way of Wealth – How Anyone Can Get Rich Fast


Many do not like rich people, but almost everyone wants to get rich, everyone is looking for the path to wealth. In general, the desire for wealth can be called natural, because the presence of a large amount of money in the current account guarantees a stable future. Stability is always the key to peace, and peace is a normal state, everything in our world strives for it, from molecules to social systems.

Wealth has many more positive aspects, for example, it allows you to access many goods and services that cannot be obtained by a "mere mortal" who lives paycheck to paycheck. Also, wealth opens up access to communication with the "powerful ones" of this world, and communication with them allows you to further increase the amount in the account. Thus, it turns out that wealth gives a lot of advantages, which can only be taken and received, but for this, first of all, you need to get rich.

The benefits of wealth have long been known. For this reason, at all times the most ambitious representatives of different countries and peoples aspired to it, they sought to go the path of wealth. The desire has always been the same, but the ways to get what you want have always been different. Probably historically the first way to get rich was to become the head of a tribe.

The old way of wealth

The head was held in high esteem, he was given various gifts for receiving favors, and as a result, against the background of others, he was rich, and lived better than anyone else, and his prosperous future was, in principle, guaranteed. Robberies were the next way to get riches. A gang gathered and went to rob someone. Then they began to get rich in trade and financial transactions. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, wealth was accumulated through the ownership of factories, factories and other similar assets.

At the end of the 20th century, so-called information technology began to bring wealth, the most famous representative of this era is Bill Gates, who for a long time ranked first in the Forbes rich list, having a fortune approaching 100 billion US dollars at the best of times. For that kind of money, you could buy a lot, including some small country, and you will agree that it is worth it to strive for wealth.

As you can see, at different times it was possible to get rich on different “topics", and the topics were characteristic of specific eras, and if another era came, they simply ended and those who did not have time to reorganize went bankrupt. Of course, sometimes there were situations when some people got rich on “old” topics. However, this is a very rare exception and usually it was associated with the redistribution of power or, in other words, with robbery, when the new rulers simply took away what belonged to the former.

How to get rich in modern conditions

The new 21st century has arrived. Its beginning is characterized by the fact that especially smart representatives of humanity manage to get rich on the same topic, in other words, on information technology. However, this theme is becoming obsolete, and a new theme, ideas, takes its place. An idea is the path to wealth. It is on the generation and promotion of new ideas that new wealth is now being created, while other areas of business can only “keep your pants up”.

The Way of Wealth - How Anyone Can Get Rich Fast

Thus, it can be said that now the way to get rich is to create and promote ideas. Some representatives of humanity have already embarked on this path and amassed large fortunes, others are just beginning to realize this fact. Awareness is very difficult, because there is still very little information on this subject, or rather, almost none, and it seems that this path is available only to the “chosen ones”.

…this path of wealth is available to all who know about it…

In fact, this path of wealth is available to everyone who knows about it. For this reason, in order not to create unnecessary competition, those who know about him prefer not to talk about how they got rich. After all, they know very well that as soon as the masses find out about what you can really make money on now, the crowd will immediately rush into this new business area and then it may not be as profitable as it is now.

Although, of course, many of those who know prefer to work the old fashioned way, considering the new line of business as something unnatural, not creating a product. Also at one time, farmers believed that a product was created only in the agricultural sector, and the industrial sector did not create it, and then industrialists believed that a product was not created in the information sphere, but was created only in industry.

For this reason, knowledge alone is not enough, you still need to make yourself aware of what are the current trends in the world and, most importantly, to realize that it is these trends that allow you to get rich, perhaps the realization of this fact is the most difficult thing that can be.

New path to wealth

If awareness has occurred, then it becomes easier. Then you just need to get some good idea and start promoting it. Of course, it is not easy to promote an idea, it is much more difficult to do it than to work on an already created demand. However, if you can “raise” mere pennies on the created demand, which is hardly enough to pay current bills, then you can make fortunes on the promotion of ideas, the analysis of the Apple brand is a good confirmation of this.

Moreover, states are made completely without tension, in contrast to those hellish conditions in which pennies are made when working with ready-made demand. If in order to earn at least something on ready demand, you need to work almost 25 hours a day, then when working with ideas, you need much less time, some manage to invest in 10 hours a week. It is clear that the rest of the time can be devoted to your favorite activities, shopping, recreation, children or your soulmate.

The new branch of business, which consists in the generation and promotion of ideas, is a very closed topic and for this reason there is very little information on this topic and even less available technology. This is understandable, because no one wants to share the goose that lays the golden eggs. The only technology available to everyone is noomarketing.

Noomarketing is innovative marketing that allows you to work not only in the agricultural sector, industry, finance, information technology, but also in the new sector, the sector associated with the generation and promotion of ideas.

This sector does not yet have a name, but over time it will definitely get one, and probably one of the options will be the name "ideological economy" by analogy with the information economy. Noomarketing, unlike classical marketing, which appeared along with the industrial sector and is “sharpened” for it, is the first truly universal technology that can be used to work on any market and with any product.

For this reason, those who bet on noomarketing will eventually win more than those who work on old technologies, and most likely only those who bet on noomarketing will win, and everyone else will lose. Noomarketing is the way to wealth!

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