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The right start of a business is the key to its success


Among people who have never been in business, and even among some businessmen, there is a widespread opinion that it is believed that start-up capital is required to open a business. Many say that they do not open a business precisely because they do not have start-up capital. However, this is not exactly the right way to start a business. Indeed, money is important for starting a business, especially when you don't want to bother with the opening yourself. In this case, you can give money to people who know how to open a business and they will do everything. But when there is a desire to do everything yourself, when there is a desire to build a good business, then money goes into second place. A good idea comes first. A good idea is the right way to start a business. This is confirmed by the fact that there are people who have money but no business.

Many of these people even ask others what kind of business they can start with the specific amount they have. It turns out that they have money, but they don't have an idea, which means they don't and can't have a business. Moreover, there is not a single successful business in the world that was opened at the expense of money. Everything, absolutely all successful businesses started with a good idea for the dissemination of which marketing in general and the rules of marketing in particular were used.

Everything starts from an idea, and if you want to have a business, you need to start with an idea.

Why is an idea the right way to start a business? Everything is simple. Our world is arranged in such a way that it is the idea that is its primary unit. Everything starts from an idea, and if you want to have a business, you have to start with an idea. In principle, business is the development of an idea. The money that a businessman makes is just a consequence of a successful business, the successful promotion of an idea.

Accordingly, the main skill that a businessman should have is the ability to promote an idea to the masses. You can even say that a businessman is a person who knows how to promote an idea to the masses. The better he does it, the more success he achieves. A businessman is a person who develops an idea, and a person who invests money is just an investor.

It is really important for an investor to have start-up capital. For him, he is like the soldiers that the investor sends into battle. When these soldiers win, they take prisoners. Prisoners are money earned. A businessman works in a different way, a businessman introduces the idea of ​​a product or service into people, after which they become consumers of this product and service.

After the implementation of the idea, the businessman gives consumers a product or service, and in return receives money from them. The better the businessman promoted the idea, the more consumers of his product he will receive, and hence the more money he will earn. At the same time, the invisible hand of the market itself is among the friends of businessmen. She helps them a lot.

If a businessman offers consumers money in exchange for their money, then this is no longer a business, but some kind of absurdity. An idea and only an idea should be offered to consumers by a businessman, because only the development of an idea creates the basis for sales to be possible. That is why an idea is the right start of a business and the basis of a successful business. Sales are achieved through the fact that some people are "infected" with the idea, who then become consumers of certain products.

The right start of a business is the key to its success

In another case, sales are simply impossible, because these same people will not have the slightest reason to buy any goods or services and spend their money on it, and when there is no reason, then there is no motivation to do so. The idea is important not only for a businessman, but also for a manufacturer. For him, it is a way to get new customers for his products. However, the consumer is not at a loss, he also benefits from the fact that he allows the idea to be introduced into himself.

Without implemented ideas, he would be sitting at home, and so the consumer goes to the cinema, bars, restaurants, bowling, to a disco, buys goods and services that were also once ideas, but now they have become a place where people communicate, where they make their lives more beautiful, and some even find their soul mates there. It turns out such an interesting symbiosis of business and consumers around a common idea. This symbiosis is actually the foundation for building a new generation of business.

Some would-be businessmen make a mistake by confusing themselves with investors. There are many such stories, because every year there are many thousands of bankruptcies. Potential businessmen are going to do business, but they are really engaged in investments. They initially start the business wrong and the result of their business is natural.

Why is that? Because some people think that business is easy and simple and start it without any education. As a result, they don't know that the right way to start a business is when you start with an idea. To start with an idea means, first of all, to pass the idea through yourself. Passing an idea through yourself allows you to understand it, to understand how the idea affects you, to get feedback from it.

Starting a Business Properly Requires Some Preparation

If you are not the bearer of the idea, then you will not be able to transfer it to another person, and will not be able to turn him into a consumer, which means you will not be able to do business. Of course, business is more difficult than investment, you have to think about it. Many people can engage in investments, but only a select few, specially sharpened for business people, can engage in business. Such people are also characterized by personality marketing. They are very good at promoting not only the business, but also themselves.

Starting a business the right way involves some preparation. If it is important for an investor to take cheaper, i.e. invest less money and sell more expensive, i.e. get more money, it is important for a businessman to evaluate the market. This means that investment and business require completely different skills. A good businessman is also an experienced marketing practitioner.

If you want to do business, then you need to figure out how many customers you can create, you need to figure out how to do it, how much it will cost and what is generally important to consumers. An investor invests money and does not think about the consumer, he only thinks about money, and accordingly, his strategy is different – to impose on the consumer what is beneficial to him, and not to offer what the consumer really needs.

A businessman, on the other hand, works with the market, he studies it, and the idea lies at the heart of the market. Accordingly, again, we return to it, because an idea is the beginning of a business, the only correct start of a business. In order to properly work out the market, you need to own marketing at least at a minimum level. Marketing is a simple science, so there is nothing to be afraid of. What’s more, you can get it for free.

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