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The richest businessmen – success lessons from the top leaders of the Forbes list


Every billion dollar person has their own success story. It is not for nothing that they are included in various tops of entrepreneurs. And the richest businessmen have a unique experience.

Therefore, it is impossible to repeat this path. But for seekers of wealth, the example of entrepreneurs will be useful. Especially those that have achieved prosperity and fame.

But let's take a closer look at the activities of such businessmen. And let's pay attention to the top of the ranking of wealthy people in recent times. Fortunately, such a list already exists. And it's called the Forbes list. You probably know him. And so we will not delve into history. It's better to get straight to the point.

Top 5 richest businessmen in recent times

According to Forbes magazine in 2019, the ranking of the richest many businessmen is headed by five people. Their fortune is estimated from 20 to 24 billion dollars. The list is:

  1. Leonid Michelson, 63, gas and petrochemical industry, 24 billion;
  2. Vladimir Lisin, 62, metallurgy, logistics and transport, 21.3 billion;
  3. Vagit Alekperov, 68 years old, oil industry, investments, 20.7 billion;
  4. Alexey Mordashov, 53, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, 20.5 billion;
  5. Gennady Timchenko, 66 years old, gas, investments, petrochemical industry, construction, 20.1 billion rubles

But in order to understand why businessmen are rich lately, it is necessary to analyze the path of their formation. And track progress. But it is also necessary to know what qualities these people possess. And how do they help you reach your goals?

Leonid Mikhelson

Leonid Mikhelson tops the list of the richest businessmen in recent times in 2019. And he is a straightforward, tough and competent person. Business partners speak of Michelson as an incredible workaholic.

And they are absolutely right. Because on his way from a simple engineer to a billionaire, Leonid Viktorovich never allowed himself to rest. His main qualities: purposefulness, perseverance, the ability to highlight the main thing and not lose sight of the little things. And all this contributed to the fact that Mikhelson is now the head of Novatek and Sibur.

Possessing the makings of a leader, Michelson purposefully climbed the career ladder. And soon he headed Kuibyshevvodostroy. In 1991, the enterprise was privatized and from that moment the story of the future billionaire begins. On his account, he owns large gas fields, buys shares. And they, together with investment activities, brought billions of dollars to Michelson.

Vladimir Lisin

Chairman of the Board of Directors of NLMK V. Lisin had to go through a lot before he was in the top of many billionaires. This includes the so-called "aluminum wars" and even an attempt on his person. But he began his career as a mechanic. And after graduating from the institute with a degree in metallurgical engineer, he worked at a metallurgical plant. First as a steelmaker, and then as a deputy chief. And besides this, Lisin has two more higher educations. Including majoring in Economics and Management.

Businessman Vladimir Lisin is distinguished by resolute perseverance in any field of activity. And in spite of everything, he adamantly adheres to his line and achieves his goal. Therefore, those around him note his perseverance, rigidity and "bulldog grip." That is how he became the owner of a controlling stake in the third largest steel company in recent times.

Vagit Alekperov

The oil tycoon was born in 1950 in the family of an oilman. And already from childhood he knew that his life would be devoted to the extraction of black gold. Vagit Alekperov graduated from the Institute of Oil and Chemistry. And besides this, he is a doctor of economic sciences and the author of a monograph. Therefore, Alekperov began his career as a process engineer. Moving up the corporate ladder, he reached the top. Became president of OAO LUKOIL.

Businessman Alekperov is the father of oil companies in recent times. And the richest businessmen of late have to thank him. There was nothing like it in the USSR. Therefore, at that time, oil production, processing and sending the product to consumers were under the jurisdiction of various ministries. Due to disagreements between them, the oil fields fell into disrepair. And the state lost profits. But Alekperov was the first to create a vertically integrated structure that united all the links of the technology "from the well to the consumer." And it helped to solve many problems with production.

Alexey Mordashov

Alexei Mordashov is called "a man with a steel grip." Because it was this quality that helped him become one of the richest businessmen.

Mordashov began his path to fortune, like other billionaires from the list presented. From a simple position in a factory. After graduating with honors from the institute, he worked as an economist at a metallurgical plant in Cherepovets. But in 1989, Mordashov underwent an internship for 6 months at the VoestAlpin steel company (Austria). And in 1992 he was appointed director of economics and finance at ChMK. Although, it was soon transformed into OAO Severstal. Having led the process of privatization at the plant, Mordashov bought shares in OJSC. And he gained control over the joint-stock company, becoming its director and owner. And under his leadership, the enterprise turned into a giant of the state industry.

Gennady Timchenko

Gennady Timchenko began his career as a foreman at a plant in the Leningrad Region. But moving up the career ladder, he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Soviet Union. And then as deputy refinery director.

In the 90s, Timchenko decides to change his citizenship. And he moves to Finland. There he worked as a deputy, and then as a general director of Urals Finland Oy. But in 1995, Timchenko became an entrepreneur and founded his own company, Gunvor. She was engaged in the sale of oil. Timchenko is currently the owner of the private investment company Volga Group.

Lessons to be learned from their wealth

Leonid Mikhelson shares his experience on how to become a successful businessman. And he frankly says that in this life not everything depends only on the entrepreneur himself. He believes that in achieving success 40% is hard work, intelligence, education and determination. But the other 60% of success is luck. And how a person will be able to take advantage of this chance.

The main qualities that entrepreneurs should possess are the ability to see the goal and perseverance in achieving it. But the ability to take advantage of any given situation is also important.

"Steel grip", "bulldog grip" – such definitions are given to the richest current businessmen by people from their environment. But education is also very important. Because all the people discussed in this article have received higher education. And they improved their educational level to become even more successful.

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