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👤 Personality Marketing for Success 🌟


Personality marketing is a way to transform a person from “nothing” into “something.”Marketing in general is a magic wand that can transform “nothing” into “something.” It can transform everything into “something,” including people. Marketing makes people into personalities. “Something” differs from “nothing” by having a brand. “Nothing” does not have a brand, but “something” has a brand.

Usually, a brand is understood as a certain trademark that is popular. Outwardly, it basically looks like that, but if you approach the issue of a brand professionally, then it is no longer entirely correct to understand a well-known trademark as a brand. In reality, a trademark is only a carrier, a container for a brand, but not the brand itself.

A glass bottle is a container for drinks or juices, a trademark is a container for a brand. A brand is more than just a trademark. A brand is an image that is generated in a person's mind in relation to some object. And there is one important nuance, which is that a brand is a temporary phenomenon.

Effective Personality Marketing

Effective Personality Marketing

A trademark always exists, but a brand only emerges when two identical ideas interact in different media. While this happens, there is a brand; when it does not, there is no brand. A brand is actually a clot of energy that consumers are charged with. It is this energy that gives a brand the magical power it possesses.

To do this, they use personality marketing. Analysis of the brand and its structure confirms this. Thanks to its energy, a brand can attract people and retain them. As a result, there is an active expansion of the sales market. Knowing this magical property of a brand, developed companies pay a lot of attention to branding. But not only companies pay a lot of attention to brand creation.

Some personalities also pay a lot of attention to their brand. For this, they use personality marketing. Thanks to personality marketing, they turn their name into a brand. Once the name becomes a brand, you can earn no less money on it than on products that are “decorated” with a trademark that has become a brand, and sometimes even more.

Personality Marketing with Michael Jackson as an Example

Personality Marketing with Michael Jackson as an Example

Moreover, the more famous the name, the more money can be made from it, not only when the bearer of this name is still alive, but also after his death. Michael Jackson is proof of this. He was popular during his life and remains so after his death, and all because his name has become a real brand, a very strong brand.

Michael wanted to make money and created a brand for himselfEven after Michael left our world, he still has a huge army of fans who are ready to buy everything that has the cherished inscription “Michael Jackson” on it. That's the power of a brand! Obviously, creating a strong brand is the primary task of everyone who wants to make money. Michael wanted to make money and created a brand for himself.

There are different attitudes towards Michael Jackson. Some loved him, others ignored him, and others hated him. However, now we are not talking about attitudes towards him, but about the fact that studying the work and biography of Michael Jackson is a very good way to study the marketing of personality and understand all its power, as well as the power of a brand and proper branding.

How to organize personality marketing

How to organize personality marketing

The Michael Jackson project is a great example of very competent and high-quality marketing of a person. If there had been no competent marketing of a person to promote this project, if the rules of marketing had not been applied, then it is unlikely that the singer would have reached the heights that he did. This means that he had a good marketing manager.

Of course, the talent of the singer himself played a big role. Michael Jackson had a good producer who managed to turn him into a “hot commodity”. Of course, the talent of the singer himself played a big role. His characteristics, such as voice, gait, facial expressions, also played a big role in achieving success. But it was not they as such that made him popular, but the fact that Michael Jackson followed a certain idea.

He acted as an instrument for the development of this idea. He was hardly himself at concerts, he completely entered into the image that corresponded to the idea, he transmitted this idea through himself, like a projector through which a film is played and as a result a film is obtained. Marketing of personality is the promotion of an idea through personality.

Personality Marketing as a Source of Money

Personality Marketing as a Source of Money

Michael Jackson became a good transmitter of this idea. It was the idea that Michael Jackson transmitted, and not he himself, that “charged” the audience, got them going, gave them emotions. You could even say that at concerts, Michael Jackson was not just a person, he was a tool for disseminating this idea and he did it with maximum efficiency.

Michael Jackson was the embodiment of this ideaAs in any other case, at the heart of his phenomenon lay an idea, and perhaps not even one, but several, because although he had a style, it was too broad to reflect one idea. It was the fact that Michael Jackson was the embodiment of this idea, in relation to his name, that generated his brand in the minds of his fans.

Jackson's producer clearly knew what marketing was for and what it provided, as well as what it was for

personal branding. People were charged with the energy that this idea created in them. They became involved in this idea and the world that it created. This world did not collapse after Michael left us, which means that many of his fans can still live in it.

Personality Marketing as a Source of Success

Personality Marketing as a Source of Success

Thanks to the use of quality personality marketing, Michael Jackson gained popularity and money, and profits from marketing came. People were ready to go to his concerts, buy his CDs, and they continue to do so to this day. Anyone who wants to make a lot of money from their name must take care of their brand.

Only a brand can bring in multi-billion dollar income. Only with a brand can you create an army of fans, and if you don't have one, the number of fans will hardly be more than a company. At the same time, we must not forget that a good brand can only be created by a good idea, and only a good idea can lead to success and popularity.

Personality marketing is working with the idea of ​​personality. In order to do it, you need to have the tools to work with the idea. Without having such tools, one of which is the personality legram, you cannot create the idea of ​​personality. If you do not have them, you cannot introduce the idea of ​​personality into people's consciousness. Accordingly, you cannot get a personality brand and make money on it.

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