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Mudras to Attract Money: Two Simple Exercises to Attract Wealth


A non-standard path to well-being – wise to attract money. This is both promagic at your fingertips and about the psychological aspects of everyday shamanism. What does all of this mean? The tired expression “everything is in your hands" can sometimes be taken literally. Look at your hands right now. You have at your fingertips has been and always will be one of the most subtle ways to make money.

What is wise to attract money

Did you know that there are specific finger positions that can not only calm the mind, improve health, but also get rid of poverty and attract success? One of the most exotic ways to make money without investments is to take matters into your own hands. Literally.

Mudras to Attract Money: Two Simple Exercises to Attract Wealth

How to make mudras to attract money

For ease of reading, we have divided the information about each mudra into four parts. The first is a historical background and the purpose of the practice, the second part describes the position of the fingers and hands in general, the third is recommendations for working with the mind, and the fourth is like in prescriptions for treatment, how much time to perform, and how often.

Wise to attract money :

Kubera Mudra

Mudras to Attract Money: Two Simple Exercises to Attract Wealth

Powerful and simple. So you can characterize the result from the implementation of this mudra. Named after the god, the patron saint of various types of wealth in Hinduism. It is believed that patronizes both the acquisition of material wealth and various types of spiritual treasures.

Simply put, mudra helps you get everything you wanted, but were afraid or did not know how to achieve. This applies to all areas of life. If you already have all the desired benefits, then mudra will help direct them in the most favorable direction.

Execution – hands:
Touch the pads of three fingers, as in prayer. The pads of the thumb, middle and index should touch each other. Point the remaining two fingers inside the palm. Let the pads touch it, as in the picture.

In the mind:
Try to clearly formulate your request and not be distracted by anything.

To feel the effect, try treating this ritual like a meal or dietary supplement. That is, do it three times a day for 10-15 minutes. If your desire concerns serious investments (investments in cryptocurrency, for example) or you wish to find an interesting and profitable job, you will have to supplement the mudra with other practices.

Wise to attract money :

source of abundance

Mudras to Attract Money: Two Simple Exercises to Attract Wealth
If you, that is, have money, then no, everything is unstable and unclear – this mudra can help. Financial instability is associated with violations of human integrity. And energetic. Until you restore integrity, it will be almost impossible to achieve a stable influx of money. But, even if nerve cells are restored, then you will succeed with energy.

Note: We also wrote about the management of life energy without shamanism.

Performing the mudra:
Turn your hands palms up straight out in front of you, but relaxed. Do not create tension in the muscles. To feel light, do not keep your fingers in tension. Let them be bent naturally and relaxed. Let the little fingers and ring fingers of both hands touch each other. Then, as in the previous mudra, connect the pads of three fingers.

In the mind:
Breathing is free. Gather your attention at the tip of your nose or just above. Let your attention be visualized as a directional beam of golden light. Let the light be the source of goodness. Create an intention in your mind as a natural need to connect to this source.

A little hint: Since you visualize your attention as a source, it may be natural for you to think that you are the source of good. There is nothing external. But you can give yourself all the endless possibilities. This means that you are always connected to the flow of abundance, and now you are only focusing to activate it.
Try to stay in this state for a while.

Do mudra in the morning and evening for no more than seven days. Then a week break and resume work.

When you change the quality of life, all means are good. Here we mean legal tools, the use of which does not harm anyone. Even though symbolic and ritual gestures are a longstanding practice, there is no definitive evidence that they work. Therefore, we decided to test the effectiveness for ourselves. For the experiment, we decided to take two mudras to attract money.

If they start working, we will tell you about the rest. But while we are here to attract money with the help of the magic of our own fingers, we suggest that you also do not sit idly by.

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