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📈 Marketing problems and their correct solution


The problems of marketing that prevent it from developing have long been known. There are not many of them, but they are very serious. However, no one fights them, no one solves them, and this is the main problem. Because of the obstacles that are created for marketing, its evolution has slowed down significantly and it no longer gives the result that it gave before, and before it was powerful.

It can be said that the 20th century was the century of marketing. Only companies that used professional marketing managed to survive in the 20th century. Others that ignored it were eventually ruined and, at best, bought out by more successful colleagues, or disappeared altogether. Countries that used it by the end of the 20th century became several times richer than they were at the beginning of the 20th century.

If advertising is rightfully considered the engine of trade, then marketing can be called the engine that created demand throughout the 20th century and continues to create it at the beginning of the 21st century. At the same time, if almost until the end of the 20th century, marketing as an engine creating demand was used mainly in developed countries, then from the end of the 20th century it began to be such in many other countries.

The main problem is marketing

Marketing Mafia

Countries where marketing was not used showed very little economic growth. But then businessmen in these countries made the right conclusions and also began to actively use marketing. Results appeared immediately, and the economy immediately began to grow rapidly. However, the right conclusions were not made in all countries and there was no growth in them.

In the modern world, marketing is one of the few tools that helps both individual businesses and the economy as a whole to grow . However, in some countries, mainly in the former Soviet Union, it does not want to take root. This suggests that there is a certain group that works against marketing. This is clearly an anti-marketing mafia, which creates marketing problems.

The anti-marketing mafia is diverse. It mainly includes companies that allegedly engage in advertising and marketing, although in fact they do not do the above. In collusion with them are employees of many companies that are engaged in the production of goods, provision of services and trade. They also seem to be engaged in marketing, but in fact – anti-marketing.

Marketing problems are dangerous

These groups of people can be called mafia because they coordinately sabotage the implementation of real marketing. Instead of implementing real marketing and creating money, they essentially extort money from company owners, supposedly for marketing. Taking advantage of the fact that the owners do not quite understand what marketing and advertising are, they manage to extort large sums.

The markets of the former USSR countries are in an embryonic state in almost all respectsThe markets of the former USSR countries are in an embryonic state in almost all respects if we compare them by the level of consumption of various products per capita with the markets of developed countries. We can even say that there are no markets in principle, there are only scattered buyers. Obviously, things are bad, despite almost 20 years of supposedly developing marketing in these countries.

Marketing problems led to problems in the economy. Economic growth was only in those industries that the anti-marketing mafia did not reach, where it was not. It was due to these industries that the well- being of the population improved. In other industries there was almost no growth, if there was any, it was not due to active marketing actions, but purely due to the growth of income of the population.

Why Marketing Problems Occurred

Why Marketing Problems Occurred

The lack of economic growth in industries where it significantly depends on marketing can, of course, be attributed to the relatively low level of income and other reasons, but all this will only be a way to escape from reality and the problems associated with it. It is known that marketing brings up to 80% of the results in the sales sphere and it is marketing that creates money.

Marketing creates market movement, it expands its volumes, it changes its structureMarketing is like water that turns a hydroelectric power station turbine. Opponents of marketing do not allow this turbine to work. Marketing creates market movement, it expands its volumes, it changes its structure. But this happens only when it is not prevented from doing so. If the expansion and development of markets does not occur, then someone is putting a spoke in the wheels of marketing, artificially creating marketing problems.

Marketing problems do not end with marketing. They hit the budgets of countries, which lose tax and customs revenues. They hit the quality of life of the population, which cannot buy everything it really needs. Because of problems in marketing, jobs are lost, the state of infrastructure deteriorates.

Who creates marketing problems?

Who creates marketing problems?

The origin of this mafia can be different. It could have appeared by chance, because even a gun can go off by itself. However, if something appears by chance and over time the weak effectiveness of this something is revealed, then it dies out. But almost 20 years have passed, and this something is not dying out, but gaining strength, which can lead to only one conclusion – someone is specifically supporting this something.

It turns out that the anti-marketing mafia could have been formed specifically, say by representatives of Western companiesIt turns out that the anti-marketing mafia could have been formed specifically, say by representatives of Western companies, in order to destroy the economies of the former USSR countries, which is quite logical. If you start to destroy the economy in other ways, it will be very noticeable and you can simply run into trouble. If you destroy the economy through marketing, it will seem that it collapsed itself.

The only way to achieve quality economic growth is to begin to resist the anti-marketing mafia. It is not difficult to do. It has one goal – to destroy marketing. So we need to do something to create it. It's simple. First of all, it is necessary to increase the literacy of business owners in the field of real marketing.

Marketing Problems and Their Solutions

The Cause of Marketing Problems

Marketing problems can be solved if we start implementing real marketing, not the one offered by the anti-marketing mafia. Although it is well organized, it is also weak, because it has a very small field for activity and if we get rid of it, it will die out on its own, because the basis for obtaining the resources necessary for its existence will disappear.

If real efforts are not made to combat the anti-marketing mafia, the situation will get even worse over time. If real efforts are not made to combat the anti-marketing mafia, the situation will get even worse over time. The reason for this is the global financial crisis, due to which the economies of many countries have shrunk. The shrinking of the economies of countries around the world has led to a decrease in the amount of goods they import, which complicates the lives of exporters from the former Soviet Union.

Low domestic demand and low export levels are the strongest blows to the economy. While it is difficult to influence the level of exports, it is very possible to influence the level of domestic demand. To do this, it is enough to overcome the anti-marketing mafia. If you get rid of it, then over time, enterprises will begin to engage in real marketing, which will lead to an increase in demand for their products.

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