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How to write a resume for a job


A good resume is the key to a successful job. Therefore, it is important to reflect the strongest points in it. And do it with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. But without superfluous lyrics and self-praising words. Some tips on how to make a good resume – in this article.

How to write a resume for a job

What is a resume

In fact, this is a document of absentee employment. A kind of written business card of your skills, abilities, personal information and professional achievements. Translated from French, summary means summary. Some excerpt from everything that you know in two or three pages of a standard format. Preferably no more. How to write a resume for a planned job placement should be known in advance.

You can download a sample to fill out from many sources. However, it is better to study the resource in advance. For example, such official sites as the well-known hh.ru are clearly trustworthy. It can be assumed that the popular resource that has helped millions of job seekers find work will also be useful for you. In addition, there is also a lot of suitable literature on this subject. For example, "Resume in a Million" or "Perfect Resume". Therefore, study the issue in detail before transferring your professional biography to paper. We will give some tips: where to start a resume and how to end it.

What sections are on a resume?

How to write a resume for a job

It is worth highlighting several main blocks and talking in more detail about each. However, first of all, I must say that your skills and merits are something that should definitely be reflected in a resume. At the same time, you need to choose the right wording and phrases so that specific skills do not turn into a life story. In other words, there is no need to go into lyrics, but everything is concrete and to the point. How to write a resume when applying for a job online? A few tips to get your dream job.

personal information

In this section, you should indicate your current contacts. It is also important to focus on the desired communication channel. Also, don't forget about email. In order to get a job, it is better to create a box on the Internet specifically. Or, if you already have an email, check it for a name.


This is perhaps the most important section, since a potential employer will look at it in the first place. In other words, although personal data is placed in the upper block, the recruiter will turn to them if everything suits him in this block. If you want to find a job online, it is very important to reflect the main functionality of your positions over the past 10 years as dryly and sustainably as possible. At the same time, do not forget that the last 2-3 jobs are the most important. Because it's a fresh experience. In addition, when talking about your professional background, do not forget that only the main points should be taken into account.


How to write a resume for a job

This column can be attributed to the previous block, but we will dwell on it separately. Since it is in the achievements that you need to indicate your professional success. This can be decisive when applying for a job. However, even if you are a great fellow, then you need to praise yourself very carefully and you definitely don't need to write like that. It is important to reflect your specific successes within the framework of a particular activity at a particular place of work. In other words, you need to write, for example, reaching a certain level of profit, according to the strategic development plan, then a specific figure.

No need to smear information by filling the resume space with unnecessary words that can be omitted. Briefly and to the point.

A little about you

In the additional information section, you should not say that you graduated from a music school with a piano class if this has nothing to do with the desired position. Do not forget that when applying for a job, in any section it is important to reflect what will be of interest to a particular recruiter in this area.

For example, if you are taking a job as a screenwriter, then your love of reading would be quite appropriate. At the same time, as for a job as an economist, the same information about literary tastes may be completely unnecessary.

What are key skills?

As a rule, these are just those cherished words by which the employer is looking for a candidate. When figuring out how to write a resume for a job, it is important to specify them. For example, a sales specialist can be identified by the concepts: communication skills or good diction. In other words, you need to think about what skills will be key in your field and reflect them in this column of the resume sample.

How to write a successful resume to get your dream job?

How to write a resume for a job

In general, all the tips that are outlined in the article can be very useful tools that really work in getting the desired position. There are a few other things to consider when drawing up:

  • Wage level. It's good if you specify it. Thus, an employer who will not pull you financially initially will not waste his and your time on a dialogue. In addition, it is also not worth overestimating the bar.
  • Transmittal letter. Whether filling out an online sample, when writing a resume, or assembling all the sections yourself, it is worth writing this additional message. A cover letter is a kind of personal appeal to a specific employer. Therefore, study the company where you want to work and reflect in such a letter the points relating to this particular company.
  • Additional Information. In this block, they usually talk about courses, a driver's license. The same principle: dry and to the point – should be decisive in this section.

And in conclusion

When you're done with your resume, put it down and take a break. After some time, check carefully with a fresh look on the subject of grammar and spelling. And also, did you manage to convey important and necessary information about you as a candidate to the recruiter . And, if everything is fine, feel free to send. As they say, your place will find you. Good luck!

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