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How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft


Are you going to change your profile of activity and focus on the Web, but do not know how to start working on the Internet? In this article we write about how to find a money job. And also we tell a way that will help to calculate the professions of the future that do not yet exist and related areas in which it is worth starting to develop right now.

Maybe your dream job doesn't exist yet.

No one will give you a guarantee that after graduating from an educational institution you will find a job. Students of official universities are trained in professions that cease to exist by the time they receive a diploma. Today your profession is relevant, but in 5 years it no longer exists. The world is rapidly changing. How to change in the same rhythm with him?

How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft

Ask yourself questions about the future

60% of students in 2018 will have entries in work books about professions that do not yet exist. And that's okay. As well as the fact that there are no educational institutions that could teach today's students what will be really in demand. How, then, to plan your future career in the face of constant change?

New professions appear all the time

Do not be afraid that right now you are studying under the classical program of the institute, and this knowledge will not be useful to you. To adapt to the realities of the labor market, change your approach.

How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft

Your knowledge is sure to be put to use.

Even 10 years ago there was no content manager profession. But there were other similar professions: media editor, journalist and proofreader. Before journalism appeared, writers and writers worked with the text. Literature still exists. Just like journalism. And a person who works with text now can also find a job, like 10 years ago. But only the scope of skills has become wider, and a lot of tools have appeared that, on the one hand, make it easier to work with text, on the other hand, they kill some professions. For example, proofreaders should be included in the book of dying professions.

In today's media environment, one person can create a website on the Internet, generate content, check it for errors using special services, and even engage in search engine optimization. It's not as easy as it seems, but it's possible. And all the knowledge on how to do this can easily be found on the Internet, both in open sources and in online courses.

Tools change, skills stay

With the advent of social networks, there was a need to fill the online platform with content. This is the same work with text, but in a different genre. Just as in the past, in order to place an article with a photo in a publication, you needed an editor or the skills of a photographer, today it is enough to find photo stocks with good quality images on the Internet. Or create a collage or picture with text using free online image editing tools.

Choose your direction consciously

You will find a job if you have "root skills". Do not get hung up on the profession that the university gave you, think about where else your skills will be useful. And, no less important, where they will pay well for them.

The Internet is a convenient environment for earning and career growth. Remote (home) work is gaining popularity. People leave offices and choose freelancing. Employers meet such cooperation, since providing an employee's workplace is an additional cost. There are other advantages of such interaction. Depending on the sphere, they are individual everywhere. But the common points are the payment of office rent, employee insurance and tax fees. And if you cooperate as a freelancer, then the employer has a chance to hire a pro and at the same time save on his “maintenance".

Freelance is not scary

When a person works from home, this is normal. Hiring freelancers is profitable. One side. And being a freelancer is also convenient. But not in all areas and not at all stages of career growth. Any choice regarding career growth has its own nuances. For example, a freelancer has to take on not only the search for customers, but also deal with tax reporting himself.

How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft

How to get started online:

Choose a profession that will be useful

If you are concerned about the question of how to start working on the Internet, then our basic recommendation is to study specialties that are not currently taught anywhere. Arrange brainstorming, read futurological forecasts. Turn your fantasy on full blast and then adjust your research with logic, facts, and research on the topic.

We did. Below are the specialties that we think will be popular in a few years. We studied those areas that will be useful to society and individuals in the future.

In the future, the approach to a healthy lifestyle will change. Therefore, a new type of specialists will be required in this area. Consider promising young professions in the medical and near medical field.

Healthy lifestyle consultant

 Learn how to be healthy and productive and teach it to others

How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft

A healthy lifestyle specialist must know how to get the most out of personal potential and not burn out. Given the modern rhythm of life, and the likelihood of its acceleration, it is easier to hire a person who will select a personal nutrition model for you and draw up an optimal physical activity program than to deal with the issue on your own. Moreover, a healthy lifestyle consultant must understand nutrition, have access to high-tech diagnostic equipment, etc.

healthy aging consultant

Will develop individual health recommendations for pensioners. In order to become a pro in this field, you will have to pay attention to biology. Study medical research related to the development of the body and its aging, as well as study the world experience of different cultures, get to know centenarians and calculate common signs. In general, before becoming a consultant, you first have to immerse yourself in the profession of a researcher and at the same time, in the process of studying various areas, do not “get stuck” in one of them.

How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft

The field of consulting and training is one of the promising areas of the future. If you get tired of the info business or teaching, you can always do something more complex and global in the real world.

How to start working on the Internet and choose a promising craft

3 professions of the future that everyone will really need:

genetic programming specialist

Medicine is closely connected with various technologies, including those aimed at studying and attempting to reprogram the human genome. Maybe it is you who will find a way to program the human genome so that severe hereditary diseases are a thing of the past. Re-encoding a chain of legacy data is, of course, no wider than working on the Internet. But not all scientists started in laboratories. Some had to work a lot with data before moving on to practice.

Technical librarian

By the way, about the data. We believe that the librarians of the future will also be different. And although there is every chance that search engine optimization, robotization and bot programming will still put librarians out of work, we believe that in the future it will still be employees with a more technical mindset. They will perform the function of "health check" of robotic archiving and data storage systems.


But, back to medical topics. In the future, new generation drugs will be developed that will save humanity from Alzheimer's disease, all forms of schizophrenia and various types of depression.
In general, the pharmaceutical industry will begin to focus its research and finance the development of those drugs that can stop the development or cure diseases that today are difficult to treat or incurable at all.

Analyze the labor market and find the area in which the profession of the future is just emerging, which will be of interest to you and bring a steadily increasing income.

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