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how to make money on telegram


How to make money on telegram?

The popular messenger fell in love with millions of users for its stability and speed. Monthly statistics clearly show this: more than 200 million active users, more than 600 mobile application downloads, more than 35 billion messages. The presence of such a number of users opens up great opportunities for earning. It is worth considering options on how to make money in Telegram 2019.

How to make money on your channel?

Promotion of your channel is the coolest way to earn money. It looks simple: first you create your own thematic channel, and then actively promote it. However, a stable income will be brought by the activity of solvent subscribers. To attract them, you should consider the subject and direction of the channel. For example, business ideas, cryptocurrency, investments are more interesting to a wide audience than an entertainment channel. When the first difficulties are left behind, you can decide what is the best way to make money in Telegram :

  1. On advertising, when advertisers place information about the goods and services of their company directly on the channel. Telegram chats for earning are hosted for a fee, it is enough to register on an exchange that specializes in such services. The most advanced advertising platforms are Telega, Sociate, Epicstars and Telegram ADS.
  2. On affiliate programs, when the owner of the channel undertakes to promote goods or services through affiliate links. Subscribers follow the published links to pages or sites, perform the proposed actions, and the owner – to receive earnings in Telegram. The best program for this is Admitad.
  3. On the sale of their goods and services – the scheme is similar to affiliate programs. However, in this case, the channel owner works only for himself, as he offers subscribers links to his own site.
  4. On the placement of video content published on YouTube. The money comes from its placement and the number of views on the channel. To get access to this opportunity, you need to register on Viboom and add a link to your channel in the Telegram to the earning section.

If promoting your channel seems too troublesome, long and even useless, you should pay attention to other ways to make money in Telegram.

How to make money in telegram on bots?

With the help of Telegram bots, you can invite friends to a specific channel, increase the number of views and subscribers. In most cases, Telegram bots allow you to earn real money. But some of them pay for the work with cryptocurrency: bitcoins or ethers. The requirements are simple: the user must perform specific tasks that are paid upon completion.

In total, there are about 30 bots in the messenger. Each of them is ready to "load" all those suffering with similar tasks. However, the payment terms of each bot differ significantly.

For example, Top Tg Money offers 0.03 rubles per view, 0.2 rubles for a subscription and 0.15 rubles for inviting a friend. PR_COMPANY_robot pays 0.03 rubles, 0.25 🪙 and + 25% of the earnings of new subscribers, respectively. ADS Money pays 0.02 rubles for viewing a post and 0.24 rubles for channel subscriptions, as well as 0.2 rubles for each new subscriber.

There are different ways to withdraw salaries. For example, Great Profit and PLATINUM pay out money only to Qiwi.Wallet. PR Robot is more versatile: it allows you to withdraw money both to Yandex.Money and to Payeer or AdvCash. There are bots from which you can withdraw earned funds only to Yandex.Money. This is the Fast Money bot. Earnings on bots cannot be called easy, but if you perform the proposed operations quickly, you can get a tangible amount of money.

What additional features does Telegram open?

Those who wish to receive additional income are offered the sale of Telegram accounts. These accounts are created to circumvent the strict requirements of the messenger. After all, his leadership mercilessly blocks channels on which there is a mass subscription or mailing.

Many owners of Telegram channels do not have time to promote them. Therefore, they are constantly looking for specialists who could help them with this. Suitable people who know how to create thematic content and attract an audience. A service for creating high-quality stickers is in demand. Of particular interest are programmers who can develop bots, applications and games.

Most users are interested in how realistic it is to turn such an advanced messenger into an additional source of income. Experienced bloggers answer that a lot depends on the chosen method of earning and on the time that a particular performer is ready to devote to his duties.

If a person creates bots and stickers, promotes a channel or sells ads, his salary will be incomparably higher compared to those who are trying to make money on bots. However, much depends on the personal characteristics of each person. Therefore, it is worth trying all the proposed methods and choosing the one that suits you best.

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