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How to earn the first money on the Internet: for beginners + without investments


Anyone can earn money online. All you need is a computer with internet access. Here, as in offline earnings, it is important to devote time to learning. The more effort you put in, the more you end up earning.

But to earn the first money, you do not need to specialize in training. At the same time, earning schemes will be legal – you will not have any problems when withdrawing the required amount.

What you need to work

Although you don't need any special skills to get started, you still need a little more than just a computer with internet access.

For comfortable work, get an electronic wallet. Most of the sites that you will work on offer to withdraw amounts to them. It is more convenient than a bank card. Firstly, you leave no traces and personal data – in electronic payment systems, you can enter any nickname if you do not need official identification. Secondly, if you and the customer live in different countries, the salary will come to the bank card with a commission. Therefore, an electronic wallet is a suitable option.

On most sites, money is withdrawn to such payment systems:

  • Qiwi;
  • WebMoney;
  • Yandex money;

In practice, Russian exchanges most often use the first three systems to make money online . Paypal is the main way to withdraw money on foreign resources, so at the very beginning there is no point in wasting time on creating an account even there.

It is easy to withdraw money from an electronic wallet to a card. In Qiwi and Web.Money, you can generally create separate wallets for dollars and euros, if you are more comfortable storing savings in foreign currency.

How to recognize scammers

There are many dubious offers on the Internet. You run the risk of wasting time, but in the end you end up with nothing. Therefore, carefully read the conditions to which you agree, and immediately refuse the task if it seems even a little suspicious.

Here is a scammer if at least one item matches:

  • the task is easy, but the payment is too high – for example, the customer offers 2,000 🪙 per hour for translating a simple text;
  • there is no specifics, for working conditions they are asked to contact separately in personal messages;
  • you are asked to pay a fee for work – for example, to allegedly check if the card works;
  • you found a task on a site without a verified reputation, and in the search bar next to the link there is an inscription "Not protected".

Feel free to look for reviews. If the exchange has been verified for years, the likelihood of finding a scammer there decreases. Start working on sites that have earned the respect of users – you should not trust the very first offer of earnings in personal messages of social networks.

Sale of old things

How to earn the first money on the Internet: for beginners + without investments

There are no restrictions for selling old things – age and location do not play a role. You do not even need to invest in shipping, because the buyer pays for it. You will need only goods in presentable condition. An ad is created for him on Avito, Yulia or similar resources.

This method is good, but not perfect. First, things will run out and you will be left without a source of income. Secondly, you do not affect the level of earnings: how much you receive depends on whether a buyer appears. Yes, and some things are difficult to sell – for example, summer beach flip-flops in winter.

Therefore, it is better to look for the first real money on the network on sites where you will be independently responsible for the level of income. How many tasks were completed, so many received.

Earnings on advertising banners and teaser advertising

One of the easiest ways to make money, therefore it is constantly in the top. This method is also called earnings on clicks. All that is needed is to visit the site indicated in the task, spend the required time there, then confirm the view by entering captcha. In this way, you earn up to 10-20 🪙 per hour.

This method has nuances. Firstly, it is often impossible to leave the page on which you are watching an ad, because the system will not count the view. Periodically, while browsing, you need to enter captcha to confirm the presence. Secondly, you can get extra money for being active and inviting friends to the site. In the second case, the referral link is activated first. As soon as a new user goes through it, you get bonuses.

Teaser advertising is an option in which you install an extension in your browser. After that, advertising banners begin to appear for you, for viewing which you also receive money. This method is even simpler: no need to specifically go to third-party sites, ads appear on the sides of web pages without interfering with browsing and reading. Here, too, referrals are attracted by a similar link.

Popular resources for making money in this way:

  • SeoSprint, Seo-Fast, Seo-Stream – viewing advertising banners;
  • SurfEarner, PayAD – teaser advertising.

Earn money by watching videos

Since YouTube quickly recognizes bots, it is not uncommon for video creators to order views from live users. Sometimes you need to not only watch the video, but also like, write a detailed comment, subscribe to the channel. The more additional actions, the more payment.

For every video you watch, you get a rating. It also affects the number of available tasks and the money that you eventually withdraw to your wallet. On some sites you can buy a premium status. Thanks to him, earnings are doubled.

Popular resources for making money in this way:

  • LikesRock, CashBox, Vzadache, Piarim – pay only for watching videos;
  • SeoSprint, SeoFast – additional tasks on YouTube (likes, comments, subscriptions).

Earn money from surveys

Another simple way to make money online that does not require experience. As a rule, you will be paid from 10 🪙 for completing one survey. The number of tests available depends on the personal data you provide during registration. For example, if you have a car, then polls about cars will come, but if you don't have one, they won’t be either.

Notifications about new surveys are sent to the mail. Do not count on a large flow of tasks – usually it is one or two surveys per day. It will take from 5 to 20 minutes to fill one of them.

Verified sites where you can take surveys – PaidSurvey, Questionnaire, My Opinion, LifePoints, Expert Opinion.

Earnings on simple tasks

How to earn the first money on the Internet: for beginners + without investments

Sites with simple tasks are also called boxes. Here you can get money for such actions:

  • likes, reposts and comments – from social networks to YouTube videos;
  • visits to sites – you need to view the page to the end, if necessary, go to several links within the site;
  • simple work with texts – reading, machine translation, correction;
  • passing tests.

This is an incomplete list, since the list of tasks is really extensive: registration, posting, voting, writing comments… Often, customers use boxes to raise the rating of a newly created site, fill an online store with reviews, or bring videos to YouTube trends.

So you can earn the first good money online. These will not be huge amounts: most likely, you will be able to earn about 20 🪙 per day if you take up to 10 tasks at the same time. But this should give you the motivation to work hard and try harder.

To earn money, use such resources – SeoSprint, Profitcentr, Wmmail, WMRfast, Rubserf.

Earnings on Yandex.Toloka

Yandex.Toloka is exactly the same service for completing tasks as those listed above. At the same time, there is no surfing, reading letters and passing tests. In fact, you need to help Yandex employees fix errors in search algorithms and bring real benefits to people who use this search engine.

Among the main tasks:

  • working with pictures – flipping, evaluating compliance with the search query and category, evaluating quality;
  • ad filtering and moderation;
  • filtering clickbait titles of web pages;
  • search for watermarks on pictures and much more.

To work on Yandex.Toloka, you must be over eighteen. However, in reality, no one checks this – you can specify any date of birth.

Before completing each task, you have to learn, so you won’t be able to take several orders at the same time. A beginner can easily earn a few dollars in a day. Payment increases over time, as you need to earn a rating to access more complex orders.

Earnings on file hosting

Some users have earned the first normal money online thanks to file hosting. For a thousand downloads they receive from 5 to 25 dollars! It's not much, but it doesn't take much effort here. The mechanism is simple:

  • find an interesting file that is in limited access – for example, a unique monograph;
  • select the category of the downloaded file – art books, textbooks, videos, photos;
  • distribute the download link on forums and blogs.

In this way, films that have just been released in cinemas, books that are not yet on sites, and many other files are downloaded.

The most famous file sharing services are Depositfiles, Turbobit, DataFile. Each of them pays differently: for example, on Depositfiles you can get up to $10 for a thousand downloads, and up to $45 on DataFile.

Earnings on reviews and comments

The above methods are suitable in order to earn the first money on the Internet, but you will not be able to get large amounts with their help. If you want to work more consistently, try writing reviews and comments on the order.

Thus, they earn 15-20 🪙 per comment. It is not difficult to write it – it is important to comply with the uniqueness parameters and length requirements. Typically, text length is measured in characters without spaces. The comment must be meaningful, specific, so that it is accepted by the customer.

For this type of earnings, use the sites QComment, Turbotext, Workzilla, Writeraccess. The first service specializes exclusively in comments, for the rest such tasks can be found in a separate section.

Another way to make money on reviews is to write product reviews on review sites (Otzovik, IRecommend). For the publication of the first review, you will receive a small amount of money, but in the future you will start earning passively. People trust detailed reviews more, so a detailed report on the use of a product with a photo is paid better.

Earnings on mobile applications

Everything that was listed above can be easily performed from a smartphone. However, the owners of such phones get another opportunity to earn extra money.

Developers need downloads for their products to move up the rankings. Therefore, the services of those who download applications for money are very popular. Additional fees apply for reviews and ratings. You cannot immediately delete the application – it must be on the phone for several days.

The payment is small – about 5 🪙 per application. But there are always a lot of tasks, so you can earn money.

Earnings on captcha

If you want to understand how to earn money on the Internet for the first time without effort, refer to captcha recognition sites. Such web pages sell programs that will automatically enter captchas so that the user does not make mistakes. Since this process cannot be automated, the captcha is actually entered remotely by users.

Earnings on captcha is one of the lowest paid, but enough for pocket money. Among the proven services are RuCaptcha and 2captcha.

Earn money transcribing audio and video

How to earn the first money on the Internet: for beginners + without investments

Audio and video transcription is the process of translating into text format. This is difficult to implement with the help of special programs, since mistakes cannot be avoided anyway: someone speaks faster, someone gets confused in words. Therefore, you can also earn money on such tasks.

In one minute of transcription, you can get from 5 🪙. Orders are mainly located on freelance exchanges, while they scatter quickly – the work is simple.

Jobs can be found on the following sites:

  • Writeraccess;
  • ru;
  • Weber;

On the last site, you are not looking for a customer, but customers are looking for you, so you need to correctly and competently place an ad.

Earning on your knowledge

A good niche to earn money if you are good at a certain school or university discipline. You can do both tutoring and doing homework to order. In this case, the amount earned is entirely up to you. It is important to be able to find tasks, because the competition in this area is extremely high.

You can teach anything – playing the guitar, English, physics. If you want to go into tutoring, check the availability of a stable connection and a program for video calls. To do homework for money, you just need to register on the selected service.

Popular sites that earn money in this way:

  • Moguza, Write, Author24 – for homework;
  • Kwork, Studlans, StudWork, InternetUrok, Tutor.ru – for tutoring.

Earnings on typing

Such work is often confused with copywriting, but at its core it is closer to the transcription of audio and video. You need to reprint text from photographs: scanned hard-to-read pages, abstracts, pictures. Handwritten words are not recognized by programs, so a live user is needed to translate them into an online format.

Here, earnings depend on the speed and ability to work with text editors, since it is often necessary to draw up mathematical and physical formulas, tables. So you can earn from several thousand 🪙 per month.

Be careful: it is in this area that they often ask for “advance payment". In fact, only scammers do this. If you are asked to invest, in no case do not agree.

Earnings on freelance exchanges: rewriting, copywriting, design

One of the highest paying niches for beginners. You can write on any topic – as long as there is demand. At the same time, freelance exchanges often have both a section for searching for orders and a separate text store. Ready-made materials are uploaded there, which you wrote not to a specific customer, but simply for yourself. It is quite possible that someone will need this text, and eventually they will buy it.

The most common professions on freelance exchanges are related to text:

  • rewriter – rewriting ready-made texts in your own words;
  • copywriter – creation from scratch of advertising texts, informational articles, texts for mailing lists;
  • interpreter.

But how can designers make their first money on the Internet? There is a place for them on the stock exchanges. Creating high-quality illustrations and videos is not losing its relevance now – you can make money even with minimal knowledge of Photoshop.

You set the rates yourself, so this type of earnings remains the most profitable. The more time you spend, the more money you get. In a month, a beginner can easily earn from 5 thousand, working an hour a day. But how to quickly earn the first money online if you are also studying? This is not a problem – most exchange users combine such employment with their main job.

Popular sites that earn money in this way:

  • eTXT, Text.ru, Writeraccess, Copylancer, Turbotext, Contentmonster – text content exchanges;

  • Workzilla, Weblancer, peopleperhour.com, Kwork – freelance exchanges with tasks for designers.

  • at least 40 seconds of viewing the post;

Earnings on filling the site with content

Infosites need content managers who prepare and publish articles on time. This does not require special knowledge or exceptional literacy. It is important to prove yourself a responsible person.

You can find such work on freelance exchanges. Demand for this job is high, so the ads will need to be viewed frequently. At the same time, you do not have to devote all your time to the site you will work on: most content managers combine this activity with the main activity. Often, in parallel with the publication of content, it is required to independently search for the authors of texts, accept orders, enter SEO parameters so that articles appear in search results as high as possible. The more responsibilities, the more pay.

Earnings on a photo

How to make the first good money by selling photos, and is it possible to do this at all? Images are exactly the same necessary content as texts. In addition, unique pictures are now harder to find than to write an article, so some site creators are willing to adequately pay for the efforts of photographers. For one photo you can get from 35-40 🪙 depending on the photo bank you use.

You don’t need professional equipment to upload pictures – a smartphone camera is enough. Of the well-known photobank sites – Pressphoto (one of the few many photostocks), DepositPhotos, Dreamstime, Adobe Stock, Getty Images (the most prestigious photobank).

Most photo stocks have a Russian-language interface. Please note that some sites pay you for a one-time sale, while others give you a percentage of the download. Thus, the sale of images turns into passive income.

Now you know how to earn the first money online. There is nothing difficult in this: the main thing is to try and work. No special knowledge is needed to enter this realm, so you will definitely succeed.

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