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How to become smarter – TOP 10 easy ways


You can congratulate yourself if you are reading this article – you are already smart. A stupid person is not interested in how to become smarter.

Intelligence is a trait that can be constantly improved. There is simply no limit to perfection.

What is mind

Wikipedia states that the mind is a set of abilities for thinking, knowing, understanding, perceiving, remembering, generalizing, evaluating and making a decision by someone.

The definition is vague and unclear. It is not at all clear what benefit you will bring the development of these qualities.

The concept of mind is much broader than the encyclopedic definition and includes:

  • intelligence. Ability to quickly understand different things and topics;
  • outlook. Reading and awareness of everything little by little;
  • worldly mind. The ability to find a good way out of everyday situations;
  • professionalism. Knowledge and experience in a particular area;
  • emotional intelligence. Ability to communicate and find a common language with other people.

The bad news is that you won't be able to develop all of these qualities equally well.

The good news is that you can become smarter if you clearly define your own development paths.

Map out the motion vector

The first thing to do in order to become smarter is to honestly answer yourself the questions: “if I become smarter, what will it give me?" or “why do I want to become smart?”.

Be honest with yourself. If you are driven by a curl and a desire to prove that you are capable of becoming better than anyone – do not deny it. By masking this “wrong” motivation with other goals that are not really close to you, you run the risk of determining the wrong direction for yourself.

The desire to be better than others visits all people and is a powerful incentive for development, although this is usually denied.

How you develop your mind will depend on what goals you want to achieve.

  • If you want to be an authority for others, read more on various topics;
  • If you want to earn more, learn about new ways to earn money. Set a goal to improve your professional level;
  • If you want to be the soul of the company, increase your emotional intelligence and study psychology.

A person who would be smart in everything has not yet been born on Earth. Some sources claim that such a person Anatoly is Wasserman. But believe me, even he is a complete layman in some ways, and he is not ashamed of it.

12 tips to help you get smarter

There are many ways to develop the mind.

Choose the path of development for yourself and start pumping your mind by following simple tips:

Don't spray

From the first part of the article, you already learned that in order to develop effectively, you need to decide on priorities.

Set yourself clear goals and outline a plan for the development of intelligence in your chosen area.

Learn what you want to know

Learn more about what interests you. Read books, watch tutorial videos, chat on forums. Absorb all the information you can find.

Read more

An easy way to become smarter is to read more. Try to choose literature that can bring you practical crawling. Reading books in a foreign language or classics will help you write fluently and expand your vocabulary.

Love what you do or find what you love

When we do what we love, we achieve success more easily.

It's easy to study your favorite subject. On the contrary, you will do it with ease and joy. You do not have to force yourself and look for additional motivation.

Look at people who are successful in business – they are passionate about what they do.

If you don't like what you are doing right now, then use your mind to find what you really like. Read, visit thematic exhibitions and conferences. Try to find something that resonates with you. You will be surprised how easy it will be for you to become smarter in your favorite activity.

Find out your strengths and weaknesses

This advice is closely related to the previous one.

If you want to know how to become smarter, study yourself. If as a child your mother scolded you every time you brought a deuce in math, this does not mean that you are not smart enough. Math is just not for you. Look for what you are good at. Believe me, there are no people without talents, there are those who do not study themselves.

Constantly learn

Don't stop there. Your ego may deceive you by telling you that you already know enough. Don't believe. The chest of knowledge has no bottom.

Get rid of TV and smartphone

How often do you watch something really useful on TV? Most television programs are not aimed at education, but at entertainment.

You need to have fun too, but try to time the time you spend watching mindless shows on TV or scrolling through your social media feed.

Time is a limited resource. Use it to the maximum for your development.

Exercise for the brain

That organ or function that we do not use begins to degrade immediately. Don't forget to strain your mind. Solve simple puzzles, learn poems, solve puzzles. Set a rule for yourself to exercise every day to improve memory and reaction time.

Communicate and listen

When communicating with people, try to listen more than talk. Absolutely anyone you talk to can teach you something. Most importantly, try to hear what he tells you.

Ask your body to help you

Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

You may have noticed that after visiting a fast food restaurant, you experience drowsiness and lethargy. A large amount of fats and carbohydrates require enormous efforts from the body to digest.

  • Eat healthy food and try not to skimp on food and you will see how clear your mind will become.
  • Eat more oily fish, nuts and vegetables – this will help improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Don't forget about sports. Keep your body in good shape so that your mind remains bright and sharp.

Learn from children

Watch small children or remember how you yourself were a child.

Children ask their parents dozens of questions a day – they are interested in everything. And children are easy to fail. The kid learns to walk, falls, cries, rises again and goes. He does not think that he will never succeed. Be like children – soak up all the knowledge you can reach and learn by doing.

Rejoice in your mistakes

Mistakes are a great opportunity to learn from a situation. Always analyze the reasons for failures and draw conclusions.

Now you know how to get smarter fast. Don't be ashamed of something you don't know or don't know how to do. Nobody is born smart. But any person who has set himself such a goal can develop the mind. Most importantly, believe in yourself and keep growing.

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