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🏆 Higher Marketing: How to Achieve Maximum Results 🚀


Who is who in the world of marketing? The answer to this question is given by numerous classifications and ratings of marketers. Almost all of them are in the public domain and anyone can read them. In closed access are mainly corporate classifications and ratings that companies make for their internal use. One of them is the classification of marketers by leagues within which there is higher marketing.

In general, within the framework of this classification, there are 3 leagues of marketers: the second, the first and the highest. The second league is represented by marketers who know what marketing is. It includes students, specialists without experience, or with little experience. The first league is represented by specialists with extensive experience in marketing activities, who know how to do marketing and are able to do it.

The U.S. league is represented by specialists who are the most advanced in marketing, which allows them to do the highest quality and most effective top-class marketing – top marketing. Only representatives of the top marketing league can do what is not available to representatives of other marketing leagues. In particular, it is the representatives of the top league who create tools, methods, technologies, concepts, which determine the directions of marketing development, set trends, to which representatives of the second and first leagues are forced to adapt.

What is top marketing

What is top marketing

What is the difference between the leagues and is there one? There is a difference and a very big one. First of all, the difference is that the first and second leagues use the development of the representatives of the major league and owe their existence to them. There is also a difference in recognition. Representatives of the second league are known only in the higher educational institution and in the company in which they work. Representatives of the first league are known in wide circles.

In turn, everyone knows the representatives of the top league of marketingIn turn, everyone knows the representatives of the top league of marketing. Fame is the main advantage of the representatives of the top league of marketing. They are at the very top of the pyramid, which means that the crisis and other negative moments affect them last of all, because clients turn to them first of all. It should be noted that belonging to a particular league of marketing has specific confirmation.

A diploma is a sign of belonging to the second league of marketing. Extensive experience is a sign of belonging to the first league of marketing. Having your own methods, tools, and technologies is a sign of belonging to the top league. Belonging to the top league of marketing is especially clearly confirmed by the presence of an author's concept of marketing. It is obvious that the division of marketers into leagues is very specific, because it is impossible to present yourself as a representative of one or another league without presenting the appropriate attributes.

What does top marketing do?

What does top marketing do?

How does the world of marketing work? It's simple. Marketers from the top league, who have access to top marketing, develop new tools, methods, and technologies based on their experience and knowledge. They use them themselves for some time, skimming off the cream. After the cream is skimmed off, they sell it to the first and second leagues through various trainings, seminars, master classes, consultations, and other methods.

The more a marketer is devoted to marketing, the more marketing reveals itself to him. It should be noted that selling is not the only way to transfer technologies, tools and methods. Another option is cooperation with partners. After selling or transferring technologies to partners, representatives of the top league develop new tools, methods and technologies, and so on in a circle until the level of marketing skills allows them to do so. When they reach the limit, when they can no longer develop anything new, they stop selling and transferring their tools, methods and technologies to partners, keeping them for themselves.

Only those marketers who can endlessly improve themselves with marketing go as far as possible and thereby create the most advanced technologies, tools and methods. The ability to improve oneself with marketing depends solely on one's dedication to marketing. The more a marketer is dedicated to marketing, the more marketing opens itself up to him.

What does top marketing give?

What does top marketing give?

Devotion to marketing, maximum saturating with marketing, makes a marketer real. The top league of marketing is a collection of real marketers. A representative of the top league of marketing is a marketer with a capital letter. If a representative of the second or first league of marketing can easily change the field of activity to earn more or for other reasons, then a representative of the top league is faithful to marketing to the end, he will never betray marketing.

A marketer from the first or second league sees marketing solely as a tool for making money. Marketing is also loyal to such a marketer, and as a sign of loyalty, it endows him with a special, marketing power, opens him to higher marketing. It is this power that allows creating methods, technologies and marketing tools of the latest generation. A marketer from the first or second league sees marketing solely as a tool for making money.

A marketer from the first and second leagues feels happiness when they receive their salary, while a marketer from the top league feels happiness from marketing. Money for a marketer from the top league is a bonus to the real happiness from doing marketing. Why do clients turn to marketers from the top league first? All because they know that only a marketer from the top league can do marketing, deep, thoughtful, strong, effective marketing, and not a parody of marketing.

Top Marketing as a Source of Victory

Top Marketing as a Source of Victory

Clients know that only a top-level representative can do marketing, not pretend it, not simulate it, only he can give a result, not a check mark. A top marketer is a complete specialist, he is a complete specialist, not half. It is known that half-heartedness spoils the whole. So, a top marketer does not spoil anything, he only corrects and creates and suggests how to increase profits.

Only a top-tier marketer can make the company he works for a market leader. Only a top-tier marketer can make the company he works for a market leader. One of the most famous representatives of the top-tier marketers, who, unfortunately, has passed away, is Steve Jobs. Note that it does not say that he was a marketer while he was alive. A top marketer remains one even after he has passed away. Steve Jobs, the idea of ​​his personality and the ideas he generated, still have a powerful influence on the smartphone market.

🏆 Higher Marketing: How to Achieve Maximum Results 🚀

This is because the influence of top-level marketers, even those who have passed away, is greater than that of marketers from other leagues. If it were not for the top marketing that Steve Jobs gained access to through his dedication to marketing, the Apple company he led would not have achieved its power. Access to top marketing can only be gained through deep pumping by it.

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