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Earnings on Ozon: how to start a profitable business in a short time


The opportunity to make money on marketplaces today is no surprise to anyone. Many are trying to learn the basics of how popular sites work and understand how to make money on Ozone. The system appeared a long time ago, and its popularity is due to a large number of products, and a real chance to receive additional income. But trying to enter the field of marketplaces without having certain knowledge is quite difficult. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with the possible difficulties and basic information in order to choose a direction.

What is Ozone

For 2022, this is one of the largest trading platforms. It is here that it is easy to sell both your own products and those purchased in third-party stores. Almost every user who is interested in online shopping has heard about this service. In terms of visitor engagement, Ozone competes for leadership with marketplaces such as Wildberries and Aliexpress.

A few years ago, users became interested in how you can  make money  on Ozone without risk and without investment. First of all, it is worth saying that there are several options, so everyone has the right to choose the one that suits them. First, you should focus on your capabilities and available start-up capital. The next step is to calculate the potential risk. However, not everyone succeeds on the  first try on the marketplace. Such situations occur just because of the lack of knowledge and experience.

How to make money on Ozon affiliate program

Of all the options for how you can make money on Ozone, attracting customers through an affiliate program is considered profitable. The advantage is that the user gets the opportunity for life to receive his percentage of profit from the purchases of the person he brought to the marketplace. Thus, the more new buyers will be attracted to the case, the more income will be. Step -by-step instructions on how to make money on Ozone with referral links will help you understand the basics.

  1. The first step is for the user to register with the affiliate program. It does not take much time, the process takes place on the main website of the ozon.ru marketplace.
  2. Next, he will need to get his affiliate link.
  3. The user has the right to distribute the received referral link in any available way.
  4. As soon as a new, attracted client makes a purchase, the user who brought him gets his profit.

In theory, everything looks simple. It would seem that it is enough to distribute your referral link to friends and acquaintances and you can count  the profit received from the affiliate program . Nevertheless, in practice, many manage to bring a maximum of 2-3 new clients per month, which in fact does not allow us to consider the amount received as a decent profit. It is rather an additional bonus from the affiliate program for small expenses.

First of all, you need to understand that attracting a clientele among new users has its own tricks, which you also need to figure out before you start actively using the possibilities of the referral affiliate program.

How to attract customers to Ozone: all the ways and features

There are three acquisition techniques that have already been tried by many users. Each such instruction is  relevant for 2022, so with their help it is easy to make a profit on the affiliate program in a short time.

Through social networks

This is the most relevant tool that is recommended to use. There are 3 options here on how to promote your referral link through social networks:

  1. Creation of a group aimed at attracting customers. This way looks quite simple. First, you need to create a group in any popular social network, and then fill it with thematic content. For example, posting various products that can only be purchased on this site. Also, it will not be superfluous to share discounts and promotions for certain positions. It will be necessary to do everything so that as many people as possible become interested in the possibility of acquiring this or that thing. Under the goods, it is enough to leave links to them, but not ordinary ones, but affiliate ones.
  2. Promotion from a personal page. So, almost every user has profiles on the most popular Internet sites. However, if entering the “cold market" is still scary, it is better to start promoting an affiliate program through friends and acquaintances. You can always ask them for recommendations if they don't mind providing support.
  3. Comments. You can leave a referral link under the demanded goods, thus enticing those who want to register and buy. This method may not bring the desired result, but even a couple of new people are already better than nothing.

Some clients do not want to use referral links. Therefore, so that users do not suspect the group owner of a greed, you should use services that shorten links. A short link may not look remarkable, but its principle of operation will remain the same.
You can also, when attracting customers, indicate the opportunity to earn points for subsequent purchases on Ozone.

These methods work with any social networks. By the way, the method of creating your own group is the most interesting and working, it is he who allows you to attract customers on an ongoing basis. After all, satisfied users often invite their friends, share links with them. So, having found your loyal audience on the marketplace, you can easily get a constant and stable profit.

how to make money on OZON through Video Promotion

Creating video content will be a relevant way for creative and creative people. We can say that this is one of the methods how you can make money on Ozone, doing what you love. It is only necessary to periodically release videos about the marketplace, which will highlight the current products of the season, various promotions, discounts on collections, links to the best options, and much more. The more useful information there is in the video, the more likely it is that the content will attract attention.

It should be borne in mind that this method of promotion involves some costs. First, you need a video camera. Since low-quality videos in our time instantly go into the bowels of Internet sites. You will also have to periodically purchase goods from Ozon yourself in order to demonstrate them by your own example. Everyone knows that users love the involvement of authors, when they not only advertise products they are unfamiliar with, but also use what they recommend.

how to make money on ozone through developing your own blog

If you plan to cooperate with Ozon on a long-term basis, then it will not be out of place to think about developing a blog dedicated to this site. But it is worth remembering that this is a laborious method, because it will take time to develop.

To speed up the promotion of the blog, you will have to invest in advertising. Of course, with a competent approach, all costs will pay off in the future, but the risk is still present. Therefore, you should not invest your last money, because there is no guarantee that you will be able to return them.

What are the pitfalls when working with an affiliate program

  1. There is no guarantee that the referred user will make a purchase. For example, it often happens that a person clicks on a link, but for some reason does not complete the order. And in this case, the owner of the link will not receive income.
  2. Big competition. This method of earning is trumpeted at all sites, therefore, there are a lot of people who want to get rich. So you need to be ready for competition and be able to competently withstand it, luring customers to yourself, constantly sharing a link.
  3. Many are already registered. The popularity of marketplaces is extremely high, so most people already have registered accounts on the top sites, including this one. In other words, people won't fall for the referral  link trick  .

If the listed features do not scare you, you can safely get down to business and start making money on Ozone.


There is a points system for customers, so questions often come up about how to earn points and how to use these Ozone benefits in 2022.

The points earned are spent on purchases and other investments. It is worth mentioning that there is also an Ozone bank card, which allows you to earn points for your next orders.

How else to make money on Ozone

If the option of making money selling your product does not seem suitable, since there is no desire to take risks or develop something, there are other ways to make money on Ozone without investment.

That is, in addition to the affiliate program, there are several more methods:

  • SMM work;
  • dropshipping;
  • resale.

Next, we will consider each of them in more detail in order to understand what the essence of the work is.

Work as a marketer or SMM professional

The service is always relevant among novice sellers on Ozon and those who do not want to understand filling out cards, e-commerce and marketing. Thus, on the shoulders of marketers and SMM professionals, all the worries for the competent promotion of products fall. Here are the main responsibilities of these professionals:

  • registration of IP;
  • filling in information and designing cards for promotion;
  • communication with service representatives;
  • search for sufficiently favorable conditions for the placement of goods in the warehouse;
  • full promotion through social networks, links and other tools.

We can say that working on Ozone without investments is more like a business partnership, where the marketer will deal with all the paperwork.

However, newcomers in search of work are interested in why the seller himself does not fulfill all the duties? After all, learning this is not difficult, and most tasks do not take much time.
It must be understood that the goal of every person who has started a business is not just to establish a process, but to receive high profits, turnover and a base of loyal customers. It is worth noting that all goods must be constantly in sight of potential buyers. In addition, the potential of each type of product purchased will have to be carefully assessed.

This requires:

  • knowledge of marketing tools and the ability to work with them;
  • SEO knowledge;
  • the ability to bring products to the top positions, the availability of skills in competitiveness;
  • skills in filling out product cards on Ozon;
  • regular analysis of sales, summing up;
  • Ability to communicate with clients and resolve disputes.


The activity is in no way connected with the purchase of goods and storage. Because the products will be in warehouses, and the dropshipper himself:

  • advertises products on various platforms, including the marketplace itself;
  • transfers customers to suppliers.

According to this scheme, the dropshipper receives a percentage for each client, from which a permanent income is added in the future. But the total amount of the commission varies depending on the type of product. For example, for sneakers and sneakers, it reaches 70%.

However, there is another way to make money in dropshipping. We are talking about the resale of goods with a margin. For example, a seller sets a price for a bag at 2000 🪙, while on Ozon it is sold for 3500 🪙. It is worth noting that some consider this method to be more preferable, since the likelihood that the seller will cheat and not pay interest is lower here.

how to make money on ozone through resale of other people's goods

This method is used by many who want to make money on the marketplace. First, the user finds products on a foreign site, then buys them in bulk at a relatively low price and resells them with a markup.

Of course, resale involves financial investments. First of all, you will need to purchase goods at your own expense, so that you have something to go to the site with. It is worth remembering that this is always a risk, so you should not invest your last money. Since not everyone is able to recapture the invested finances.

What is available for sale on Ozone

You can sell almost everything: from clothes to technical accessories and components for cars.

However, there are also prohibited positions:

  • cigarettes;
  • alcoholic products;
  • poisonous chemicals;
  • gems;
  • animals;
  • mercury thermometers;
  • museum treasures.

It is also prohibited to sell used goods. Because the policy of the site implies the implementation of only new things.

how to make money on ozone through the opening of your pickup point

Some users do not want to get involved with online business and prefer to do business in the usual way. Therefore, they are wondering how to open their own business and how to make money on it. It is worth saying that with Ozone this is possible. It is enough to create an issue point, and you can engage in promotion, promotion of the business and making a profit in the traditional way for yourself. On average, the owners of such offices earn 100-120 thousand 🪙. And to implement this method, there is a  step-by -step instruction.

First of all, to open an Ozon pick-up point, you  need to have start-up capital. For example, 150-200 thousand 🪙 is enough to rent a suitable office and legally competent registration of IP. However, it is better to have money for expenses with a margin, in case of unforeseen situations.

In addition, the nuances regarding costs should be considered in more detail in each individual case.

Opening costs

It must be understood that all financial investments are divided into two categories: initial and monthly. So, the initial costs depend on the place of residence of the point owner. And, if for the capital the price tag varies from 150 to 400 thousand 🪙, then it is enough for residents of small, provincial cities to have 150-200 thousand 🪙.

Primary costs include:

  • renovation of the rented premises to the desired style of the pick-up point;
  • purchase of furniture;
  • purchase of office equipment;
  • Ozon sign installation.

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent payment;
  • employee salaries;
  • communal payments;
  • payment for the Internet and office supplies.

It is important to calculate all these points at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

Ozon Pickup Point Format

Each interested person can open their own Ozon pickup point. But the first step is to decide on the format, because it affects the further work of the office:

  1. Monobrand point of issue. This type involves the issuance of goods only to Ozon customers. It turns out that the owners of the marketplace often pay extra interest if the pickup point is designed in a single style established by them.
  2. Multibrand PVZ. This view is not tied to one marketplace. In other words, here you can freely issue orders with goods from any online platform, including Ozon. So there will be less chance of burnout, because the more sites are attached to the pickup point, the more people will use it.

Once the format is determined, it remains to open an Ozone issue point and delve into information on how to make money there.

How to start earning on ozone

The first step is to apply on the official website. The feedback form is usually located on the main page. Next, you need to send a letter there with information about your desire to open a pickup point.
After that, in a response message, the client will receive information about the possible geographical location of the new pickup point. Once a suitable option is chosen, you can begin to prepare for the opening.

When choosing a room for a pick-up point, you will have to first clarify the criteria. For example, it is often required to rent an office area of ​​at least 20 square meters. Because such a room complies with fire safety regulations.
It is important to mention that all legal matters are best entrusted to an experienced lawyer. So there is less chance that errors in the paperwork will pop up.

After that, you should turn to already experienced sellers. Most often, those who have tried to open an Ozon pickup point recommend choosing premises for rent in passable places. It is also worth finding a place with minimal investment in repairs, otherwise the payback will be greatly delayed.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that information on how ordinary citizens make money on Ozone this year has long been on the surface and allows them to join this business without much experience. In other words, even a beginner will be able to earn if he manages to take advantage of all the possibilities of the affiliate program, or opens his own point of issue of goods competently and without errors.

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