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💰 Cheap Marketing: How to Increase Sales Without Spending a Lot 📊


It seems paradoxical that in order to get money, you need to spend it. However, in fact, this is true – this is one of the fundamental laws of nature. Moreover, this law works in relation to marketing, allowing you to get cheap marketing. The situation can look paradoxical only due to stereotypes, due to the fact that there is an opinion regarding expenses that they are something bad, because you need to give something of yours, which you received in principle for a reason.

Yes, at the level of emotions it is. But emotions are not the best indicator. Therefore, we need to consider costs from another side. For such a consideration, we will choose the following side: the role of costs and their function. Such consideration will allow us to understand the true role of costs and will lead us to the idea that they are necessary and especially necessary in marketing.

Costs themselves are just costs, and there is no other way to look at them. The true role of costs can only be understood if we take a broader context. The process of movement will be suitable for us as a broader context, because our entire world is one continuous movement, especially since, as we know, movement is also life. In this context, the role of costs can only be understood if we understand how movement itself is formed and what it is. There is nothing complicated about it.

Why Choose Cheap Marketing

How to organize cheap marketing

First of all, for movement to arise, a system is needed. To build it, it is important to conduct a marketing audit. It does not matter what kind of system it will be: an internal combustion engine, a hydroelectric power station, a football team, a state, a company or just a living organism. Any system consisting of a set of elements will do. Without a system, there is no movement – this is an axiom and you just need to remember it.

So, movement is formed as a result of the generation of heterogeneity in some system. The elimination of this heterogeneity is what we call movement. It turns out that in some part of the system something is formed that does not correspond to this system, i.e. is heterogeneous to it. But the system does not tolerate heterogeneity – this is an unnatural state for it and it always strives to eliminate it.

The principle here is the same as with electricity m, where plus is a kind of source of heterogeneity that tends to minus, i.e. to the rest of the system where everything is uniform. After the electrons have run to minus, the characteristics are leveled, the heterogeneity between the parts of the system disappears and the movement stops. The same is true for any system.

Cheap marketing is a reality

Marketing can be inexpensive

The second point that must be taken into account if you want to get cheap marketing is that there is a law responsible for dynamics or statics – this is the law of homogeneity. According to this law, everything in nature must be homogeneous, nature strives for this state and when heterogeneity is formed, processes aimed at its elimination are automatically and immediately launched. Any movement that we see is the result of the elimination of heterogeneity, from gusts of wind to a person walking towards his goal. This is a law, it works always and everywhere.

Sometimes heterogeneity can be eliminated without using resources, simply by redistributing elements, but sometimes certain elements are needed to eliminate heterogeneity. These elements in the context of eliminating heterogeneity are nothing more than costs. It turns out that they are a mandatory condition for eliminating heterogeneity, and thus the implementation of costs is provided for by nature itself, and therefore quite natural.

At the same time, heterogeneity always arises, everywhere and probably in all systems. This, if you want to preserve the system, let's say a company in the same state in which it is, leads to the need to constantly bear costs. If you do not bear costs, the company will begin to fall apart, i.e., speaking in systemic language – to simplify in order to bring itself to a homogeneous state, but at a lower level.

Cheap marketing is effective

Low cost marketing is effective

It turns out that a homogeneous state will be achieved in any case, but the method of achieving it may be different and the one you choose is up to you. Before this, we considered the spontaneous emergence of heterogeneity, i.e. one that the company, in essence, is forced to fight. However, there are other options for the development of the situation. For example, the company wants to grow, expand, and carry out expansion.

Here is the answer to the question of how to get cheap marketing. Such a desire of hers is also accompanied by the generation of heterogeneity and if the heterogeneity is not compensated, then the expansion will not occur and the system, in this case the company, will return to its previous state. In such an unexpected way, through the description of what movement is and how it occurs, we found out the essence of costs and showed their necessity. But all the most interesting things are waiting for us ahead, because nature is very smart! On the one hand, it requires costs, but on the other hand, it is guaranteed to compensate them and does so with interest.

It turns out that if you bear costs, you also receive compensation! Here is the answer to the question of how to get cheap marketing. Moreover, the compensation is much greater than the costs, but only if they are carried out correctly and the infrastructure is built to receive this compensation. Otherwise, nature does not compensate for the costs.

Cheap marketing is prestigious

Marketing can be inexpensive

The question may arise as to how homogeneity and heterogeneity relate to marketing. But please, marketing is, in essence, the activity associated with the creation and elimination of heterogeneity. As we know, the goal of marketing is to satisfy needs, but we also know that a need is a state of a system when one or more characteristics are heterogeneous in relation to the system, its elements or the external environment.

You could even say that marketing is the production of consumers. But before a consumer has a need, it is necessary to make it heterogeneous, which is what marketing does. It turns out that spending on marketing is spending on creating needs, and with them, consumers. You could even say that marketing is the production of consumers. If you don’t spend on marketing, you don’t produce consumers, which means you won’t have anyone to sell your products to, and very soon a woman in a black robe with a braid will come to you.

One might object – look, hundreds of enterprises are working, not spending on marketing and living happily. Yes, this happens. It can be caused by the fact that inertia is in effect – a reserve was once made and is now being used, like a coal mine from which coal is gradually extracted, or someone simply managed to find a Klondike of heterogeneity and is now extracting “gold ” from it.

How to organize inexpensive marketing

  • transfer of information
  • Description of the marketing environment
  • model building
  • information analysis
  • conducting marketing research
  • market research
  • creation of new markets
  • selection of sales markets
  • entering new sales markets
  • market segmentation
  • positioning
  • market share determination
  • determining market dynamics
  • fight against competitors
  • building a marketing mix
  • development of communication policy
  • development of promotion policy
  • development of product policy
  • development of pricing policy
  • creation of a marketing service
  • Ensuring the functioning of the marketing service
  • planning and forecasting
  • control
  • control

This is far from a complete list, but if you at least address these issues, you can understand how to get real cheap marketing. The next step aimed at saving on marketing is to determine the types of costs incurred in the process of this activity. The types of costs that must be incurred in marketing so that it brings benefits include:

  • time costs
  • expenses of money
  • information costs
  • other resources

It is necessary to understand that these are inevitable costs if you want your consumer production machine to constantly produce new consumers of your products. You have to put up with this. The only thing you cannot put up with is excessive costs for consumer production, i.e. those for which compensation is not received. Especially if a customer loyalty program is launched.

Cheap marketing is promising

Low cost marketing is effective

For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that all incurred costs are returned as compensation. To do this, it is enough to simply optimize processes, build them in such a way that they give the maximum effect per unit of costs. This kind of cost optimization is essentially the fight against “heat” leaks. It is quite easy to optimize costs. To do this, you need to build a model of each specific process that reflects how it is carried out and see where and what deprivations of action are made, where there is an excessive expenditure of resources.

So, remember once and for all – nature is so arranged that competent expenses always return in the form of some benefits for you. All this can be done with the help of nootechnologies of noomarketing, because within its framework there is a whole range of such technologies that will allow you to build processes in such a way that they are adequate to costs and give maximum results. Nootechnologies allow you to significantly reduce costs and make sure that every $ or dollar invested in marketing brings maximum returns.

Now let's talk about the interesting thing that was stated earlier. What will be written below may also seem like something from the realm of fantasy, but I can assure you that there is nothing fantastic about it. So, remember once and for all – nature is designed in such a way that competent expenses always return in the form of some benefits for you. This is the law of nature! The fact that these benefits do not always come true, that the expenses do not always return, is only because the “networks” for obtaining them are not built correctly or do not exist at all.

Cheap marketing is profitable

Cheap marketing is profitable

In order to make it possible to obtain benefits from any competent actions, it is necessary to build the appropriate infrastructure of “benefit traps”. For example, to add up the benefits of engine movement, they do so that the energy is transferred to the wheels, and they rotate. If this is not done, the engine will work in vain. The same thing should be done in marketing activities – it is necessary to build “benefit traps”. In the context of marketing, a “benefit trap” is an infrastructure that helps consumers exchange their money for your products.

If you do everything described in this article, you will get a cheap but perfect system, you can even say a perfect machine for killing competitors. If you do everything described in this article, you will get a cheap but perfect system, you can even say a perfect machine for killing competitors, creating new markets and generating money. By creating such a system, you will provide yourself with a secure old age, and our children and grandchildren with a quality life. If you have such a system, you will understand, or rather, you will not even understand, but feel for yourself that the higher the absolute costs of marketing, the lower the relative ones. It turns out that spending on marketing is the same as saving on it. By spending, we create consumers, by not spending, we lose them.

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