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🍏 Brand Analysis Using Apple as an Example: Secrets of Brand Success 📱


Brand analysis is important because there are names and there are brands. There are billions of names, orders of magnitude fewer brands. Names bring in pennies, brands bring in billions. People often don't notice names, but for brands people are ready to stand in line for weeks. People pay for a product with a name without wanting to, but consumers are ready to overpay for a product with a brand.

For example, the Apple brand, one of the most expensive, most famous and most desired brands in the world, is now worth more than 150 billion US dollars. Names with such a value do not exist in nature in principle and cannot exist. It would seem, how can an ordinary brand, which is translated into Russian as “apple”, be so popular.

It is logically incomprehensible how an apple, and a bitten apple at that, can cost billions. It is logically difficult to understand what is so special about this bitten apple that it drives millions of people around the world crazy. It is impossible to understand this without conducting an analysis. Only brand analysis will allow us to find out what the secret of successful brands is.

Why Conduct Brand Analysis

Marketing analysis of the brand

Since a name is not a brand and a brand is not a name, it should be clarified that brand analysis and name analysis are not the same thing. Name analysis is done by studying the name itself, in other words, name analysis is done by studying the word and the letters it consists of, but brand analysis is the study of the internal component, i.e. what is hidden behind the word and letters.

As you can see, by analyzing the name, you can understand whether the word is pleasant to the ear, whether it is pleasant to the eye. To understand the difference, let's give an example. One of the options for analyzing the name is phonosemantic analysis, which is the study of the sound of the word. The Russian-language transcription of the word Apple is Эпл. Analysis of this word shows that it is perceived by a person as good, big, courageous, passive, simple, strong, cold, slow, beautiful, smooth, safe, majestic, round, loud, long, brave.

As you can see, by analyzing the name, you can understand whether the word is pleasant to the ear, whether it is pleasant to the eye. But the eyes and ears are not the whole person. The whole person is his consciousness, and therefore it is necessary to study how the consciousness of a person perceives a specific word. To study the effect of a word on consciousness, it is necessary to analyze not its letters, but what is behind them.

How to evaluate the level of a brand

Effective brand analysis

Behind any word, there is always a specific idea, which means that brand analysis is a study of the impact of the idea behind the word on the human mind. The difference between a brand and a name is that behind a brand there is a strong idea, and behind a name there is either no idea at all, or it is weak. Before studying the impact of an idea, it must first be identified.

In our example, we need to identify and then analyze the idea behind the word Apple. In our example, we need to identify and then analyze the idea behind the word Apple. Looking at this word, the first thought that comes to mind is a bitten green apple. But this is only the first thought and it has nothing to do with this name, so we need to dig deeper. To understand what the real idea is behind the word Apple, we need to look at the slogan.

Apple's slogan is “Think Different”. The slogan is translated into Russian as “think differently”. But these are only translation options and you shouldn't follow them, because the slogan is secondary, the idea is primary. A slogan is simply a reflection of an idea, a way to convey the idea that lies behind the word, so you should follow the idea. It's easy to guess that behind this slogan is the idea of ​​”being different from everyone else” or, in other words, not being standard, not being an ordinary person.

Brand Analysis by Example

How to evaluate a brand

A standard person is, first of all, a submissive, calm, dependent, ordinary, simple person. Accordingly, to be different from everyone else means to be disobedient, active, free, daring, in other words, to be different from everyone else means to be a rebel. From this we can conclude that Apple products are products that allow you to realize the idea of ​​rebellion, they are popular precisely with people who are rebels deep down in their souls.

This may indicate that the Apple logo is not just an apple, but the apple that Adam and Eve tried. We have figured out the idea. Now, to continue analyzing the Apple brand, we need to understand how, where and why it appeared, who is its personification and what is the area of ​​its distribution. Who was the first rebel, who was the first to bite the apple, despite the prohibitions, who did it? According to legend, the first rebels were Adam and Eve. They were not allowed to try the apple, but they did it. They showed their rebellion precisely by trying the apple.

This may indicate that the Apple logo is not just an apple, but the apple that Adam and Eve tasted. This may indicate that the legend of Adam and Eve is behind the Apple brand. This is one of the most famous legends. This legend is known to billions of people around the world. This means that the area of ​​dissemination of the idea of ​​rebellion is the whole world.

How to Know Brand Strength

How to Know Brand Strength

If the Apple logo is indeed the apple that Adam and Eve tasted, then we are dealing with one of the most intelligent and one of the most profitable marketing moves in history. This move has brought trillions of US dollars to Apple and its owners and will bring even more in the future, because there have always been enough rebels and they are unlikely to disappear.

Acting as the operator of this idea, Apple has long been skimming off the rich and delicious cream from the legend of Adam and Eve. The only way to stop Apple from making huge money is to take over the idea of ​​rebellion, because Apple is not actually a manufacturer of smartphones, computers, tablets and other products, but an operator of the idea of ​​rebellion. Acting as the operator of this idea, Apple has long been skimming off the rich and delicious cream from the legend of Adam and Eve.

The brand analysis will be incomplete without specifying the business scheme that Apple should use to operate the idea of ​​rebellion and, accordingly, promote its brand. As is known, the basic classic business scheme, which is the most common, is “money-product-money”. In this case, a more advanced business scheme is used – “money – idea – consumer – product – money”.

Marketing brand analysis

Why Conduct Brand Analysis

The main benefit that this scheme provides is the possibility of creating consumers. Now, in connection with events in the world economy, this scheme is very relevant, because the deficit of consumers is the main problem of the world economy. In such conditions, it is the one who creates consumers who rules the market. With the money-product-money scheme, you can only try to take away other people's consumers.

The Apple example clearly shows that it is much more effective and profitable to have a strong idea, a strong brand. The Apple example clearly shows that it is much more effective and profitable to have a strong idea, a strong brand and, accordingly, your own personal market. How to do this? You need to start with brand analysis. Brand analysis will help you understand whether there is a strong idea behind it or not. Based on this, you can determine whether there is a brand or not. If there is an idea, then everything is fine, then there is a brand, then you are on the right track.

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