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Where to make money: tips + experience


Where to earn money?

The question of earning money always faces a person, as it is a means of subsistence. Often the question is raised not in order to find a source of income, but to find a place where you can earn significantly larger amounts than the average salary in the country.

This is not an easy choice, but it is possible to find a suitable place where you can get a good salary, while still having time for yourself.

Work in the IT field

One of the most popular ways to make money now is working in the IT industry. It is currently one of the fastest growing areas, so there are many opportunities and good growth prospects. A person only needs to master the profession, even if it is only at the initial stages of training, and also be ready to constantly improve their skills and develop in this area. In the area under consideration, there are several areas where you can earn money in the office or even without leaving your home. The main ones include:

  • programmer;
  • tester;
  • developer;
  • Web Designer;
  • layout designer.

There are several branches in each direction, since in addition to creating designs for sites, there are developments for mobile applications and mobile versions. There are also several programming languages, each of which has its own characteristics and is a separate area.

How to be a beginner

A beginner here may well be engaged in the study of only one direction with a deepening, which will allow him to find a highly specialized and well-paid job in the future. For this method, no serious investments are needed and the only thing that is required for implementation is time for training and development.

The advantages of this way of making money include the opportunity to officially find a job and the relevance of the direction, which only increases over the years. There is indeed potential for growth in this area and a person who has been actively working in the IT field for 5-10 years has a chance to get a good salary. The benefits include working remotely, which is not relevant for all directions here, but most of them support this possibility. This is especially true during quarantine.


Many people are looking for where to make money quickly, and therefore the prospect of long-term training and experience will not seem so interesting to them. Naturally, the higher the rate of earnings, the greater the risk of losing money. Without investments, this way of earning cannot be realized. It always requires a certain contribution to the system, which will be a pledge, rate or other resources for teaching even more profit. Despite the fact that many online casinos and bookmakers are prohibited, there are many sites on the Internet, including foreign ones, that provide the opportunity to place a bet or gamble.

Here one faces a double risk. First of all, this is the very essence of gambling, when there is a chance to make money on a bet or lose your money. The second risk factor is deception. Not all sites and offices work honestly. Some do not allow you to withdraw your winnings if you managed to get a large amount, delete your account and use other dubious methods. It is difficult for a beginner to understand all the nuances in this matter. Accordingly, this way of making money can be quite real, but no one gives a complete guarantee of the honesty of partners. Having won several tens of ๐Ÿช™, a person may well receive his prize several times, but when the bet for several tens of thousands plays, then problems with payments may arise in the same organization.


Where to make money: tips + experience

The development of services that provide unique content has allowed the concept of a โ€œblogger" to evolve from a simple person who writes texts on topics of interest to the public to producers of video products that can compete with television programs. Blogging is now becoming a real way of earning money for those who have an idea and a desire to create something.

Earnings can come directly from the platform on which the blogger's content is distributed, as well as from advertising integrations. For both directions, a large audience coverage is important, since in the first case, the accrual of money is based on the number of views of a posted article, video, listening to a song, and in the second, on the popularity of a person who is offered a contract to advertise any goods. A beginner in this field can work for several months in the red or at zero until there is an increase in popularity. This area is quite popular, so there are many competitors, but it also helps to promote channels on similar topics. If you find a really original idea and implement it with high quality, you will be able to make a blog that is interesting for a large number of people. Advertising integration can bring 30-50 thousand ๐Ÿช™, if the channel has an average popularity. This is the money that a person receives regardless of the number of content views paid by the system.

The main feature here is the regularity of posting texts, videos and other materials. This is the place where you can earn big money over time, but after that you will be able to stay afloat in popularity for a long time thanks to the accumulated reputation. Articles and videos from well-known bloggers find their audience, regardless of the topic. The need to post content on a regular basis leads to the expansion of topics, which brings in a new audience. To break into the TOP, you need to make a lot of effort, but confident earnings can begin before wide popularity. A person can receive an average salary, doing his favorite thing, which becomes a serious advantage.

Where to make money on the Internet โ€“ the main directions among bloggers

There are support programs that help people directly transfer money to a blogger on a regular basis. This supports the independence of such people from the platform and provides an additional resource for obtaining money. This direction allows you to start without investments, but when you reach a serious level, you need to purchase props, spend money on the production of new content, purchase more professional equipment and other things. The main areas among bloggers include:

  • articles and videos about travel, features in various countries, demonstration of tourist places from the first person;
  • lessons from the "do it yourself" or "how to do something" series, which can be related to any topic, including needlework, repair, cooking and more;
  • review of news and various world events;
  • demonstration of your creativity;
  • review of media products.

Many people start blogging as a hobby and extra income, and then it develops into a professional activity. There is no big risk here, because if you fail to achieve popularity on the Internet, doing this in parallel, then the person does not lose anything. If this is a favorite pastime, then the growth of subscribers can happen in an unforeseen way in a few years.

Internet sales

Where to make money: tips + experience

The most common place where people earn their money is trading. Thanks to the Internet, it is not necessary to rent a store, look for suppliers for a long time and meet customers in person. If you do not deal with large volumes, then you can not even rent a warehouse. Finding places where you can buy goods cheaper and sell more expensive in your city, it is quite possible to provide additional income that develops into the main one. Bulk purchases of popular equipment and liquid goods will help you earn money on resale. Investments are definitely needed here, and also a person must understand the product so that he can advise the buyer about the product.

There are many paid and free sites for placing your ads and products. It is not necessary to register your online store, which simplifies things even more. Here you can compete with big stores on price, as each person sets their own prices. The main difficulty lies in finding a suitable place of purchase. Sometimes you need to buy a large enough batch of products to make it really profitable. You also often have to go to the post office and dispatch services to send the ordered goods to the buyer and collect money for the goods. In this way, you can increase turnover, open your website and expand the list of products. Such stores are opened on free ad services, on instagram, telegram, other social networks, as well as on other sites.

Trade in foreign online stores

One of the options that are gaining popularity where you can make money on the Internet is commerce on foreign sites. Examples are networks such as Amazon, Walmart and others. The sale of products on them is available to many companies that work officially and are ready to supply goods on their own. The main feature is that a person does not need to travel abroad, since everything can be done remotely.

The site offers the opportunity to place products from third-party manufacturers on its pages. You can order in China or other countries, manufacture or purchase goods in bulk with delivery directly to the Amazon warehouse. At the same time, you need to conclude a cooperation agreement with the service itself and register. Then, upon receipt, the products will be available for purchase for all customers of the service. The owner will have to pay for space in the warehouse, packaging and shipping to customers, but taking into account the profit, this is still a profitable direction.

Where to make money on the Internet โ€“ what's next?

As in any trade, everything here depends entirely on sales volumes, which is due to the demand for the products offered. Every day, a large number of offers from different sellers appear on the site. Not all of them are manufacturers and many of them offer the same products. But at the same time, they do not compete with each other, since Amazon automatically distributes orders among sellers of identical products in the same price category. Therefore, everyone has their share of sales. If you manage to bring something original that your competitors do not have, then you can get the maximum profit in a short time. In a month, you can earn about a hundred thousand ๐Ÿช™ in this way. It all depends on the initial investment.

The main work is to select the items needed for sale, order from the manufacturer and regulate payment issues with the site. There are special programs to find suitable seasonal products and those that are in the greatest demand. In addition, you yourself need to have a flair for what exactly will be interesting to buyers. This requires tracking the emergence of trends in advance in order to order products in time, which will have time to reach the store and be sold out before the end of popularity.

Creating online courses

Where to make money: tips + experience

Now every day there are various online schools and courses where a person can learn something new. The pandemic has only confirmed that distance learning is relevant and in demand. This has become an excellent direction, where you can make money on the Internet thanks to your skills, knowledge and talents. The main topics of online courses include:

  • language learning, which offers a wide range of classes, private lessons via video link, purchase of lesson recordings, purchase of an author's textbook in electronic form and conducting a course for several students with homework, etc .;
  • learning to play musical instruments, which also allows you to keep in touch with the student through video communication, listen and watch the features of sound production, show the nuances of the game, and so on;
  • lessons on doing business, which applies to almost all areas of activity, but most common in innovative areas related to the Internet;
  • training for new professions, which involves the creation of new training courses similar to the programs of universities.

You don't have to do everything on your own here. You can become a teacher at a school or organize your own school, where teachers with author's courses will come. Creating learning platforms allows you to make a profit not only from the sale of such lessons, but also from advertising and other sources. This is quite a promising direction. If initially you can get 50-100 thousand ๐Ÿช™ here, then with development, earnings increase several times. The teacher needs not only to compose lessons and conduct x, but also to check the work of students. This can be done remotely at home, which is a big advantage for many.

Is the creation of courses promising?

Creating online courses is a lot of work, but it brings great promise as it can be useful in the long run. Having created such an intellectual product once, you can earn money on it for a long time.

If we are talking about creating a platform for learning, then it requires constant development and updating, but the income from it is much higher. The main goal is to create your own brand, when the school is recognizable or individual courses become a sign of quality. In this case, the cost of education will increase, and with it, income.

Selling sites

When looking for a place where it is easy to make money on the Internet, many people forget about the main tool โ€“ sites. With their help, the main work of all organizations, services, companies that interact with customers online is carried out. Creating Internet resources suitable for customers, as well as reselling ready-made options, is a good source of income. If the site is made from scratch, then the wishes of the client are taken into account. But you can get the best option for his work. But here you can run into problems in the form of difficulties with promotion. Therefore, many people want to buy a ready-made site, known to a certain audience. Make a small rebrand for yourself or just start working on it in your own interests, keeping the name and direction

The sale also applies to information sites. Because many of them have become a good source of advertising revenue. Buying inexpensive sites, promoting them to greater fame and selling them as more successful products, you can get several hundred thousand ๐Ÿช™ from one sale.

Promotion may take from several months to a year. Depending on the theme. You can run several projects at once and at the same time receive income from incoming advertising. And at this time there is a promotion. This is a profitable direction if you follow the trends closely and know what may soon become popular. To create or buy websites of a certain subject. Given the ability to sell ad space on growing sites, there is little risk of losing money in such a business. But this requires a lot of patience.

Sale of domain names

Where to make money: tips + experience

A popular way to make money online is to sell domain names. This is a real way how you can make money just on the idea. The point is to register domain names for yourself, which can be useful to various companies and organizations in order to sell them more expensively. A short and understandable website name gives the company a higher status in the eyes of customers. And better memorability. For example, if you register the name "bestpizzaspb", then sooner or later one of the pizzerias in St. Petersburg will decide to buy a beautiful and capacious domain name. Instead of having a "bestpizzaspb42" site. For a large company, overpaying for this will not be a big loss. But it will allow you to stand out from your competitors.

Selling one name can bring tens and even hundreds of thousands ๐Ÿช™. Not all names can be bought, but in practice it happens that periodically those who did not seem successful find their customers. There is a certain risk here, but it is not high if you buy many names at once, since with the partial sale of several of them, all investments pay off and the net profit remains.

Investments in cryptocurrency

There are not many places where it is easy to earn money without investments, as they do not give as high a return as options with investing resources. Cryptocurrency has become an excellent start for investment for those who were the first to invest in it.

Even after several years of development, people manage to make good money buying electronic coins. It has to do with the long term. Because regardless of the jumps that occur every day or week, according to the schedule for years, you can see that there is a stable growth of cryptocurrency.

Investments, in contrast to the game on the course races, are a more rational and safe way to earn money. Here you will have to wait longer, but you can earn more money without significant risks. For the general public, the popularity of cryptocurrency began with a significant increase in the rate of bitcoins. If you find a suitable potential option for a new currency, then it is realistic to invest in it at the start. And get high profits in a few months.

Investing in cryptocurrencies is not much different from investing in securities and other things. There are the same exchanges here, specialists can make up various portfolios for a stable growth of the contribution. For normal work, a person requires financial literacy. In order not to face the risk of losing invested and earned money.

The market is constantly evolving and needs to be studied. Investments are available not only to large investors. And also for those who are ready to invest several tens or hundreds of thousands ๐Ÿช™. You can even buy cryptocurrency on your own and wait for the rate to rise to it, in order to sell it later.

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