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TOP 5 services for personal finance planning


Which application will help bring the accounting of income and expenses to automatism and is right for you? We analyze the TOP-5 services

1 Moneon

This is one of the simplest and most understandable budgeting applications in which you can independently set the necessary categories for both expenses (for example, utility bills, spending on groceries, travel and education) and income.

The application is capable of recognizing and registering banking transactions: just copy a message from your bank, open the application โ€“ and it will prompt you to add a new line, you will only need to select the correct category: income or expenses. In addition, the application has the ability to keep a budget in several currencies, track debts using a spreadsheet, and distribute money among wallets.

Level of financial literacy: initial.

For whom: for those who have just started keeping track of their income and expenses and want to understand how much they spend and earn per month.

Platforms: iOS, Android.

2 CoinKeeper

TOP 5 services for personal finance planning

The main feature of this application is a handy widget in the form of a coin, which you can drag and drop and use it to add transactions to the expense item.

Everything you need is on one screen, you can immediately assess what was the income this month and what was the expense, on which categories the most money was spent and how much was left on the available accounts. The application independently recognizes SMS from banks, but so far only on Android devices.

The application also provides the function of โ€œautomatic budgetโ€ (CoinKeeper calculates the main items of expenditure for the next month), shopping planning and budgeting for the whole family.

Level of financial literacy: initial.

For whom: for those who manage the family budget, and those who constantly use several bank cards.

Platforms: iOS, Android.

3 Monefy

TOP 5 services for personal finance planning

Another extremely simple and intuitive service with a minimalist design. The application supports the ability to synchronize on multiple devices at the same time, which allows you to register expenses and income in any convenient place. On the main screen, a customizable expense ring is immediately displayed, in which you can set the display of expenses for the day, week or month. The ring automatically displays all categories, by clicking on which you can get more detailed information about when and where the money was spent. Like other apps, Monefy has a budget planning feature.

Unfortunately, some features (for example, setting a separate password for accessing the application) are only available after purchasing the paid version.

Level of financial literacy: initial.

For whom: for those who are just starting to keep track of income and expenses and are looking for the most simple and intuitive interface.

Platforms: iOS, Android.

4 Easyfinance

TOP 5 services for personal finance planning

An application for more advanced users: Easyfinance has a lot of features and capabilities, but far from the simplest interface, you will have to try hard to understand all the intricacies.

One of the features of the application is the ability to synchronize with Google Calendar, which allows you to more accurately plan expenses, set aside money for a specific date (for example, for a vacation), and set new financial goals. In Easyfinance, you can set limits and clearly track the dynamics of spending, add several sources of income and form the main items of expenditure. In addition, you can put a password on the application to further protect all financial and budgeting information.

Level of financial literacy: average.

For whom: for those who have several sources of income.

Platforms: Web

5 Goodbudget

TOP 5 services for personal finance planning

One of the most feature-rich budgeting apps for advanced users with a high level of financial literacy. With the help of Goodbudget, the user himself can set planning periods and the exact dates from which they begin, determine the budget for a clearly defined period, create new expense items and plan limits for them. In addition, up to five people can do all this at the same time! A great way to involve the whole family in economic planning.

Level of financial literacy: high.

For whom: those who have already dealt with financial planning and clearly know what and how much they will spend.

Platforms: Web, iOS, Android.

All these applications are great helpers for building a budget, but you can keep track of your income and expenses simply using Internet banking applications โ€“ they constantly undergo security checks from bank employees, register all card transactions, and also independently categorize most of the expenses and income. The only negative is that it is not very convenient if you regularly use cards from several banks or generally prefer cash.

If you're a power user with multiple cards, sources of income, and constantly changing spending items: Apps are your way to keep your budget under control anywhere, anytime.
Each of the apps on our list has features that help you generate reports, keep track of expenses and income, and set new financial goals right from your phone. True, for maximum convenience, many of them will have to be spent โ€“ usually the full functionality is available only in the full version.

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