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Top 15 mobile apps to help you manage your personal finances


It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a smartphone, tablet, laptop, in general, all kinds of gadgets, and the global Internet. Devices that greatly simplify and improve our lives accompany us always and everywhere. At the same time, you can improve the financial side of life with them.

In this article, we will look at free mobile apps for gadgets on iOS, Android and Windows that will help you manage your personal budget competently, manage money wisely, save, save and save for a rainy day as much as you want, and not how much you get.


Many note that the CoinKeeper application, unlike other financial managers, is very convenient to use, since budgeting with it resembles a game. So, in order to make transactions, you need to drag symbolic coins (accounts) into the necessary cells, behind which categories of expenses are hidden and which can be painted, depending on the amount of spending, in different colors (from approving green to indignant red). There are 10 spending categories available in the basic free version.

At the same time, the user of the service can also record how much money he is going to spend on a particular type of purchase. In turn, the application will surely prepare after a report on how much has already been spent.

"My finances"

"My Finances" is a service in which special attention is paid to accounts. When entering the amount you have, you are prompted to select the type of money: cash, bank account, credit card, investment account, or digital money. At the same time, the types of expenses themselves may not be enough for you (they include categories such as food, housing and communal services, transport, etc.) and do not allow you to see exactly how much you spent on each of them – expenses are arranged in a column in chronological order.

It may seem inconvenient to the user that in this application the balance must be entered manually.


"Wallet" is a simple application that is made in a fairly minimalist style. It is very convenient and easy to use it. If you have money, you just click "plus" and enter the desired amount, but if you spent the money – select "minus". The amount that appears after that in the middle is the total for the current account.

By the way, you can create many accounts in the Wallet. And, importantly, all of them will be password protected.

Interestingly, the service gives its customers the ability to add photos, audio, and location to their spending.

However, there is also a drop of tar in a barrel of honey. The application does not contain detailed statistics and graphs and the distribution of funds by day.

"Daily Budget"

"Daily Budget" is a financial assistant that allows you to specify your monthly income and displays the remaining amount for the day, taking into account regular and planned payments. According to many users, this is one of the advantages of the service over other applications. Given that when the indicated amount is exceeded for the day, the remaining money is recalculated, respectively, the amount for the day decreases. Thus, the application allows you to visually see how your funds are literally melting before your eyes, and this really encourages you to save. No one wants to go beyond the daily budget using this service.

It's also convenient that the “Daily Budget" sends reminders. However, such a wonderful application has its drawbacks: it cannot set the date of receipt of the salary.


"Zen-Money" is a kind of assistant that will always tell you how much free money you have, how much you need to pay bills, who owes you and how much. It differs from other services in that it has not only mobile applications, but also a web service – thus, for example, you can make expenses on your phone, and plan and analyze them in a more relaxed atmosphere, at home, on the big screen.

It is also interesting that Zen-Money allows you to automatically import transactions from electronic wallets and can recognize bank SMS from more than 200 banks recently and the CIS (that is, the service eliminates the need to enter up to 70% of transactions).

At the same time, "Zen-money" provides for the maintenance of a joint budget – members of the same family can create personal accounts, but at the same time watch the general budget.

Easy Finance

Easy Finance is an application with which you can create multiple accounts and link them to bank cards. At the same time, lists of spending categories and currency can be configured.

Any user will also certainly be pleased that the service allows you to set financial goals ("apartment", "car", "vacation") and control their implementation. The application gives you the right advice if you too rarely save money for one of the planned big purchases, acting as a kind of mommy.

It is also convenient that you can enter a transaction into the application offline, and the "loans" tab will not let you forget about your financial obligations.

However, as with any service, EasyFinance has its drawbacks. So, many of its users do not like that most of the useful services are paid.

"Where's the money"

“Where is the money” is a beautiful mobile application for tracking finances, which is definitely suitable for a beginner, because before using it it allows you to familiarize yourself with the demo version of the wallet.

There are many popular spending categories in Where's the Money, while the service allows you to create your own. Also in the application, you can store photos of checks and receipts so as not to forget anything, and set up a convenient summary of expense reports.

In addition, the service allows you to create an unlimited number of accounts and password-protect access to your data. Many note the convenience of using this service.

"Money Ok"

Money Ok is also a free application with a very simple interface that even a child can figure out. Suitable for those who need not accounting delights, but convenient and quick accounting of daily expenses.

Using the service is extremely simple: in the “my money” category, you need to enter the amount that you have. After entering the amount of money spent and in one click indicate what they actually went for. Spend categories for everything: groceries, meals, clothes, sports, car, home, leisure, mobile and internet, but you can add your own type of expense and even choose a picture for it.

It is convenient that registration and access to the Internet are not required to use the service, while it is possible to synchronize your device with others, which is convenient for controlling the family budget.

Also in the application, you can configure the type of account (cash or card).

Of the minuses, users of the service note such as the inability to link an account to bank cards, control debts and plan a budget. However, at least being able to calculate what you spent is not bad.

Vizi budget

Vizi budget allows you to manage personal and family finances, keep track of categories, accounts and currencies. At the same time, in the application, you can independently configure the structure of income and expenses, add the necessary accounts in various currencies.

The service also makes it possible to generate reports and thus monitor the movement of funds for the selected period on selected accounts both in graphical form and in the form of a table.

In addition, using the application, you can create your budget for a certain period and check its implementation: for example, calculate the cost of an upcoming vacation, and then compare them with actual spending figures.

A convenient "trick" of Vizi budget is that in the list of categories of expenses and incomes, the most frequently used ones are shown first in the list.


Monetal is a service that is suitable both for the lazy, who simply add income and expenses, and for those who use financial managers to the fullest.

The simple interface and nice design are liked by many users of the application, as well as the ability to synchronize the application between devices.

Like some other financial assistants, Monetal allows you to create multiple accounts for cash, bank card, or electronic money, and then enter transactions by simply pressing the + or – buttons located next to the account.

For example, you need to account for your fueling costs. So, you pay for gasoline, press minus in the application, enter the required amount and select the appropriate tag. Conveniently!

"Easy Shopping"

"Easy Shopping" is a simple application that differs from other services in that it allows you to easily calculate the discount amount at the right time in the right place and add the purchase to the list of personal expenses.

Meanwhile, it is more impossible than possible to call this service a financial planner, since all purchases made and entered into the application are not summed up, which means that it is impossible to make some kind of result from this, like spending more than necessary or less.


Like others, the service allows you to manage your expenses by category, choose the right currency and plan your budget. In addition, Monefy has a data backup function.

Many users of the application are also pleased with the convenience and simplicity of its interface.


Personal Financial Manager Toshl is one of the leaders in financial control. Perhaps because it has a very friendly and pleasant interface – inside the application you can find a hero – a three-eyed alien who will track expenses for you and give you the necessary financial advice.

At the same time, the service allows you to convert currencies and show current rates. Toshl also has an option to remind you of loan payments.

Of the minuses of the application, the only significant one, perhaps, is that many additional functions in it are paid.

"Financial Counter"

By noting income and expenses in the "Financial Counter", you can get a detailed picture of your financial life and understand where your money is actually flowing.

In the application, you can create several accounts (cash, non-cash) and categories of expenses and incomes. In addition, any user of the "meter" has the opportunity to receive monthly reports of expenses and incomes and a balance chart.

Also in the application you can see the average figure of daily expenses.

At the same time, you can protect your accounts with a password, but this can only be done in the paid version.


Drebedengi is a convenient service that includes several categories: spending, income, movement and exchange.

Many people like the fact that, having compiled a shopping list in the application, they can then audit it: what was bought, what was not, how much was spent. In addition, you can plan a large acquisition and make sure that the financial assistant will diligently count how much money is left to accumulate for this.

At the same time, Drebedengi allows you to draw up both a short-term and a long-term budget and share your financial plans with households – the application has a multi-user mode (you can connect all family members to the system).

We hope that our top 15 mobile apps for managing your own finances are to your liking. If you use another service that was not mentioned in the article and has already appreciated its convenience, leave comments – let as many people as possible manage their funds wisely.

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