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The idea of ​​​​producing wooden skirting boards


What is a plinth? Being an element of the interior decoration of the wall, it performs two functions, it both masks difficult areas at the junction of the wall and the floor, and has a decorating function. Thanks to the minimalist revolution in design, and the mutation processes provoked by the builders of communism, the plinth turned into a flashing, performing only one function, completely losing its decorative properties.

Almost a century after the degradation of this finishing element, it was decorative skirting boards that began to appear on the market, but they are mainly imported from abroad, made, as a rule, from polyurethane foam or other plastic, but you can only keep silent about prices.

Wooden plinth in the interior

The idea of ​​​​producing wooden skirting boardsPeople, meanwhile, buy expensive furniture, decor, trying to embellish their home, make expensive repairs, all in the hope of making their home cozy, and the interior stylish and elegant, but in 99 cases out of a hundred, looking into such apartments, you will see all this diversity against the background of "bare" walls with flashings around the perimeter of the floor. But we must not forget that the plinth in the interior is like a gentleman's shoes: when creating a stylish interior, installing a plastic flashing is like going out, for example, in a tailcoat and beach “slates" on your feet.

The reason for this imbalance is the usual laziness and unwillingness to update the market. “Let everything flow as it is,” the average businessman thinks, but a compassionate novice entrepreneur should already realize that since there is already a market for PU foam decor at scrap prices, then a wooden baseboard should also have excellent demand. You just need to furnish everything cunningly in order to interest an ordinary buyer, interior decorators, and repair teams at the start.

Organization of production of wooden plinth

To organize the production of such skirting boards is a task for a high school student! However, the student is unlikely to be able to organize the entire business process. To do this, you need a certain amount, for the organization of carpentry production you need:

  1. Planer: from 34 000🪙
  2. Planer: 30 000🪙
  3. Milling machine: from 150 000🪙
  4. Circular machine: from 15 000🪙
  5. Automatic feeders: from 40 000🪙 per piece.

This is about 500 thousand 🪙, you can find used machines, but you need to choose high-quality ones. The rent of the premises is not included in these expenses, since this is a separate item of expenses, and it is permanent. In addition, you will need a tool and painting area, tables for gluing, a warehouse equipped for storing incoming raw materials and finished products.

Manufactured products

Without delving into production subtleties, we outline the model of the product being produced. The product itself is high skirting boards of various profiles and colors, assembled according to the domino system.

The domino system is the possibility of creating your own skirting board profile from a range of standard profiled moldings, which are connected in a tenon-and-groove principle with carpentry glue, thanks to which they are securely fixed at the installation site or, upon request, in the workshop. The idea is simple, as, however, and all ingenious.

The idea of ​​​​producing wooden skirting boards

Advantages of the domino system

The advantages that such a system gives can be divided into technical and marketing:

  • The minimum size of the workpiece, and this is saving material and simplifying its selection, since the smaller the size of the part, the easier it is to find a suitable piece of extra-class commercial wood for it.
  • The glued structure of the plinth helps to resist warping and cracking of the massif, which in turn allows the use of softwood as the main material.
  • Minimization of stocks in a warehouse, thanks to an opportunity to combine different details. All but the main-lower and final-top parts are universal.
  • The ability to please every taste, with minimal production time.

We announce ourselves

When declaring yourself on the market, you should be careful, competition in the field of finishing materials is high, you can't lure a client to a dry crust of bread, you need something fatter. The possibility of designing a skirting board profile alone is not enough, original and fresh ideas are needed. For example, for the convenience of the consumer, you can differentiate the offer for:

  • It is more profitable for repair teams to purchase unpainted skirting boards, which they will process themselves, and earn extra money on this.
  • Decorators, the approach is slightly different, they like to create unique effects with their own hands, but value their time and labor more, so primer may already be applied to the baseboard to speed up the application of the finish coat and to protect the moisture characteristics of the wood.
  • Clients for whom the minimum installation time is important should be offered already painted skirting boards. White, perhaps, will be the most popular, as they fit most interiors.

Such a business can grow in leaps and bounds, but the scale of production can also be increased in a short time, since neither scarce materials, nor rare or unique equipment are involved here, everything is standard and simple. All that is needed from an entrepreneur is the organization of a business process.

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