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Secrets of the psychology of money: laws, taboos and words-magnets. PART I


Secrets, numbers, time, money…….

We are not taught the grammar of dealing with money either at home, or at school, or even in higher educational institutions. Professional banking specialists graduate from an educational institution, and have a very vague idea of ​​​​what they will have to work with, they know absolutely nothing about money.

So why can't we afford the basics? Why don't we have as much money now as we want? Why do some people have a lot of money, while others do not have it at all? Why are some all good, and others nothing? Let's understand step by step

There are opinions…

We all heard, encountered, and sometimes ourselves in our lives said these phrases: “only swindlers, thieves and bandits have big money", “it's impossible to earn big money”, “if only there was enough and enough for bread and butter”, “a lot it’s not necessary, it’s necessary that it’s enough, “and with these phrases we set ourselves a limiter block. We consciously put our energy into torpor and stasis. Money is energy – the energy of thoughts, words, actions and decisions of a person. And this energy does not stand still, it is constantly in motion, in dynamics and works, like everything in our life, according to certain laws. At school we studied axioms and theorems in geometry, laws in physics, chain reactions in chemistry, so why don't we know the laws of money dynamics? After all, as they say, ignorance of the laws does not exempt from responsibility, and in our case, does not add financial resources to us.

Laws of money

Secrets of the psychology of money: laws, taboos and words-magnets. PART I

Our thought forms should be formulated or imagined in approximately this way.

1 There will be exactly as much money as you can keep.

What does it mean? Let's do a little meditation test to find out. Close your eyes, imagine that you are walking down the road. Describe this road as fully as possible. What is she? Write it down. On the road you found a bag of money. Describe this bag. How much money is in it, what are they? Also fix it on paper. Suddenly, bandits block your way and want to take your money now. What are you going to do? Write next. And the last question, did you come with or without a bag. Where? We fix.


the road is an indicator of how and how easily money comes into your life. Wide and straight – nothing overshadows your path to wealth. Dusty and uneven, with pits and ravines – there are obstacles in your desire to have as much money as you want. Thin, winding and forest – for some reason you are embarrassed by money. Any obstacle on the road is a psychological problem or a ban on money.

Go ahead, our bag of money! The amount of money in the bag is your limit, i.e. exactly the quantities that you are able to hold in your hands, take into your life. The bag is large, but full of coins – you have a craving for a large number of small earnings, i.e. Take the right amount of quantity, not quality. A small bag with old gold coins – you value yourself highly and do not waste your time on trifles. A huge bag with large paper bills – everything is fine with the scale, it remains only to come up with a strategy for making money. A small bag with large bills – the main thing for you is to choose one thing, but large and profitable. Whether you drag the whole bag, take as much as you can carry, or hide the money and come back for it the next day, this is your money management strategy. The analogy here is direct. Look for her.

Robbers! This is your relationship with your partners in life and an indicator of what ways you will act to save your hard-earned money – easily refuse to save your life, try to negotiate by giving half, a third, will you fight? Draw your own conclusions. This is exactly what you will do in life.

The ultimate goal, i.e. where you ended up – speaks of the scale of your business that you are ready to create. Big city, big business. A village or village is a small-scale business, a shop or a small firm. If you went out to your house, you, alas, are not a businessman. In this case, you need to learn how to work well, and skillfully manage capital. But it’s better for you to work for others, becoming an indispensable employee and reliable support for them. If you went to the store – you are a spender, a reveler and a shopaholic. You need to learn – not to earn, but to save money and treat them with respect.

Now that you know how you walked this path and what it all means, take the test again, mentally scroll through the picture with the plot that you most desire and put it in your subcortex. Create a clear visualization and thought form as a goal that you have ALREADY achieved.

Secrets of the psychology of money: laws, taboos and words-magnets. PART I

If your chest found on the road looked like this, then you carefully read the text above and know what it means )))

2 The universe will not allow you to live at the expense of another.

Surprisingly, the world around us is extremely fair. And he will always distribute “earrings to all sisters”, i.e. clearly equal. Your financial situation is just very revealing. In the “giver – taker” paradigm, the one who borrows will always have problems with money, and the one who lends to the taker will experience health problems – this is an axiom! For example, in the family on the maternal side, almost all relatives have an eternal lack of money (they are “takers”), but two or three of them – financially stable – are a kind of “money donors” for the rest (i.e. “giver”) and have health problems themselves. But don't take it as karma or a curse! This is the law of balance in its purest form.

3 As long as we remember our debtors, all doors to money are closed for us.

“And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors…..” Everyone knows the words of the Lord's Prayer "Our Father"? Oh, how these words are put together for a reason. We draw conclusions while we remember our debtors, carefully cherish it in our long-term memory, all the doors for new money are closed to us. Down with resentment and claims, down with old debts of bygone days, away with thoughts of their return. Accept already the fact that if you gave something in debt, then consider that you gave it!

Secrets of the psychology of money: laws, taboos and words-magnets. PART I

Don't get attached to money!….

4 We will have exactly as much money as we need at the moment.

Everything here is very, very simple. Energy, the Universe, the One Who is Above – gives us exactly as much for our daily life as it takes to satisfy our needs. We develop exclusively within the framework of our consciousness, and we are limited by it. This is a very “short leash”, which we have created for ourselves and reverently support.

In Jewish philosophy, such an amazing thing as money was compared with manna from heaven, which the Almighty sent to the Jews wandering the desert. And it was given exactly as needed – no more and no less. And it was impossible to save it, leave it in reserve, put it in a jar – because it deteriorated. Doesn't it remind you of anything? So, my friends, money also deteriorates, and they also have their own tone, and everyone has their own! Someone likes Paris, someone likes a new country villa, someone likes a Lamborghini Diablo, someone likes a leadership position in Gazprom, and someone likes a piece of bread and the notorious butter “to have enough” or vodka polished with beer and under sair ….

5 Money is attracted only to a happy person.

Positive thoughts always translate into quality of life. There is a direct relationship – the more happiness, contentment and positive in your life, the higher the quality of life. As an example, I will give a vessel initially filled with muddy water. As it is poured into this vessel, pure water, all dirt and turbidity are gradually forced out. So it is with us, the more positive and satisfaction you send to the Universe, the purer your consciousness will become and the more wealth the Universe will give back to you. And vice versa, the more negativity is present in your feelings, thoughts and actions, the more anger, resentment and fears accumulate, the more troubles, problems and diseases the Universe “gives” you. But one has only to rebuild one's own attitude, and the universal balance sends you favorable changes,

Secrets of the psychology of money: laws, taboos and words-magnets. PART I

Smile through life, rejoice in every little thing – the Universe loves the happy and gives them natural magnetism.

6 Correct centering and concentration or the law of centering

Here it should be understood that you need not just to want, you also need to be able to correctly visualize the goal, center it as a base one and focus your attention on what has supposedly already been achieved. For example, you want to get a car, and for this you need a clear visualization of the goal. What kind of car do you want, present it to the smallest detail (brand, color, year, equipment features, even which steering wheel cover and which toy will be put in the trunk). How much money exactly do you need to buy it and, finally, put yourself in the driver's seat, already the owner, and feel the full extent of your virtual pleasure from the supposedly already achieved goal. And your subconscious receives a command – "WE HAVE". Or another option: you wish that 100 thousand dollars fell on you from the sky. It should be borne in mind that your mental image, you must project in the currency of the country in which you live. Otherwise, the Universe will zero out the last two digits from the desired one.

And therefore: “Smile, friends!” Forget about the fact that "laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool." The universe regards laughter as one of the highest levels of energy! Laughter not only prolongs life and improves health, but also raises the quality of life to a new, more worthy level!

7 Abundance is created by abundance and is the law of it

In fact, everything that surrounds us, what is happening around us is a manifestation of the law of universal abundance! Try, for example, to count how many blades of grass are in a clearing, or grains of sand on a sea beach, or how many stars are in the sky … Abundance is everywhere! Nature is abundant, generous, rich and fertile. Abundance is the natural order of things. And you and I are part of all this wealth, and this rule also applies to us. But how to make it so that abundance generously envelops us with its energy? Everything is simple! We return to the previous paragraph, carefully reread it a second, and if necessary, a third time. Bees fly to HONEY, moths to LIGHT, and money to JOY.

8 Law of open doors

The main rule of this law is: “Give, take!” and its main task is to ensure the free circulation of cash flow. And for this, many people need to learn how to give, share, give …. After all, we really, really don’t know how to accept goodness, let go of the lost and forgive insults. I remember how a wallet with a decent amount was stolen from my purse, and I was terribly upset. But my wise grandmother said: “Let go and say thank you to the Universe that paid off everything with money, because everything could always be much worse and worse.” So take note and learn: do not regret the lost – stolen, do not hold a grudge in yourself, do not hide the nest egg for a rainy day. Remember, if we give something to people, then the Universe always returns to us equivalently.

As practice shows, if we have somehow learned to give back, then, alas, we cannot accept goodness at all, not to mention how to do it correctly. What do we say when we accept a gift? Come on! “Yes, it wasn’t worth it!”, “It wasn’t necessary”, “but why this gift, I helped you from the bottom of my heart” …… But it would be right to take it and say “Thank you”! Learn, my friends, and fulfill this law beautifully and with soul.

Secrets of the psychology of money: laws, taboos and words-magnets. PART I

It is worth using all the secrets of money psychology to open all the locks of our mysterious Universe.

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