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Money work: 5 ways to get a decent salary


What is money work?

Who does not dream of a good job: so that you can devote more time to yourself and your loved ones, but your wallet is also not empty. The main thing is that there is a desire and willingness to act, and there are enough ways to earn money – there is a suitable one for everyone.

So, top 5 ways to make money.


If you know foreign languages, not making money on it is a sinful thing. What options:

  1. Accompanying an entrepreneur in a country whose language you speak is actually a money job. Ideally, a business trip is paid for by a businessman.
  2. Translate texts – in this case, you can work remotely. We often order translations of books and websites on various topics.
  3. Act as an interpreter for guests arriving in the country. You can even learn about such events and find customers online.
  4. Work as an online translator.

It's okay if you haven't done translations before. Just try. Start with small tasks, and if you like it and succeed, feel free to take on complex and expensive ones.


No, of course, not at school and not at the institute 2 shifts. Although the earnings of professors at American universities can only be envied … But let's be realistic.

If you know something and are ready to teach it to people, you can make money on it. Chances are better if you have one of these skills:

  • know foreign languages, especially English and Chinese;
  • understand business;
  • you are well versed in psychology;
  • do programming;
  • you are a designer.

Lessons on these topics are in demand. Find clients online or offline, gather groups of people and train them in your skills. The main thing is that you understand the issue yourself.

Don't fall for the trendy personal growth coaches who don't really understand it at all. Clients immediately feel when a teacher has weak knowledge or lack of confidence in them, and as a result only spoil his reputation.

money work – make money online

It's not about clicks, registrations, surveys, tasks and referral programs, although it is also possible to earn money from them. Everyone can do this job, so they pay little for it. More effective ways to make money online:

  1. Conduct webinars and courses – for example, remotely teach people how to crochet, build and repair with their own hands, dance, etc. People are willing to pay to learn something useful while sitting at home.
  2. Prepare content – you can write texts, edit photos, make posts on social networks. This needs to be learned, but the result will definitely be.
  3. Organize marathons – hundreds and thousands of women sign up for the same weight loss marathons.
  4. Creating a website/blog is a relevant but competitive topic. If you have something to arouse interest in people and you love creativity, feel free to try.

The main thing is not to be afraid. Making money online is just as possible as it is in real life. Try hard, the results will not be long in coming.

Be the go-between

Whatever you say, but speculation is simple money work. And there is nothing shameful in it: you take % for helping the owner of a product or service find his client.

Real estate services. Take inexpensive courses for 2-3 weeks. The most important thing is practice. Sometimes real estate agencies train new workers for free.

Find clients. Specialists who know their business well, but cannot “sell themselves" are not uncommon. Offer them your services: bring clients for % from each transaction.

Resale of goods from Chinese Internet sites. Not every person knows the real cost of goods and can find a good and inexpensive thing. Take advantage of this: negotiate with Chinese sellers and open a shop.

Search for goods for collectors. On the same "Avito" you can find an ad of a guy who is ready to sell a book or other old thing for a couple of hundred 🪙. And the collector will pay for this and the mower, if not more. How can you not speculate?

Read also: How to increase income: TOP ways

Money work – Start your own business

There are risks here. If you have a financial cushion for at least 3 months, it makes sense to try. Immediately understand the laws for entrepreneurs in your country. Pay attention to 7 important points:

  1. Some capital is needed.
  2. There must be a business idea, what you will do.
  3. Choose a market segment – to whom you will offer your product.
  4. Prepare a business plan. Today, on the Internet, you can download a ready-made plan for any business, but for maximum results, it is better to contact specialists for an individual project.
  5. Register your business.
  6. Resolve issues with rent and the necessary equipment, if required.
  7. Get into advertising.

What to do? Hotel and restaurant business, an oriental sweets shop, a hairdresser, massages … There are enough options. Choose what is in demand and what is lacking in your area.

How to increase your earnings

The main advice is to work. Yes, trite, but vital. To attract money, you need to work with your head. It is also important to choose the right direction and topic. Try not just to find a money job, but to do what interests you. Enjoying the process, you will get tired less, and work and get more.

Don't force yourself to learn to code or speak English just because it will be profitable in the future. Without desire, you still won't be enough for a long time – waste your time.

Think more, don't be afraid to try new things and do things differently. If you repeat after others, everything will be the same for you as for them. But you want more!

Money work – What not to do?

To attract financial income, you should not try the dubious types of "very easy and fast earnings."

MLM and pyramids. You will be offered to open your store, but do nothing – supposedly all the goods will be sold on their own, and you will be dripping money. If you deposit a small amount and invite your friends to this company.

Online casino. Yes, there are sites where someone tries their luck and wins something. But if you are told that you first need to pay to “activate your account”, do not hesitate: this is a scam.

Games. Most often this is a scam. Your account accumulates an amount that you will never withdraw – each time technical support will come up with a new reason for the impossibility of withdrawing funds or ignore you.

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