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๐Ÿ“ˆ Marketing Thinking for Business Growth


If you want to catch a criminal, you have to think like a criminal. If you want to sell a product to a consumer, you have to think like a consumer. Is it possible to learn to think like a consumer? Yes, but only if you develop a marketing mindset. The word marketing comes from the word market, and market is a market. Marketing thinking is the thinking of the market.

The totality of consumers is the market, which means that any consumer of this market has the thinking of this market. Any consumer thinks the way the market thinks. Can the market think? As is known, any market is based on an idea. Any idea is a living entity, and any living entity can think. What does the idea that underlies the market think about?

Only about being implemented, about realizing its essence. The consumer, in whom this idea is implanted, also thinks about the implementation of this idea and implements it. The implementation of an idea is the implementation of the essence of this idea. Under the influence of the idea implanted in him, the consumer also wants to realize the essence of the idea. Knowing the essence of the idea, you can know what the consumer is thinking about.

How to Develop a Marketing Mindset

How to Develop a Marketing Mindset

How are the idea, consumer and sales related? The trick is that the product that the consumer buys, he buys exclusively for the implementation of the idea, which is active in him at the moment. A person has no other reasons to buy goods or services and cannot have them. For this reason, it is necessary to know the idea that is implanted in the consumer and which he wants to implement.

First, an idea is implanted in a person, then it turns him into a consumer, and only after that he needs a product. First, an idea is implanted in a person, then it turns him into a consumer, and only after that he needs a product. It is for this reason that noomarketing begins with the selection of the desired idea and its visualization for consciousness. Consciousness works only with symbols, and the idea must be turned into symbols, and this is visualization. Within the framework of noomarketing, the selection of an idea and its visualization for consciousness is carried out through legrandization. Based on the results of legrandization, a noodriver for the market is created.

Subsequently, the noodriver is installed in the relevant specialist, and he begins to think the same way as the market thinks, which means that he develops marketing thinking specifically for this market. First of all, the noodriver should be installed in marketers, sales specialists, advertising specialists, brand managers, PR specialists and, of course, in top managers.

What Marketing Thinking Gives

What Marketing Thinking Gives

Marketing thinking, which is formed after installing a noodriver to the market, opens up new opportunities for those in whom it is formed. There are hundreds of new opportunities that are opened up to pumped-up specialists. The main opportunity is the ability to understand the market and its participants. A person with marketing thinking understands the market 100% and can use the script of modern marketing.

He speaks the same language as consumers, which makes them consider him as one of their own. He knows what consumers specifically need and knows what they will need in the future. He speaks the same language as consumers, which makes them consider him as one of their own. As soon as such a person starts talking to a consumer, the consumer begins to think that he has known him for a very long time, begins to perceive him almost as a friend or even a relative.

The attitude towards him is appropriate. The consumer sees that the specialist has also been implanted with the idea that underlies the market, and therefore they are of the same blood, they are brothers in mind, they are birds of a feather. After this, the consumer no longer considers this specialist as a potential deceiver, but considers him as an assistant, as a person who is engaged in helping others develop the ideas implanted in them.

How to Become a Marketing Genius

How to Become a Marketing Genius

Another opportunity that opens up to a person who has developed a marketing mindset is the focus on constant forward movement. This means that such a person has an inexhaustible source of energy. Such a person does not need to be motivated, the idea implanted in him motivates him, and he in turn motivates everyone around him. A specialist who does not need to be constantly pushed forward is the dream of any businessman. It is on such specialists that the world economy rests.

Any company today can easily and simply get its Steve Jobs. One of the most striking examples of recent times is Steve Jobs. He was motivated and pushed forward by the ideas that he wanted to implement. Another striking example, but now from the past, is Mendeleev. He was so imbued with his ideas that they did not leave him even in his sleep, where he saw the table that made him famous and immortal. Previously, pumping up with ideas was random, so there were very few people of the level of Steve Jobs and Mendeleev.

Now, thanks to NooDriver, the creation of such people can be put on stream. Any company today can easily and simply get its own Steve Jobs. All that needs to be done is to identify the idea that underlies a particular product and pump up the necessary specialist with it. The idea, implanted in such a specialist, will do everything else itself.

Marketing thinking is available to everyone

Marketing thinking is available to everyone

Marketing thinking is the highest level of competitiveness. Such thinking allows you to set up a business so that it will work like the best Swiss watch. A person who has developed marketing thinking sells a product, and one who does not have it sells himself. Marketing thinking allows you to improve all business processes and opens up new opportunities in all areas, from creating a product to working with clients.

Marketing thinking is formed through a no-driver to the market. At the same time, work with clients will be organized at a completely different level, at a higher quality level, which will allow you to see new opportunities. One of the possibilities is that there will come an understanding that client problems are simply ideas that the client cannot implement and if you help him with this, you can make good money. A client's problem is a reason for creating a product, a reason for business, a reason to make money.

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