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Is it possible to make money on sports betting – five more rules


The question of whether it is possible to make money on sports betting is a natural one in the Internet environment for the period of the summer of 2018. Today, betting ads are everywhere – in movies, TV shows, videos and banners. In this article, as promised, we are posting five more golden rules for those who want to start earning income from their hobby and minimize risks by betting on sports.

Read the beginning in the previous article – Earnings on sports betting.

Rule number 1. Play while luck is with you, but be able to stop when she smiles at someone else

You must have had good days. On such days, it seems that luck does not depart from you for a minute. Play while you're lucky

Is it possible to make money on sports betting - five more rules

Note: stop the game after the second or third failure in a row. You are doing this for profit, and not just to feel how dopamine is released in your body.

And remember that if you want to know if you can make money on sports betting, you should not only feel the moment when fortune is on your side, but also be able to stop in time when a series of losses adds fuel to the fire. In order not to become bankrupt and keep the bank, you need to notice such trends.

Rule number 2. — Is it possible to make money on sports betting?

Yes, if you have a strategy

Calculate your strategy in advance and never deviate from the intended course. The fractions of probabilities that you were able to calculate in a calm environment in advance are not going anywhere. A decision made in the turmoil and chasing ghostly script changes can take your bank in an instant. Here, as in chess. One mistake can cost the whole game.

Determine the size of the bet so that if you lose, you lose as little money as possible

Is it possible to make money on sports betting - five more rules

Deviating from the chosen strategy, you take the shortest path. Path to bankruptcy.

You may be wondering how many times a week to bet is the best, and what is the right way to bet on sports if you are a beginner? To increase your income, you need to place not only single bets, but also accumulator bets to increase the chance of winning. But for this, do not forget to minimize risks and never use the entire bank. This is silly. Least.
And one more important point – always stick to the plan. Your strategy, which you have prepared in advance, cannot be subject to strong changes during the game. You've calculated everything, haven't you? Changing it on the go is unlikely to give you a better chance of winning. So stick to the plan. Always. Especially if you are a beginner. And especially stick to the plan if you have been playing for a long time. It is important to remain vigilant.

Rule number 3. Nothing personal

Don't bet on your favorite teams or athletes you like. It's unprofessional, but exciting!

Is it possible to make money on sports betting - five more rules

Judge for yourself: Your favorite football team isn't perfect. She may not have the best of times, the most effective players tend to get injured, the coach may not make the best decision in terms of strategy, sponsors may influence the outcome of the game. The only thing that your passion can help you with is that you will be informed about possible substitutions of players, their injuries, politics within the team and other aspects that ultimately affect the outcome of the game.

Future profits should be associated only with calculated strategies, in which there is no place for emotions and attachments. Your personal preferences and aspirations should remain outside of your work. So don't provoke a pot loss if you have a personal favorite. Remember that this is just a job. Nothing personal.

Rule number 4. Information monitoring

Of course, it is better to know the maximum of subtleties about all the teams and players, but you are not a machine and you can get the full picture only if you have at least five years of experience in data analysis and processing. But at the same time, don't give up. Our brain is no different from the muscles of the body – train it and your calculations will become more and more accurate, and you will earn more and more money!

Is it possible to make money on sports betting - five more rules

  • Don't forget to analyze the information
  • Learn to work with data.
  • Learn a few mathematical formulas to help you calculate probabilities.
  • Stop relying on the opinion of bookmakers and give preference to your favorite players and teams.
  • Become from an ordinary player – a professional analyst after all!

Rule number 5. Is it possible to make money on sports betting as a gambler? 

Yes, if you know how to control your passions

Know where your gambling limit is and learn to see when you cross the line. In addition to bets, you also have a family, children, relatives – another life. And if not, then it's time to get it. Any work should be important within reason, even if it is risky and addictive. Define for yourself markers and triggers that show that you are going too far, that you are about to cross the line, and so on. Your own stoplights will help you stay professional and make money.

That's all. If this article was useful to you, write your opinion in the comments or share the article on social networks.
And there are many more interesting things ahead!

If you realize that rates are not for you, try a more relaxed, but no less profitable way to make money on the Internet: we recommend reading an article about doing business with China.

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