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How to start a career from scratch


How to start a career from scratch.

Building a successful business, becoming an actor or a singer is not for everyone. Most people have to get up every morning for work. And then to see the sleepy faces of colleagues and the eternally dissatisfied boss in front of you. But it is especially difficult for university graduates who are just trying to find a calling in life. Here are some tips on how to start a career for yesterday's student and succeed.

Decide on the profession you want

University graduates have the right to get a job in their specialty. But what to do when the beginning of a career in this direction is complicated by high competition. As well as low wages and constant stress? Get a job outside of your specialty. There are many professions in IT and digital. And you can start a career there after completing the courses. Among them:

  • SEO-specialist โ€“ promotes sites in search engines;
  • SMM manager โ€“ promotes pages on social networks;
  • contextual or targeted advertising specialist โ€“ sets up ads in Yandex, Google or social networks;
  • programmer โ€“ develops websites, software, mobile applications;
  • tester โ€“ detects malfunctions in new programs;
  • copywriter โ€“ writes texts for websites, social networks, email newsletters;
  • illustrator โ€“ draws banners in Adobe Illustrator.

The courses will give you the opportunity to work in the areas described above. But you have to start from the bottom. Promotion is possible due to further training and experience gained.

Also Read: Most in-demand careers in 2019

Start searching

Write a good resume. List your key skills, strengths, and work experience. Moreover, even the one that was obtained during student practice will do. Submit it to jobs that interest you. You can search in several ways: view offers from employers on company websites, job search resources or social networks. When applying for a job, please send a short cover letter along with your resume. And tell us about your advantages as a specialist.

Do not write off friends. According to statistics, 65% of many users find work through friends and relatives. Sometimes connections help novice workers get pretty good jobs. But in order to qualify for serious positions in the field of IT or digital, family ties will not be enough. To do this, you need to have a wealth of knowledge and be able to apply them in practice.

Go to interviews

The next step is the interview stage, where you need to present yourself in a favorable light. Be courteous when speaking with your manager and HR. And also try to throw the nerves and feelings into the background. Remember that you will have to answer for every word written in the resume. Be honest in interviews about experience and skills. Because any deception will eventually be revealed. If your candidacy suits the employer, you will be called in a couple of days.

Do not rush to accept the first job that comes along. Take time to think. Weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal. Evaluate how HR and the head of the company communicated with you. Were they rude or asked personal questions? If you felt uncomfortable during the interview, then there is a high probability that the new place of work will become a real hell. Agree to work only when everything suits you 100%.

Be part of the team

Have you gone through dozens of interviews and chosen the company you dreamed of being in? It is worthy of respect. But everything interesting starts further. The task of the new employee now is to declare himself as a specialist. Moreover, one who is able to cope with the responsibility assigned to him. It is important to show the bosses personal interest in the common cause. As well as the desire for development and professional growth.

Don't be shy about low salary initially. This is what most university graduates go through. Working in seemingly insignificant positions will help you get comfortable in the organization, become part of the team. And it will open up opportunities for further career advancement.

How to Start a Career โ€“ Don't Forget Upgrading Your Skills

You already know how to start a career without experience. But this should not be limited. Employers appreciate employees who develop and gain new knowledge. Especially directly or indirectly related to the position held. Attend refresher courses from time to time. And in your free time, learn a profession related to your main activity. The authorities will appreciate such efforts with a promotion and an increase in wages.

If over time you have to change jobs, you can apply for two positions. And choose in which direction to continue further work. It may also happen that one of the professions will eventually become irrelevant. But you will have every chance to build a career in another field.

Skills do not equal diploma

Now is the time to abandon the usual life cycle โ€“ school, university, work. Career building is different, there are new professions that are not taught in higher education. The value of a diploma is falling, skills are growing. Having started working immediately after school, in 5 years a person in the labor market will be valued higher than their peers who graduated from the university. But the HR of some companies is still looking at a high school diploma lately. Let it not correspond to the specialty, but the document should be.

How to start a career from scratch in a good position? Zero chance of success if you sit still. People who strive for professional growth and who are suitable for the performance of duties with responsibility will be able to move up the career ladder. Watch educational films, sign up for courses and develop.

What to do if you can't get a job

Don't despair and don't panic. Graduates of schools and universities often face difficulties in finding employment. A successful career start depends on a number of factors:

  • experience;
  • the ability to present oneself;
  • confidence in their abilities;
  • moderate ambition.

Remember that too high ambitions, the desire to be able to do everything at once often scare employers. But such qualities as energy, sociability, openness, quick learning are valued. It is important for the applicant to be able to generate new ideas and be a team player who can be entrusted with a responsible task.

Do not stop looking โ€“ perhaps the dream job has not found you yet. Try, keep at it, and everything will work out. Lucky for those who are lucky.

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